Event Categories
- Comparative Law
- Competition Law
- European Union Law
- International Human Rights Law
- Investment Treaty Law
- Product Liability Law
- Private International Law
- Public International Law
- Rule of Law
- 2023 Annual HRDD Forum Conference: The implications of mHREDD laws for the financial and legal sectors (In Person Participation)
- 50th Anniversary Event Series
The Rule of Law and EU Competition - Criminal Law and the Rights of the Child
- ICSID-SIA-BIICL Conference on Proposed Revision of ICSID Rules
- ITF Meeting: Ethics and the Rule of Law in Investment Arbitration
- International Boundaries Research Unit Conference: 'The State of Sovereignty'
- Maritime Boundary Delimitation by Courts & Tribunals: Progress or Retrogression?
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice (Hybrid)
- Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law
- The Palestine Question in International Law
Book Launch and Discussion - The first verdict of the ECCC - The Duch Case
- The future of Judiciaries in Europe and Beyond
- 'Harry Weinrebe Annual Memorial Lecture' - Contemporary Challenges for International Peace and Justice: Perspectives on Human Rights in the Fight against Terrorism
- 'Lending Into Arrears - A Policy Adrift'
- 'Protecting the marine environment: governance and resource exploitation'
- 'Regulation and Consumer Protection for Healthcare Products - are we Being Safe and Effective?'
- 'The Heroic Undertaking?' The Separate and Dissenting Opinions of Judge Weeramantry during his time
- 'The New British Constitution'?
- 'The future of Europe' conference (Bucharest)
- 'This House has Seen the Collapse of Principle in the Tort of Negligence'
- 'Towards a Sustainable European Company Law. A Normative Analysis of the Objectives of EU Law, with
- (1) The Constitutional and European Implications of the Scottish Referendum; (2) Book launch of Horspool and Humphreys: European Union Law, 8th Edition
- (IP) Learning from the past and directions for the future: how to maintain incentives to invest, promote competition, and guard against harms online in digital markets
- (IP) The EU Corporate Sustainability Due diligence Directive - the road to national implementation
- (IP) Where now for Product Liability in the UK?
- (ON) CLF 21st Anniversary Roundtable: The Future of Private Litigation and collective Redress
- (ON) HRDD Forum: Forced Labour Import Ban Developments
- 10 Days, 10 Issues - Countdown to the Brexit Referendum
- 10th Anniversary Merger Conference
- 10th Anniversary of the International Criminal Court: Achievements to Date and Prospects for the Fut
“Over 1,000 Decisions Since Entry Into Force - 12th Annual BIICL Mergers and Markets Conference
- 13th Annual BIICL Mergers and Markets Conference
- 13th Annual WTO Conference
- 14th Annual BIICL International Mergers and Antitrust Conference
- 15th Annual BIICL International Mergers and Antitrust Conference
- 15th Annual WTO Conference (6 & 7 May 2015)
- 16th Annual BIICL International Mergers and Antitrust Conference
- 16th Annual Conference on WTO Law
- 16th Commonwealth Law Conference 2009 in Hong Kong
- 17th Annual Review of the Arbitration Act
- 17th Commonwealth Law Conference
- 18th Annual Review of the Arbitration Act
- 2009 Conference on the Law of Food and Drink
- 2009 International Law Association (British Branch) Spring Conference
- 2012 Clarendon Law Lectures - Justiciability in National and International Law
- 2013 International Corporate Counsel College
- 2021 BIICL WTO Conference COVID-19 and World Trade: Resilience and Building Back Better
- 2023 Annual HRDD Forum Conference: The implications of mHREDD laws for the financial and legal sectors
- 2023 Annual HRDD Forum Conference: The implications of mHREDD laws for the financial and legal sectors (Online Participation)
- 2023 BIICL Annual WTO Conference. Trade and Technology Challenges and Opportunities (In Person Participation)
- 2023 BIICL Annual WTO Conference. Trade and Technology Challenges and Opportunities (Online Participation)
- 2023 BIICL Annual WTO Conference: Trade and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities
- 2024 ASIL Abroad Meeting - Geneva
- 2024 ASIL Annual Meeting
- 2024 HRDD Forum Annual Conference: Human Rights Due Diligence and the Future of Corporate Human Rights and Climate Change Litigation
- 2024 HRDD Forum Annual Conference: Human Rights Due Diligence and the Future of Corporate Human Rights and Climate Change Litigation (Online Participation)
- 21st Investment Treaty Forum Public Meeting
- 22nd BIICL Annual WTO Conference
- 23rd Investment Treaty Forum Public Meeting: 'Can International Investment Law be Restated? Or is Jurisprudence Constante the El Dorado of Investment Treaty Lawyers?'
- 24th Annual SLS-BIICL Conference on Theory and International Law
- 25th Annual SLS-BIICL Conference on Theory and International Law
- 26th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law
- Sovereignty in Contemporary International Law
">27th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory & International Law - 28th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law
- 29th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law
- 2nd Africa Arbitration Day (Hybrid)
- 2nd Africa Arbitration Day (In person participation)
- 2nd Africa Arbitration Day (online participation)
- 2nd Annual Africa Arbitration Day
- 2nd Annual ICLQ Lecture
Assignment of Contractual Claims under the Rome I Regulation: Choice - 2nd International Conference on Dispute Resolution of Consumer Mass Disputes- Collective Redress, Class Actions and ADR
- 30th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The ‘Constitution for the Oceans’ in Light of Emerging Challenges
- 30th Annual FA Mann Lecture: Collective Security and Non-Aggression: The Contemporary State of the L
- 31st Annual FA Mann Lecture: "The Cost of Never Saying Never"
- 32nd Annual FA Mann Lecture
- 33rd Annual FA Mann Lecture
The Unity and Diversity of International Law - 34th Annual FA Mann Lecture
- 35th FA Mann Lecture - Judicial and Political Decision Making: The Uncertain Boundary
- 36th FA Mann Lecture
- 38th FA Mann lecture
- 39th FA Mann Lecture
- 3rd Annual BIICL/Linklaters Tech Antitrust Roundtable
- 3rd Annual ICLQ Lecture
Why the French Don’t Like the Burqa: Laïcité, National Identity a - 3rd Annual International Conference: Law, Gender and Sexuality
- 3rd Biennial Conference
- 40 Years of the European Communities Act 1972: A Retrospective
- 40th FA Mann Lecture
- 41st FA Mann Lecture: Brexit - Endgame of international engagement or a new start?
- 42nd FA Mann Lecture: Preserving the Rule of Law in the Age of Trump
- 43rd FA Mann Lecture: International Law before United Kingdom Courts - A Quiet Revolution
- 44th Annual FA Mann Lecture: Foreign Relations Law Revisited
- 45th Annual FA Mann Lecture
- 45th Leiden-London Meeting: Legal Aspects of EU-US Relations - Cooperation and Conflict of Interests
- 46th London-Leiden Conference - International Law in Community Law: Another Incoming Tide?
- 48th London-Leiden Conference
Courting Europa: Reflections on Preliminary References - 49th Leiden-London Meeting
- 4th Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law
- 4th Forum of Trans Europe Experts (TEE)
- 50th Anniversary Event Series
Business, the International Rule of Law and Human Rights - 50th Anniversary Event Series
International Co-operation and the Modern Prosecutor - 50th Anniversary Event Series
Investment Protection and the Rule of Law: Change or Decline? - 50th Anniversary Event Series
Uses and Abuses of Comparative Tort Law - 50th Anniversary of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
- 53rd Leiden-London Meeting: "Play by the rules" "But what are the rules?"
- 54th Annual London-Leiden Meeting: EU Accession to the ECHR and Free Movement of Students
- 55th Leiden-London Meeting: "Free movement straining at the seams? Legal challenges facing the EU in the area of migration and the refugee crisis."
- 57th Leiden-London Meeting: Agencies, Accountability and Association: Legal issues of agencies in the EU legal order and in relations with neighbouring States
- 5th 'Avoir Fiscal' Anniversary Tax Conference
- 5th Annual BIICL/Linklaters Tech Antitrust Roundtable
- 5th Ruth Steinkraus-Cohen International Law Lecture: ‘Holding International Organisations and thei
- 60 Years in International Law: Seminar in Honour of Sir Elihu Lauterpacht QC
- 60 years BIICL, 50 years Brussels Regime, 60 years New York Convention
- 61st Leiden-London Meeting 2022
- 62nd London-Leiden Conference: Unity in Diversity: Promoting and defending the Rule of Law as a foundational value in the EU and UK
- 6th Annual BIICL/Linklaters Tech Antitrust Roundtable
- 6th Annual Merger Conference
- 70 Years of the International Court of Justice: The Advisory Function of the Principal Judicial Organ of the United Nations
- 7th Annual International Rule of Law lecture
- 7th Annual Merger Conference
- 7th Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: Procedural Aspects of Investment Treaty Arbitration
- 8th Annual Merger Conference
- 8th Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: Remedies in International Investment Law
- 9th Annual Merger Conference
- 9th Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: The Emerging Jurisprudence of International Investmen
- A British Interpretation of Convention Rights: Lord Irvine of Lairg, The Lord Chancellor 1997-2003
- A CLF 21st Anniversary Roundtable: The Future of Private Litigation and Collective Redress
- A Commonwealth of Laws: At Sixty and Beyond
- A Conversation with Hilary Charlesworth: Innovative Scholar, Law Reformer and International Judge
- A European Code for Competition Litigation?
- A Model Civil Code for Europe?
- A More Literal and Predictable Approach for the Court of Justice of the EU?
- A New Dimension in International Environmental Liability Regimes
- A New Pro-competition Regime in Digital Markets
- A Rules-Based International Order: Benefits and Challenges
- A Rules-Based International Order: Benefits and Challenges (In Person Participation)
- A Rules-Based International Order: Benefits and Challenges (Online Participation)
- A UK Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence Model?
- A UK failure to prevent mechanism for corporate human rights harms: Is it legally feasible?
- A Written Constitution For the United Kingdom?
- A conversation with Sir Nicholas Green: Reflections on the changing competition law environment
- A talk with officials who helped write and negotiate the proposed new EU regulation on FDI
- ABA International's 2007 Spring Meeting
- AI Dependencies and Cultures of Convenience - AI in Warfare Case study
- AI Ethics and the Rule of Law
- ASIL 2020 Annual Virtual Meeting
- ASIL 2022 Annual Meeting
- ASIL 2023 Annual Meeting
- Abuse of dominance: reform or retreat after Microsoft?
- Access to Justice and Public Law Litigation Funding: Addressing a Rule of Law Challenge
- Access to Justice for Children: International Challenges and Good Practices
- Access to Justice in Product Liability Cases : European Comparisons
- Access to Justice in Products Cases
- Access to Justice: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers Across Jurisdictions
- Access to Remedy in National Action Plans to Implement the UNGPs: Are States Still Taking a Nap?
- Access to justice and legal aid: can modern technology compensate for cuts?
- Adhering to traditional methods for modern reasons: statutory interpretation in Ireland
- Administrative Redress: Public Bodies and the Citizen
- Advanced Review of Competition Economics
- Advanced Training Workshop: Corruption and Arbitration
- Advanced Training Workshop: Universal Jurisdiction
- Advocates for International Development Launch
- After Lisbon - Opprobrium or Opportunity?
- After the Arab Spring: Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the Middle East
- Afternoon Symposium on the History of Intellectual Property Law
- Agency in Regime Changes: Dams, Development and Movements for Water Justice
- Alexandre Kojeve’s Idea for a Greater Legal and Economic World Integration:
Is the Current Cri - Alternative ways of dispute resolution in international family law
- American Society of International Law (ASIL) 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting
- An Australian Bill Of Rights
- An Insight into Careers in Public International Law
- Annual Bingham Lecture: Spreading the Rule of Law: Mission Impossible?
- Annual Conference
- Annual Conference 2008
Climate Change and its Challenges for the International Legal System - Annual Conference 2009
Business and International Law - Annual Conference 2010
Righting Private Wrongs: Competition Law, Investor Claims and Mass Litigation in the EU - Annual Conference of British Branch of the ILA: COMPLIANCE
- Annual Conference on Business, Human Rights and Sustainability
- Annual General Meeting
- Annual Grotius Dinner
- Annual Grotius Dinner
- Annual Grotius Dinner 2014
- Annual Grotius Dinner 2015
- Annual Grotius Dinner 2016
- Annual Grotius Dinner 2017
- Annual Grotius Dinner 2019
- Annual Grotius Lecture & Dinner 2016
- Annual Grotius Lecture & Dinner 2017
- Annual Grotius Lecture & Dinner 2018
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2014
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2015
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2016
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2017
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2018
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2019
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2021: What is to become of the UN Human Rights Treaty Body system?
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2023: Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals
- Annual Grotius Lecture 2023: Immunity and International Criminal Tribunals (online participation)
- Annual Grotius Lecture
Group litigation and limitation: who knows what when? - Annual Grotius Lecture and Dinner 2015
- Annual Grotius Lecture: A Global Community of Courts
- Annual Grotius Lecture: The ICJ in the Twenty-First Century - What Lies Ahead?
- Annual Harry Weinrebe Memorial Lecture : Inclusivity and the Law: Do We Need to Prohibit Class Discrimination?
- Annual Harry Weinrebe Memorial Lecture: Do Human Rights Need Rescuing?
- Annual Joint Symposium between the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Compet
- Annual Joint meeting: BIICL-Competition Law Association: Current developments in National Competiti
- Antitrust and the Changing Landscape of the Information Technology Sector
- Application of International Humanitarian Law by Domestic and International Courts
- Appointment and Removal of ISDS Arbitrators: Practical Problems and Prospects for Reform
- Appointment of International Judges and Arbitrators: Legality, Legitimacy and the Rule of Law
- Arbitrating Competition Law Issues: A European and US Perspective
- Arbitrating Financial Disputes - are they different and what lies ahead?
- Arbitration & Asia: Opportunities & Challenges
- Arbitration Day: Arbitration and Sport
- Arbitration and EC-Law - Current Issues and Trends
- Arbitration and the Rule of Law: Challenges, Changes and Contradictions
- Arbitration and the law of nations
- Arbitration for In-House Counsel 2008
- Are States Still Masters of their Treaties? The Role of Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Treaty Interpretation
- Are States Still Masters of their Treaties? The Role of Subsequent Agreements and Subsequent Practice in Treaty Interpretation (Online Participation)
- Arthur Watts Public International Law Seminar Series sponsored by Volterra Fietta: International Law in Domestic Courts: A Global Perspective
- Arthur Watts public international law seminar series sponsored by Volterra Fietta: The New Arctic Frontier in International Law and Diplomacy
- Arthur Watts public international law seminar series sponsored by Volterra Fietta: The Revolution in Foreign Relations Law in the UK and other Commonwealth Jurisdictions
- Article 102 TFEU: a discussion with the European Commission on the draft exclusionary guidelines
- Articles on State Responsibility and Investment Arbitration
- Artificial Intelligence & Partnerships: AI & the DMA
- Artificial Intelligence (AI), Trade, and the Rule of Law
- Artificial Intelligence and Data Economy: A Business and Human Rights Approach
- Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Law: Reimagining the New Roots of Environmental Law
- Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Rule of Law
- Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Regulation - A Conversation with Lord Clement-Jones
- AsianSIL Young Scholars Workshop
- Australia's Asylum Seeker Policies: International Law and the Human Rights Commission
- Autonomous Weapons Systems: Some Legal and Moral Implications
- BCLP & BIICL Conference - Competition in Financial Services
- BEG 30th Anniversary Celebrations
- BIICL / IADC Meeting: Toxic Torts & Emerging risks
- BIICL / IADC Regional Meeting Dinner
- BIICL / UNIL Summer School 2023
- BIICL Alumni Network Summer Party
- BIICL Comparative Arbitration Workshop
- BIICL Short Course: Public International Law in Practice (28 & 29 April 2015)
- BIICL WTO Conference 2018
- BIICL and IADC Regional Meeting
- BIICL- CQIPS CQUT Conference 2022: Integrated Development of Intellectual Property Laws in Countries Along the Belt and Road Initiative
- BIICL/IADC Meeting: Mass Torts and Emerging Risks - European and US Perspectives
- BIICL/IADC Meeting: Mass Torts and Emerging Risks - European and US Perspectives (Dinner)
- BIICL/IADC Meeting: Mass Torts and Emerging Risks - European and US Perspectives (Members)
- BIICL/IADC Meeting: Toxic Torts and Emerging Risks: European and US Perspectives
- BIICL/Linklaters Antitrust Roundtable: Digital disruption in financial services
- Back to the Future: Revitalising the SFO
- Barcelona Traction: 40 Years After
- Barker v Corus - The Emergence of a New Tort?
- Basel Winter Arbitration School
- Basel Winter Arbitration School 2023
- Basel Winter Arbitration School 2024
- Beacon Chargeable Event TEST
- Beacon Free Event TEST
- Beacon Training Course TEST
- Bear Stearns: Recognition of Foreign Insolvency Proceedings in the US
- Behavioural Economics in Competition Inquiries - Nudged into Reality
- Beyond Restitution: What happens to cultural objects after their return?
- Beyond Restitution: What happens to cultural objects after their return? ( online participation)
- Beyond Restitution: What happens to cultural objects after their return? (in person participation)
- Beyond The UK Supreme Court judgment on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill: Reflections on the Continuing Human Rights Journey in Scotland
- Beyond the ICC: The Role of Domestic Courts in Prosecuting International Crimes Committed in Africa
- Bilingualism in law in practice: the experience of Belarus and the United Kingdom
- Bingham Centre Event: The Investigatory Powers Review
- Bingham Lecture 2024 : The Rule of Law in an Age of Populism
- Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction: Where are we and where to next?
- Bolivia’s Exit from ICSID: Legal and Practical Consequences of Denouncing the ICSID Convention
- Book Launch: Business, Human Rights and Transitional Justice
- Bracton and the 3Rs in early modern common law: Reading, Reception and Regicide
- Branding Thoughts: Packaging and Consumer Behaviour
- Brazil 2016 Annual Conference - Rule of Law challenges in Latin America: Corruption and Judicial Independence
- Breaking BREXIT: Coping with a UK withdrawal from the EU in Practice
- Breathing Space - Guidelines for the resolution of disputes in the 2020 pandemic
- Brexit Discussion with Jonathan Faull
- Brexit and the Irish Border: What are the Rule of Law Implications?
- Brexit, China and Other New Challenges to International Trade Law
- Brexit, Devolution and Human Rights - Roundtable
- Brexit, Human Rights and Devolution Roundtable
- Brexit, Rights and Devolution
- Brexit: Crown dependencies and British overseas territories
- Bringing claims for mass data-breaches
- British Influences on International Law
- British Institute of International and Comparative Law Annual General Meeting
- Brussels v British justice
- Building Judicial Independence in Post-Authoritarian Transitions
- Building Peace in Post-Conflict Situations
- Building business value through compliance
- Building the Rule of Law: In Search of Coherence or Case-Specificity?
- Burma/Myanmar: Prospects for Democracy and the Rule of Law
- Business Risk 2007 Conference
- Business Risk in Law Firms 2007
- Business and Human Rights Developments in Belgium, Luxembourg and Portugal
- Business and Human Rights: Implementing the UN Guiding Principles
- Business seminar: Presentation of two BIICL studies on human rights due diligence regulatory options in the UK and EU
- Business, Human Rights and Artificial Intelligence
- Butterworths’ Competition Law for In-House Legal Advisers
- CALL FOR PAPERS: States, peoples and minorities: whither the nation in international law?
- CCLS Series of Events in Financial Law and Regulation
- CIGI-BIICL Conference: Brainstorming the latest and greatest challenges of Brexit
- CLF 21st Anniversary Roundtable and Reception: Taking Stock - Looking Forward
- CLF Lunch Lecture Series: Antitrust in the Digital Age - session 1
- CLF Lunch Lecture Series: Antitrust in the Digital Age - session 2
- CLF Lunch Lecture Series: Antitrust in the Digital Age - session 3
- CLF Lunch Lecture Series: Antitrust in the Digital Age - session 4
- CLF Lunch seminar on digital platforms and other pressing antitrust issues
- CLF Meeting - Question Time: Economists in the hot-tub
- CLF Meeting: “Effective Remedies??
- CLF Meeting: 'Behavioural Economics'
- CLF Meeting: 'Public Health'
- CLF Meeting: Buyer Power
- CLF Meeting: Competition Issues in the Media Sector
- CLF Meeting: Competition Law and Financial Services
- CLF Meeting: Competition Litigation and Collective Actions
- CLF Meeting: Digital Online Platforms and Digital Advertising
- CLF Meeting: Market Investigations
- CLF Meeting: Most Favoured Nation Clauses and General Pricing Clauses
- CLF Meeting: Online Platforms
- CLF Meeting: Paroxetine and beyond
- CLF Meeting: Roundtable Discussion on Intel
- CLF Meeting: Standard Essential Patents ("SEPs")
- CLF Meeting: The Damages Directive and Private Enforcement
- CLF lunchtime seminar: The importance of economic effects
- COVID-19 and International Law: What went wrong and what can we learn from it?
- COVID-19, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Governance. A Conversation with Lord Clement-Jones
- COVID-19, Sino-US Trade War, and International Law Seminar
- CSR in Law Firms
- Call for Papers: Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward
- Call for papers: International Bar Association's Media Law Committee is now commissioning articles f
- Can regulation promote innovation and competition, while guarding against harms online?
- Careers in Public International Law
- Cartel Risk
- Celebrating 20 Years of Francovich in the EU
- Celebrating 40 Years of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
- Chalfen Lecture: "Law-making in Brussels"
- Chalfen Memorial Lecture - "Transnational Corporations and The UN: The Evolution of the Internationa
- Chalfen Memorial Lecture
Law-making in Brussels - Challenges of Arbitration in Asia
- China and International Investment Law
- China's Conception of the Rule of Law and its Impacts on Market Governance
- China—UK Relations in the Changing World
- Civil Remedies for Torture in the UK Courts: Jones v Saudi Arabia
- Civil and Family Judicial Cooperation EU Balance of Competences Review: Assessment of the Brussels I
- Civil and Family Judicial Cooperation: EU Balance of Competences Review
- Class Actions and Product Liability Litigation: An Australian Perspective
- Class action certification: The implications of the Supreme Court’s Merricks Judgment
- Climate Change After Copenhagen
- Climate Change Law (in person participation)
- Climate Change Law (online participation)
- Climate Change Litigation and Corporations. Comparative Perspectives in France and Europe
- Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward (Hasselt Members)
- Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward (In Person Participation)
- Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward (Online Participation)
- Climate Change Litigation in Europe: Comparative & Sectoral Perspectives and the Way Forward (Registration for Accepted Authors)
- Climate Change Litigation: Comparative and International Perspectives
- Climate Change and Inequality: Insights from Research (In person participation)
- Climate Change and Inequality: Insights from Research (online participation)
- Collaborative Resolution of Disputes and COVID-19
- Collective HRDD Engagement and Competition Law
- Collective Redress against Financial Institutions: Financial Services Bill - This event is now fully
- Collective Redress in Europe - Why?
- Collective Redress in the EU, Central & South East Europe
- Collective Redress: Claiming, Defending and Judging
- Collective Redress: Emerging Practice and Everyday Use
- Collective redress procedures in human rights claims against businesses
- Combatting and Criminalizing Cartels and Corruption
- Come Fly with Me: Predatory Pricing
- Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA) Regional Conference
- Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Triennial Conference 2012 – Uganda
- Comparative Law Perspectives on Food Regulation and Product Liability
- Comparative Torts before the Courts:
The Impact of Rome II - Comparing Tort and Crime
- Competition Act Exclusion Orders
- Competition Damages Actions - practice and pitfalls
- Competition Enforcement after Brexit: Agreements, Unilateral Conduct and State Aid
- Competition Enforcement after Brexit: Merger Enforcement
- Competition Law Forum Meeting
- Competition Law Forum Meeting - Health Mergers
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: Competition Appeals Roundtable
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: "Use (and abuse?) of the Counterfactual: mergers and antitrust"
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: 'Article 82 and the Courts'
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: Authorities Roundtable on Enforcement Priorities
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: How Has Competition Policy Improved the Healthcare Sector?
- Competition Law Forum Meeting: Review of Regulation 1/2003
- Competition Law and Economics:
South African Developments in Light of Recent European Experie - Competition Litigation in the EU: Where do we stand?
- Competition Policy 2022
- Competition Policy 2023
- Competition Policy 2024
- Competition Policy in a Changing Political Landscape
- Competition in Financial Services
- Competition policy 2021
- Competitiveness Versus Competition
- Compliance & Ethics Academy
- Compliance with International Environmental Obligations: Holding States to Account
- Conceptual and Empirical Issues in the Analysis of Local Competition: Boots/Alliance Unichem and Oth
- Conflict in the Caucasus: Implications for International Legal Order
- Constitutional Change in France and the UK
- Constitutional Law Group Seminars for Spring 2007
- Constitutional Recognition of First Nations in Australia
- Constitutional Reform in the UK: A Conference on the Brown Commission Report (Part Two)
- Constitutional Reform in the UK: A Conference on the Brown Commission Report (Part Two) non live
- Contesting AI Explanations in the UK
- Control Orders, stealthy derogations and 'legal grey holes': the judicial response to UK anti-terror
- Convergence and divergence in global data protection law
- Convergence and divergence in global data protection law (in person)
- Corporate Accountability and Liability Mechanisms for Climate Change: Developments and Comparative Models
- Corporate Accountability and Liability Mechanisms for Climate Change: Practitioners’ Workshop
- Corporate Climate Litigation Lessons Learned, Comparative Perspectives and Future Pathways
- Corporate Climate Litigation: Lessons Learned, Comparative Perspectives and Future Pathways (in person participation)
- Corporate Restructuring: Managing Investment Risks through Treaty Protections
- Costs in lookalike cases – Is Europe a level playing field?
- Course: Comparative Business Law
- Courts and Democracy
- Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation Schemes: Comparative Perspectives
- Credit Crunch Litigation: Offshore, Domestic and International Perspectives
- Crimes Against Humanity: Developments in International Criminal Law
- Criminal Law and the Rights of the Child
- Criminal Legal Aid and Redress for Victims of Violence: International Perspectives on Access to Justice
- Criminal Sanctions in Intellectual Property: An International and Comparative Perspective
- Criminal cartel prosecution and civil leniency: international perspectives on irreconcilable differe
- Cross Border Abuse: Investigations and Protection?
- Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution - Selected Aspects
- Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution - Selected Aspects
- Cross-Border Commercial Dispute Resolution, Competition Law and IP - Selected Aspects. ONO Intensive Course
- Cross-Border Effects of Banking Resolution
- Cross-border Enforcement of Judgments - An Australian, UK and Global Perspective
- Cross-border Insolvencies post Brexit
- Cross-border Successions: the British-French Example (Succession and Tax Law Aspects)
- Cultural Heritage & Climate Change in the Pacific Region
- Cultural Heritage Governance: Who Should Participate?
- Cultural Heritage in the European Union: Legal Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges
- Cultural Heritage, Cultural Rights and the European Union
- Culture, Art, Cultural Identity and Small States
- Current Challenges (and Opportunities) to Accessing Cultural Heritage in the UK and Beyond
- Current Issues in Human Rights' Law and Practise
- Current Issues in Human Rights’ Law and Practice
- Current Trends in Contemporary International Dispute Resolution: More Practical Reality and Less Abs
- Current Trends in International Criminal Justice: Courts, Cases and the Rule of Law
- Current issues and common challenges for the protection of human rights in Europe, Africa and the Americas
- Damages Claims for Mass Data Breaches: Uk and European Perspectives
- Data Protection
- Data for Investor action on Modern Slavery
- Day 1: The 2020 BIICL Annual WTO Conference
- Day 2: The 2020 BIICL Annual WTO Conference
- Dealing with International Terrorism and Regional Security: Constitutional status and legal framewor
- Death of the Pro-enforcement Myth?
Arbitration and England after Dallah - Deep Seabed Mining & International Law: Is a Precautionary Pause Required?
- Democracy and the Rule of Law in the Age of Covid-19
- Denial of Justice
- Detention, Interrogation and Security: Oversight and Accountability
- Determinants of Anti-trafficking Efforts
- Developing Justice within the International Climate Change Framework
- Developing the UK-EU Relationship: TCA Review and Beyond
- Dialogues between International and Public Law
- Difficult Issues in Commercial, Investor-State, and State-State Dispute Resolution: Differences and Commonalities
- Digital Evidence Research Programme: Cost Effective Dispute Resolution in the Electronic Era
- Dinner to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Investment Treaty Forum
- Directions in Legal Education 2020
- Disinformation in international disputes
- Displacement in and from Ukraine: Risks, Responses, and Legal Dimensions
- Dispute Resolution Post Brexit - Lessons from Denmark, Switzerland and The Hague
- Disputes involving States arising out of war
- Disrupting the disrupters – antitrust strikes back
- Disruptive Competition: What Role for Competition Policy?
- Divergence and alignment: The Rule of Law implications of the future relationship with the EU
- Diversity in the Media: Can Competition Alone Deliver?
- Divorce Iranian Style
- Do Counter-Terrorism Measures Justify Indefinite Detention and Non-Disclosure of Information?
- Do Our Tax Systems Meet Rule of Law Standards?
- Does International Law mean Business - A Partnership for Progress
- Does the Use of Comparative Law Compromise the Rule of Law?
- Doing Business in a Post-Brexit Europe: What of the Single Market?
- Domestic Review of Investment Treaty Arbitrations
- Drones and International Law
- Drug Induced Injury – Risk and Causation
- Due Diligence: From Rhetoric to Practice
- Dynamic Competition and Big Tech Mergers
- E-Disclosure- Beyond the Rules
- EAPIL-BIICL Seminar on the Rome II Regulation
- EC Competition Law: Is there a gap in the enforcement of Article 82?
- EC Public Procurement Law: Damages as an effective remedy?
- ELI/UKAEL Conference: Current Issues in the EU
- EMERGENCY MEETING: Israel in Gaza: violations of internationallaw
- ESG Reporting Requirements: Three emerging EU frameworks and how they interact
- EU & UK Competition Law and Retail Compliance
- EU Common Security and Defence Policy - International/Regional Security: Can Ukraine be a Part of It?
- EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Conversation with European Commission Vice President Schinas
- EU regulates Cross Border Successions: First Reaction to the Commission Proposal
- Economic Rules of Law
- Ecosystems and their Role in Competition Law
- Eighth Annual WTO Conference
- Eighth Annual WTO Conference Dinner
- Elements of a Diplomatically Viable Treaty on Business and Human Rights
- Emissions Trading: International Law and Dispute Resolution
- Employment Law in the Cross-border Context - Practical Problems and Unsolved Questions
- Energy Dispute Resolution: Investment protection, Transit and the Energy Charter Treaty
- Energy Investment in Russia: What Role for the Energy Charter Treaty?
- Enforcement of Public Procurement Rules: Lessons from a Comparative Perspective
- Enforcing Arbitration Agreements: West Tankers – Where are we? Where do we go from here?
- Enforcing the Right to Cultural Heritage
- Enhancing Access to Justice: What can Ombudsman Schemes offer?
- Enhancing the Rule of Law in the EU: A roundtable discussion to be held under Chatham House Rule
- Environmental Disputes – Reflecting on a Recent Decision of the International Court of Justice
- Ethics in the "International Bar": Rules, Gaps and Improvements in the Regulation of the Professional Ethics before International Courts and Tribunals
- Europe Consultation on Revised Draft of the Proposed Business and Human Rights Treaty
- European Commission Digital Services Act
- European Convergence? The European Union’s Participation in the European Convention on Human Right
- European Cross Border Justice Project (ECJP): London Conference
- European Law Seminar Series: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
- European Law Seminar Series: The European Arrest Warrant
- European Law Seminar Series: The European Evidence Warrant
- European Law Seminar Series: The draft 'Reform Treaty' - This event has been postponed until further
- European Law and Investment Treaties: Exploring the Grey Areas
- European Union and Cultural Heritage: Legal and Policy Dilemmas
- Excessive pricing in competition law and economics
- Executive Education: Pharmaceuticals and the Law (Hybrid)
- Executive Education: Pharmaceuticals and the Law (In Person Participation)
- Executive Education: Pharmaceuticals and the Law (Online Participation)
- Expert Roundtable on Banking and the Rule of Law
- Expert Roundtable: Modern Slavery Data for Investor Action
- Experts and Arbitrators, the Interface
- Exploring the breadth of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- External Event: The London Conference on International Law
- Extra Time or Penalties? The Future Shape of the Sports/Competition Law Relationship
- Extraterritoriality and Collective Redress
- FA Mann Project Workshop
- FBLS/AJFB Annual Colloquium
- FULLY BOOKED - Domestic Judges and The European Court of Human Rights: Conflict or Consensus?
- Field Notes: Human rights defenders from Nepal and Zimbabwe speak
- Fifteenth Annual Review of the Arbitration Act 1996: Enforcement of Arbitration Agreements and Award
- Fifth Annual Bingham Centre Lecture: The Rule of Law and the Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Business
- Fifth Annual Strategic Risk Management Conference
- Financial Groups: A Fragmented EU Insolvency Regime
- Financial Market Integrity and Private Sector Corruption in the EU
- Finnish EU-Presidency Lecture
- First Look: "The Treatment of Investment under the Trans-Pacific Partnership"
- First as Tragedy, Then as Farce: The Double Death of Neoliberalism and the Idea of Communism
- Fisheries after Brexit
- Flooding and Other Disasters: Assessing the Current Legal Frameworks
- Focus on Collective Redress – What now, what next?
- Force Majeure and Hardship in Commercial Contracts: Cross-border and Comparative Perspectives
- Foreign Investment Policy in Asia: Liberalization, Facilitation and Screening
- Fortieth ITF Public Conference Territory in International Investment Law (in person participation)
- Fortieth ITF Public Conference Territory in International Investment Law (online participation)
- Fortieth ITF Public Conference: Territory in International Investment Law
- Forty-First ITF Public Conference: Contracts with States in International Investment Law
- Forty-First ITF Public Conference: Contracts with States in International Investment Law (In Person Participation)
- Forty-First ITF Public Conference: Contracts with States in International Investment Law (Online Participation)
- Forty-Second ITF Public Conference: Illegality in International Investment Law
- Forty-Second ITF Public Conference: Illegality in International Investment Law (In Person Participation)
- Forty-Second ITF Public Conference: Illegality in International Investment Law (Online Participation)
- Forum on Expert Evidence in International Tribunals and Launch of ‘Evidence Before the Internation
- Forum on Investor-State Mediation
- Foundation in EU Competition Law
- Free Speech Or Incitement To Religious Hatred: Where Should We Draw The Line?
- Freedom of Information in the WikiLeaks Era
- Freedom of Information: Extending Transparency to the Private Sector
- Freedom to manifest one’s religion: what limits can be imposed on the wearing of the Islamic veil
- French Commerical Code & British Commerical Law within a Global Market-Place 'Celebrating the Bicent
- Freshfields Arbitration Lecture 2010
- Freshfields Arbitration Lecture 2011
- From Herero to the Mau Mau: Litigating Reparations Cases for Colonial Atrocity
- From Samengo-Turner to Duarte: Jurisdiction and Applicable Law in the Context of Employment
- From Spoliated Art Restitution to Colonial Loot Repatriation Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward (Online Participation)
- From Spoliated Art Restitution to Colonial Loot Repatriation: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward
- From Spoliated Art Restitution to Colonial Loot Repatriation: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward (In Person Participation)
- From West Tankers to Gazprom - Arbitration and the Brussels I Regulation after the Recast
- From the Utopianism of Human Rights to the Primacy of the Political
- Full Day Rate - Annual Conference 2011
Financial Regulation in a Global Market: Moving Beyon - Full and Equal Citizens: How to deliver equality for Israel’s Arab Minorities?
- Fundamental Rights within the EU: Fundamental Problems?
- Funding Collective Redress: A Trans-national Perspective
- GATS and Financial Services Seminar
- GE/Honeywell Post-Mortem Practitioner Workshop
- Gaza: The Legal Issues
- Gender Equality, The Charter of Fundamental Rights & Insurance Premiums and Benefits
- Genuine Enjoyment:
The New Frontier for EU Citizenship? - Genuine Enjoyment: The New Frontier for EU Citizenship?
- Global Governance at a Crossroads: Finding Solutions to Challenges Facing the Multilateral Trade System
- Global Health Law
- Global Merger Control conference
- Global Perspectives on Corporate Climate Legal Tactics: Developing a Comparative Toolbox for Corporate Climate Litigation
- Global Sustainability
- Globalisation and Legal Education
- Going East: Product Liability in China
- Governance, Globalisation and the Commonwealth.
- Government response to the pandemic: balancing public health and investment protection
- Group Actions, including Class Actions: Cross-border Aspects
- HKIAC 25th Anniversary
- HRDD Forum Annual Conference: Human Rights Due Diligence, Price and Remuneration
- HRDD Forum Webinar Series: Episode 1: Corporate Due Diligence for Climate Change Impacts: The Status Quo
- HRDD Forum Webinar Series: Episode 2: The (intended) impact of climate change litigation on corporate due diligence
- HRDD Forum Webinar Series: Episode 3: Mandatory Human Rights Due Diligence Laws: What are their Implications Regarding Corporate Climate Change impacts?
- HRDD Forum Webinar Series: Episode 4: Meeting the Standard: What Does Adequate Human Rights Due Diligence for Climate Change Look Like in Practice?
- HRDD Forum Webinar Series: Human Rights Due Diligence for Climate Change Impacts
- HRDD Forum: Covid-19 and Value Chains: Three recent studies
- HRDD Forum: Criminal liability for corporate human rights harms
- HRDD Forum: Damage control or opportunity for change?
- HRDD Forum: Disengagement and Exit in Challenging Contexts: Human Rights Due Diligence Considerations
- HRDD Forum: Forced Labour Import Ban Developments
- HRDD Forum: Forum non conveniens and access to remedy in UK courts post-Brexit
- HRDD Forum: How to measure the 'effectiveness' of corporate human rights regulation
- HRDD Forum: Human Rights Due Diligence in Contracts
- HRDD Forum: The future of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due diligence Directive - different possible scenarios
- HRDD Fourm: The interaction between investment disputes and human rights due diligence
- HRDD in the Public Sector and Public Procurement
- Half Day Rate - Annual Conference 2011
Financial Regulation in a Global Market: Moving Beyon - Harry Weinrebe Annual Lecture: Human Rights in Iran: where are we now?
- Harry Weinrebe Annual Lecture: Perspectives on 15 years in Business and Human Rights - and on where we may be going next
- Harry Weinrebe Annual Memorial Event 2023 (online participation)
- Harry Weinrebe Annual Memorial Lecture - 'The Protection of Cultural Property, the Maintenance of International Peace and Security, and Public International Law'
- Harry Weinrebe Annual Memorial Lecture - Towards Climate Justice? Evaluating the Paris Agreement a Year On
- Harry Weinrebe Annual lecture: Right to a Fair Trial
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Event 2023
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Event 2023 (In person participation)
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Event 2024: Judge Joan Donoghue, "Challenges and Future of International Adjudication", in conversation with Catherine Amirfar. (Hybrid)
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Event 2024: Judge Joan Donoghue, "Challenges and Future of International Adjudication", in conversation with Catherine Amirfar.(in person)
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Event 2024: Judge Joan Donoghue, "Challenges and Future of International Adjudication", in conversation with Catherine Amirfar.(online)
- Harry Weinrebe Memorial Lecture: Inclusivity and the Law
- Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures 2009-10 Part One: Professor Malcolm Shaw QC on Regulating the R
- Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures 2009-10 Part Three: Professor Malcolm Shaw QC on Regulating the
- Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures 2009-10 Part Two: Professor Malcolm Shaw QC on Regulating the R
- Highlights from the 2017 annual ICN meeting in Porto and the direction for the ICN in 2018
- Highlights from the 2018 annual ICN meeting in Delhi and an interactive exchange of views for ICN priorities for the year ahead
- Highlights from the 2019 annual ICN meeting in Cartagena and the direction for the ICN in 2020
- Holding States to account – the practical impact of the International Law Commission’s articles
- Homelessness and Human Rights
- How Markets Fail: The Problem of Rational Irrationality
- How is the Product Safety Regime Working in Practice?
- How to make EU Legislation more accessible
- How to tackle Rule of Law backsliding in the EU?
- Hub and Spoke Agreements and the Retail Sector
- Hub and Spoke arrangements: a comparative view
- Human Current Issues in Human Rights' Law and Practise
- Human Rights Due Diligence and Systemic Inequalities
- Human Rights Due Diligence for Downstream Impacts
- Human Rights Due Diligence in Contracts
- Human Rights Due Diligence in Supply Chains Forum
- Human Rights Education 4 All: A Roundtable
- Human Rights Fact Finding Missions Seminar
- Human Rights Public Lecture: 'Some old truths and necessary new directions' Professor Manfred Nowak,
- Human Rights and Diplomacy: British Citizens Detained Abroad
- Human Rights and Empire
- Human Rights and Small States: Challenges, Resilience, and Advocacy
- Human Rights and education in the MENA Region
- Human Rights and the Global Economy
- Human Rights in International Investment Law: Recent Developments
- Human Rights in Taiwan
- Human Rights in the International Arena: Means of Protection and Prevention
- Human Rights in the Middle East and North Africa Region
- Human Trafficking and COVID-19: What Next?
- Human rights lawsuits against companies – our experiences with victims, their families and busines
- Human rights responsibilities in the oil and gas sector: Applying the UN Guiding Principles
- Human rights symposium: Realising economic, social and cultural rights in the UK
- Humans & Habitats: rethinking rights in an age of climate change
- IADC Meeting Member Booking
- ICC Arbitration Today: Arbitrator Independence With an ICC Mock Court Session
- ICC Institute Masterclass for Arbitrators: Overview of fundamentals and best practices related to se
- ICC/ITF Paris Conference: New Directions in Investment Treaty Law
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2015
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2016: Foreign Fads Or Fashions? The Role Of Comparativism In Human Rights Law
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2017: The Right to Life and the International Law Framework Regulating the Use of Armed Drones
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2018
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2019
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2019 - Judicial Review in the EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2020
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2021
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (In Person Participation)
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (Online Participation)
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2023: Sovereignty Fictions in the United Kingdom's Trade Agenda
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2024: Non-Forcible Measures and the Law of Self-Defence
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2024: Non-Forcible Measures and the Law of Self-Defence (In Person Participation)
- ICLQ Annual Lecture 2024: Non-Forcible Measures and the Law of Self-Defence (Online Participation)
- ICLQ Publishing Workshop in association with Cambridge University Press
- INSOL Europe Annual Congress
- INSOL Europe Annual Congress 2008
- ISDS@Singapore Public Conference: Dimensions of Legitimacy in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
- ITF Debate on Regulatory Freedom and Indirect Expropriation in Investment Arbitration
- ITF Meeting: Annulment in International Investment Law
- ITF Meeting: Counterclaims in Investor-State Arbitration
- ITF Meeting: Damages, Costs and Duration of Investment Treaty Arbitration
- ITF Meeting: Europe as an Investment Treaty Actor
- ITF Meeting: General Principles of Law in Investment Arbitration, and the Hierarchy of Norms under International Law
- ITF Meeting: Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration
- ITF Meeting: Renewing the Relationship between Treaties and Customary International Law
- ITF Meeting: Sovereign Wealth Funds and International Dispute Resolution (in-person)
- ITF Meeting: Sovereign Wealth Funds and International Dispute Resolution (online)
- ITF Meeting: The History of International Investment Law: A Conversation with Antonio Parra and Christoph Schreuer
- ITF Seminar - The Execution of Awards in Investor-State Arbitration: Continuing Challenges for States and Investors
- ITF event: The Ne Ultra Petita Principle and International Investment Treaty Arbitration
- Ideas and Perspectives for a Climate Emergency Bill: Developing a Toolkit for Legislators to Tackle Climate Change
- Images of a Changing Arctic and the Law and Politics They Suggest
- Impact of Bribery and Corruption on the International Arbitral Process
- Impacts of human rights due diligence laws on internal corporate practice (Roundtable)
- Implementation of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights: Opportunities and Challenges for the Rule of Law
- Implementation of the DMA – How will things unfold?
- Implementing Brexit - A Rule of Law Perspective
- Improving racial justice and equality through education
- Inaugural Africa Arbitration Day
- Inaugural Annual ICLQ Lecture
Peace negotiations and Gender Justice: Women and UNSC 1325 - Inauguration of the Arthur Watts Senior Research Fellowship in Public International Law
- India-United States Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
- India: An Update on Data Protection Legislation
- Indigenous Peoples and Natural Resources in the Arctic
- Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine (Hybrid)
- Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine (in person participation)
- Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine (online participation)
- Industrial Policy and Competition Enforcement
- Innovation in Life Sciences
- Innovative Business Models and Structures
- Insolvencies of Cross-Border Financial Institutions: Uncertainties and Possible Remedies
- Insolvency: Current Questions in Cross-Border Scenarios
- Institut de Droit International meeting
- Integration and International Dispute Resolution in Small States
- Intensive Course: Climate Change Litigation - Hybrid (in person participation)
- Intensive Course: Climate Change Litigation - Hybrid (online participation)
- Intensive Course: Cross Border Dispute Resolution - Hybrid (in person participation)
- Intensive Course: Cross Border Dispute Resolution - Hybrid (online participation)
- Intensive Course: Foundations of Public International Law
- Intensive Course: Foundations of Public International Law (Online participation)
- Intensive Course: Law of the Sea
- Intensive Course: Law of the Sea - Hybrid (online participation)
- Inter-State Complaints in International Human Rights Law
- Inter-State Complaints in International Human Rights Law
- Internal Market, Social Policy and Protectionism
- International Arbitration Planner
- International Association of Defense Counsel Regional Meeting
- International Cartels Conference
- International Cartels – Comparative Perspectives on Practice, Procedure and Substance
- International Child Abduction and Human Rights: A Critical Assessment of the Status Quo
- International Commercial Arbitration- The View from the Commonwealth Ecosystem
- International Commercial Arbitration: Study of a mock case under the ICC Rules of Arbitration
- International Commercial Courts: The Future of Transnational Adjudication
- International Conference on Digital Evidence
- International Conference: 2nd Singapore Conference on International Investment Arbitration – Inter
- International Constitutional Law
- International Criminal Responsibility: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives
- International Dispute Resolution: Reflections and Redirections
- International Economic Agreements and the Rule of Law - the case of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)
- International Energy Law: Russia and Europe
- International Environmental Governance - Where From Here?
- International Environmental Mass Litigation - Lessons for Europe
- International Investment Arbitration - Course & Conference
- International Justice and The Rule of Law: The 70th Anniversary of Nuremberg Trials
- International Justice: Between Impunity and Show Trials
- International Law Opportunities and Challenges for the Obama Administration: From Closing Guantanam
- International Law Reform Conference
- International Law and the Practice of Targeted Killing with Drones
- International Law in Practice
- International Law in the European Court of Human Rights
- International Law in the European Court of Justice
- International Law of Territorial Disputes: Current Issues
- International Protection of Adults - the Current Legal Framework Under Scrutiny
- International Space and Cyber Security: Is International Law (Finally) Going Extra-terrestrial?
- International Structured Finance, Law & Practice
- International Terrorism and Human Rights
- International law before UK Courts: Current Trends and Future Challenges
- International-level dispute resolution for mass claims / human rights claims
- Interpretation in International Law: The Object, the Players, the Rules, and the Strategies
- Interpretation under the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties - 25 Years on
- Intolerance in the Ivory Tower: the threat to the free speech of scholars
- Intra-EU Investment Treaties and EU Law: The Current State of Play
- Investment Arbitration Strategy - Pragmatic Moves and Manoeuvres
- Investment Protection In India.
- Investment Treaty Forum Lunchtime Seminar
'Causation, Investment Risk and Remedies: Some Rece - Investment Treaty Forum Meeting (Paris)
- Investment Treaty Forum Meeting: Foreign Direct Investment, the Rule of Law, and International Investment Treaties: Theory, Policy and New Evidence
- Investment Treaty Forum Seminar 'Lisbon Treaty and the Future of EU BITs'
- Investment Treaty Forum Seminar: "The Brave New World of EU Investment Treaties - the Commission's Many Faces"
- Investment Treaty Forum Special Conference: Current Issues in Valuation & Quantum in Investor-State Arbitration
- Investment Treaty Forum Special Conference: To Be or Not to Be for ISDS in TTIP? Vilnius, Lithuania
- Investment Treaty Forum and UNCITRAL Seminar
- Investment Treaty Forum: 22nd Public Conference
- Investor Roundtable: Modern Slavery Data for Investor Action
- Iraq Inquiry announcement
- Is AI and Mass Data Sharing the Future of Legal Ideas?
- A panel discussing Grietje Baars' upcoming book Law, Capital, and The Corporation."
">Is Corporate Accountability Possible in Capitalism? - Is Privacy a Competition and Consumer Issue?
- Is antitrust still fit for purpose in a digital age?
- Is the definition of a Gatekeeper in the DMA the right one?
- Is the rule of law too vague a notion to be monitored and enforced by the EU against backsliding Member States?
- Islam, International and Comparative Law : Current Issues
- Islam, the application of Sharia, and Human Rights
- Islamic Law Before Courts: An Analysis of Reach and Application
- Islamic Law Before Courts: An Analysis of Reach and Application.
- Islamic Law and its Implementation in Asia and The Middle-East
- JUSTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL CRIMES: Addressing Gaps in United Kingdom Law and Practice
- Josephine Onoh Memorial Lecture - First Prosecutions at the International Criminal Court
- Journal of Private International Law Conference 2007
- Judicial Activism and the Rule of Law: Lessons from India
- Judicial review and the Rule of Law: An Introduction to the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, Part 4
- Jurisdiction Agreements on Trial: Current Problems – Future Solutions
- Jurisdiction in IP Disputes
- Jurisdiction of North-American Courts: When Will the Long Arm Reach You?
- Justice for All? The International Criminal Court: A Conference – Ten Year Review
- Justice in a Secularising and Pluralising Society
- Kadi and FIAMM: Sharper Divisions between the EC and the International Legal Orders?
- Kaplan Lecture 2024: Taking Arbitration to Where it Belongs: Dispensing Justice
- Kosovo: To Recognize or Not to Recognize — That is the Question
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: Evaluating the Right to Housing
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures Discussion - Regulating the Rela
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: International Law and the Agency Problem - Insights from Economic The
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: Negotiating the UN Arms Trade Treaty - Law and Policy
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: The Immediate Future of the Crime of Aggression
- LCIL Friday Lunchtime Lecture: The UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict
- LSE Human Rights Panel Debate: 'Can Human Rights Survive?'
- Lamfalussy – Is it Working? The Impact of the Lamfalussy Procedures on the Market Abuse Directive
- Latest Development in Pre Pack Administration
- Latest Developments in the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Law
- Latest Developments in the Law of Reparations
- Launch Event: Final Report of the Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers
- Launch of Empirical Study on Annulment in Investor-State Disputes
- Launch of Untold Stories series with: Building Oblivion
- Launch of the Final Report of the Independent Commission on UK Public Health Emergency Powers
- Law Enforcement Operations at Sea: Challenges and Responses
- Law and Change in a Pandemic World
- Law and Change: Smart Cities and Sustainability
- Law and Change: Smart Cities, Platform Economy and the Vulnerable
- Law and Change: Social Media
- Law and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Law firms and chambers seminar: Regulatory options for human rights due diligence in the EU and UK: Presentation of two BIICL studies
- Law of the Sea: New Frontiers and Frictions
- Law, Culture and Human Rights in Asia and the Middle East
- Law-making in Illiberal Regimes
- LawGPT?: Using AI to Modernize Judicial Systems, Legal Practices and the Future of Legal Work
- Lawyering and Mediation: What Can We Learn from the USA?
- Legal Aspects of Fintech - What You Need to Know
- Legal Challenges Post Brexit
- Legal Needs and Legal Capability: Lessons for Legal Services from the Civil and Social Justice Panel Surveys
- Legal Practice in International Law
- Legal consequences of the separation of the Chagos Archipelago from Mauritius (ICJ Advisory Opinion)
- Legitimate Expectations in International Investment Law
- Legitimate Military Objectives in Aerial Bombing Campaigns
- Lessons for a 'Post-Pandemic' Future
- Lessons from the United Nations War Crimes Commission for Contemporary Immunities Law
- Lexis Nexis Competition Litigation Conference
- Liability of Safety Supervisors
- Lis Pendens in International Litigation
- Lisbon Treaty: The way forward for Investment Protection
- Litigating Commercial Claims in the UK - Why or Why Not?
- London School of Economics and Political Science Forth Coming Events
- Lord Patten of Barnes
Foreign Policy and Human Rights: Is there a Contradiction? - Lunchtime Tax Seminar: ECJ Cases Update I
- Lunchtime Tax Seminar: ECJ Dividend Taxation III
- Lunchtime Tax Seminar: ECJ and Dividend Taxation II
- Lunchtime Tax Seminar: ECJ and Exit Taxes
- Lunchtime Tax Seminar: Recent Tax Directive Cases
- Making Sense of Public Authority Liability
- Making a Rule of Law Compliant Immigration Detention System
- Managing Migration Flows in the Mediterranean? A Critical Appraisal
- Managing Third Party Compliance and Ethics Risk
- Mandatory Laws in International Arbitration
- Maritime Boundaries in the Gulf of Guinea: Latest developments and implementation of the ICJ Cameroo
- Maritime boundary delimitation - current issues in international jurisprudence and Japan's experienc
- Marking a new era for equality and human rights in Britain
- Matrimonial Property Regimes in the Conflict of Laws: A European Regime?
- Medical Devices Regulation & Liability
- Medical Devices and Product Liability
- Medical Devices in the EU & US
- Melting the political ice? Recent developments in the Arctic
- Memorial Services to honour the life and work of Professor Sir Ian Brownlie CBE QC
- Merger control and the CMA role in the post-Brexit world
- Merricks v MasterCard: Collective Actions Reinvigorated
- Michaelmas Term Lecture Programme 2009
- Mining Disputes Between Investors and States
- Mining Disputes Between Investors and States (In Person Participation)
- Mining Disputes Between Investors and States (Online Participation)
- Minority Interests in Competitors
- Mobilising the Rule of Law in Climate Change
- Modern Disputes Management and Arbitration for Competitive Economies
- Money Laundering, where are the Authorities going now?
- Monitoring and Enforcement of the Rule of Law in the EU: Rhetoric and Reality
- Most Favoured Nation Clauses: recent developments and prospects
- Multilateralism at Risk: traditional intellectual property treaties and the threat of trade and investment agreements
- Multinational Companies: Of Institutional “Spheres of Influence?, Corporate Social Responsibilit
- Myanmar: Recent Developments in International Law
- National Security Regime and FDI (In Person Participation)
- National Security Regime and FDI (Online Participation)
- New Approaches to Self-Determination Conference
- New Approaches to Self-determination Conference
- New Developments in Arbitration Law and Practice: From Class Arbitration to Brussels I
- New Developments in Indian Environmental Law
- New Developments in State Immunity
- New directions beyond Intel: The debate over rebates
- New empirical research on Intellectual Property litigation and launch of Platform regulation project
- Ninth Annual Review of the Arbitration Act
- Ninth Annual WTO Conference
- Ninth Annual WTO Conference Dinner
- Non-State Actors in International Law: Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop
- Non-justiciability: Reappraisal of Buttes Gas in the Light of recent Decisions
- Nuclear Weapons in International Law and Politics
- Nuclear Weapons, Energy and the Environment - The 10th Anniversary of the ICJ’s Advisory Opinion o
- Object/Effect and Information Sharing – the good, the bad and the ugly
- Obligations of States in Undelimited Maritime Areas
- Off The Record
- On Bits of Europe Everywhere: Overseas Possessions of the EU Member States in the Legal-Political Co
- On-line Pricing Issues – can lowest price guarantees ever be a bad thing?
- Online Search: "Antitrust"
- Online advertising, human rights and the Rule of Law (New York)
- Online retail: the changing landscape and ramifications for competition policy
- Open Roundtable of the Investment Treaty Forum ‘Global Financial Crisis: Implications for Investme
- Operationalizing the Geneva Conventions
60th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions - Our Future in the Balance: The Role of Courts and Tribunals in Meeting the Climate Crisis
- Out of the Bretton Woods: Building a World Bank for the 21st Century
- Out of the frying pan into the fire?
The UK’s rejection of the new EU Regulation on internatio - Oversight of the Rule of Law in the European Union: Opportunities and Challenges
- Oxford Public International Law Discussion Group
- Oxford University Commonwealth Law Journal
- PLF Event: Applying Product Liability rules to online platforms
- PLF MEETING - International perspectives on the recommendations of Lord Justice Jackson's Report on
- PLF MEETING -Contingency Fees in Comparative Perspective: Update on the developments in England & W
- PLF MEETING: Regulatory Standards & Liability : Developing the Appropriate Assessment Model for Medi
- PLF Meeting - Emerging Risks in Product Liability and Mass Tort Cases
- PLF Meeting - Event on Wilkes v De Puy
- PLF Meeting: Domestic Appliances and Product Liability
- PLF Meeting: Emergency vaccines & Liability
- PLF Meeting: Funding Product Liability & Group Claims
- PLF Meeting: Is the Product Liability Directive Fit for Purpose: the Challenges of New Technology
- PLF Meeting: Recent developments in health care product liability - The impact of Wyeth v Levine
- PLF Meeting: The Future of Mass Tort Claims
- PLF Meeting: The Issue of Automotive Liability
- PLF Meeting
CLAF : Towards a self-funding scheme for civil litigation? - PLF Seminar - Accountability Strategies in Regulatory and Product Liability Issues with Food and Dri
- PLF Seminar : Collective redress in Europe : where now?
- PLF Seminar on Punitive Damages in Europe
- PLF Seminar: Reviewing the Application of the PL Directive; the Commission’s Fourth Report
- PLF Webinar on Product Liability and Emergency Products
- PLF meeting: New Regulatory Landscape for Products post-Brexit
- POSTPONED - European Convergence? The European Union’s participation in the European Convention on
- POSTPONED: From Spoliated Art Restitution to Colonial Loot Repatriation: Lessons Learnt and Ways Forward
- POSTPONED: International and Comparative Law Quarterly Publishing Workshop in association with Cambridge University Press
- POSTPONED: Prosecuting in the public interest: Independence without isolation
- POSTPONED: Short Course: Legal Practice in the Digital Age: An Introduction to Data Literacy
- Parliamentary Scrutiny, Evidence and the Rule of Law: lessons from the pandemic and beyond
- Part 1: Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus
- Part 2: Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus
- Part 3: Global Legislative Responses to Coronavirus
- Partnerships for Practice: Making the Global Compact on Migration Work
- Passengers' Rights in the EU: Sturgeon and the Member States
- Pathogen Sharing and International Law The Search for Equity Under the Pandemic Treaty (In Person Participation)
- Pathogen Sharing and International Law The Search for Equity Under the Pandemic Treaty (Online Participation)
- Pathogen Sharing and International Law: The Search for Equity Under the Pandemic Treaty
- Peace Day 2020 Live Global Digital Experience
- Performance Requirement Prohibitions in International Investment Agreements
- Perspectives and Impact of Climate Change Litigation on Businesses and Banks
- Perspectives on Causation
- Perspectives on International Criminal Law Conference
- Pharmaceutical Regulation and Product Liability
- Pharmaceuticals - Changing Competition Dynamics
- Philippe Sands in Conversation with Razia Iqbal
- Pipelines and International Law
- Piracy, Terrorism and War:
Clarifying the Concepts Involved - Polemics and Persuasion - The use of International Law by NGOs
- Post Brexit: The Fate of Commercial Dispute Resolution in London and on the Continent
- Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Precedent in Investment Arbitration
- Preparing for Climate Change - Developing the Paris Rulebook
- Preventative strategies and how local communities view violent extremism
- Privacy and the Law : Comparative aspects
- Privacy in an Open Society
- Private Diplomacy, Public Peace: Practical Challenges in Contemporary Peace Negotiations
- Private International Law - Challenges for Today's Markets
- Private International Law in National Adjudication
- Private security and human rights
- Procedural Fairness in International Courts and Tribunals
- Procedural Justice : Comparative aspects
- Procedural Reform in International Courts and Tribunals: Feasible? Desirable?
- Product Liability Forum & Food Law Group Seminar: High Court Glucosamine Judgment
- Product Liability Forum | Compensation Schemes for COVID-19 vaccines: UK, comparative and international perspectives.
- Product Liability Litigation in the Automobile Industry : the Challenges of Global Litigation.
- Product Liability and Mass Torts in a Global Marketplace.
- Product Safety and Market Surveillance Package: Cross Perspectives on the Commission Proposal
- Product liability, litigation funding and collective actions - redressing the balance?
- Professional Services Hr Strategies
- Promoting Climate Justice through International Law: Climate Litigation & Climate Advisory Opinions
- Property Rights of International Couples Attention: The EU Intervenes
- Proportionality: A Transversal Principle?
Comparative Law Perspectives - Prosecuting Sudanese President al-Bashir before the International Criminal Court: A Risky Venture?
- Prosecuting in the public interest: Independence without isolation
- Prosecutorial Discretion and the Rule of Law
- Prospects for the 2010 Review Conference of the NPT: Challenges for the legal regime for nuclear non
- Protecting Civil Society in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities for the Rule of Law
- Protecting Education in Conflict
- Protection and Recovery for Vulnerable Groups, Post-Pandemic: European and Asian Approaches
- Protection and recovery for vulnerable groups, post pandemic: European and Asian approaches
- Proving Intent in the Digital Environment
- Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (2023 Study Launch)
- Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (in-person participation)
- Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (online participation)
- Public Interest Environmental Law Annual Conference on "Trading Towards Unsustainability: The Legal
- Public International Law in Practice
- Public International Law in Practice (in person participation)
- Public International Law in Practice (online participation)
- Public International Law in the Courts of the United Kingdom
- Public International Law in the Courts of the United Kingdom in 2018
- Public International Law in the UK Courts: Recent Developments and Issues
- Public International Law in the courts of the United Kingdom
- Public International Lawyers in Practice
- Public Launch of the Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation
- Public Launch of the Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation (In Person Participation)
- Public Launch of the Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation (Online Participation)
- Public Lecture: 'Iraq and the law: what went wrong?'
- Publishing Workshop
- Punitive Damages - Europe Strikes Back!?
- Quantifying Antitrust Damages - Towards Non-Binding Guidance for Courts
- Rapid Response Briefing
‘Saving the Banks: What Price Nationalisation?’ - Rapid Response Event: Consumer Rights Act 2015 - The UK Class Action: A Reaction
- Rapid Response Event: Europe's Investment Court Proposal
- Rapid Response Event: Returning ISIS Brides and Fighters: What are the Options?
- Rapid Response Event: “Trial of the Century”: USA vs Google
- Rapid Response Seminar - Assessing the Legal and Practical Effects of the Cancun Agreements on Clima
- Rapid Response Seminar - ICJ Judgment in Germany v Italy (Jurisdictional Immunities of the State)
- Rapid Response Seminar
Reparations to Victims:
The Recent International Criminal Court D - Rapid Response Seminar:
Liberating Libya?
The legality and consequences of military - Rapid Response Seminar: Private actions in UK competition law: BIS's proposed options for reform
- Rapid Response Seminar
Humanitarian Intervention, International Law and Syria - Rapid Response Webinar: Analysing the Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty
- Rapid Response Webinar: Reflections on the South Africa v. Israel Case at the International Court of Justice
- Rapid-Response Seminar - The First Judgment of the International Criminal Court – the Lubanga Case
- Rapid-Response Seminar: European Court Decisions on Human Rights in Iraq
- Rapid-response Reflections on the ITLOS Advisory Opinion
- Recalling the Rule of Law:A report on the protection of human rights defenders and the rule of law i
- Recent Developments in Intellectual Property in Australia: with reference to the global economy
- Recent Developments in International Arbitration in Canada and London: a comparative review
- Recent Developments in International Criminal Law: Hopes and Fears
- Recent Developments in State Immunity: A Comparative Perspective
- Recent Developments in UK Mergers
- Recent Developments in UK Mergers (X)
- Recording: Government response to the pandemic: balancing public health and investment protection
- Recording: Termination of Intra-EU BITs: Legal and Government response to the pandemic
- Recovering Stolen State Assets and the Proceeds of Grand Corruption
- Redefining general jurisdiction in the US post Daimler
- Redressing Violations of International Law: the role of non-State actors in relation to Education
- Reflecting on the decision in Gee v Depuy
- Reform and International Law (Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop)
- Reform of Article 82
- Reforming European and UK Financial Regulation
FULLY BOOKED - Reforming Group Action Procedures: the Civil Justice Council Report on Collective redress
- Reforming the ECtHR: would closer co-operation with national supreme courts help?
- Reforming the Judiciary in China (1978-2016)
- Reforming the Product Liability Directive
- Reframing Jurisdiction: Revising the Grounds or a New Scheme?
- Regionalism in International Arbitration
- Regulation & Licensing of Medicines - reforms in light of Seroxat
- Regulation Forum Meeting
- Regulatory Freedom and Indirect Expropriation in Investment Arbitration
- Regulatory State: Constitutional Implications
- Regulatory and Corporate Reforms in Italy: How will they affect Europe?
- Relighting the Flame of the Tibetan Question
- Report Launch Event: 'The Use of Force in Relation to Sovereignty Disputes over Land Territory'
- Report Launch: Impacts of Human Rights Due Diligence Laws on Internal Corporate Practice
- Representing Interests of States in International Courts and Tribunals
- Reproduction: An Issue of Human Rights in Conjunction with the BIOS Centre
- Reservations to Treaties: the New ‘Guide to Practice’
- Resilience and Rights: Navigating Post-Pandemic Recovery for Vulnerable Groups
- Resolving Competing Claims - the recent Abyei Arbitration in Sudan
- Resolving Competing Claims – the recent Abyei Arbitration in Sudan
- Resource Pack: Force majeure and hardship in commercial contracts cross-border and comparative perspectives
- Restoring the Balance Between Businesses: Unfair Commercial Practices in B2B Relations
- Reviewing the ICC Review Conference
- Reviewing the Review : The European Commission's Third Review of the Product Liablity Directive
- Reviewing the Review: What Needs to Change at the International Criminal Court?
- Reviewing the new Product Liability Directive
- Revised ICSID Arbitration Rules: Key Changes (In Person Participation)
- Revised ICSID Arbitration Rules: Key Changes (Online Participation)
- Revisiting Rome II: National Developments
- Revisiting: We, the Robots
- Rio Earth Summit: Past, Present and Future
- Risk, Interest Rate and Theories of Justice: Islamic and Conventional Perspectives
- Rome I Regulation: The UK set to Opt-in
- Rome I amd Rome II – What Europe has in Mind
- Rome I and Rome II – What Europe has in mind
- Rome II at 10: Looking back and ahead
- Rome II – Case Law and Controversy
- Roundtable Discussion - Sustaining Peace through the Rule of Law: The Role of Police, Justice and Corrections in UN Peace Keeping Operations
- Roundtable Discussion on the UK National Contact Point
- Roundtable Discussion: The Rule of 'non-law'
- Roundtable on An International Law Handbook: Protecting Education in Insecurity and Armed Conflict
- Roundtable on UNCITRAL Working Group III: Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform
- Roundtable on UNCITRAL Working Group III: Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform (In Person Participation)
- Roundtable on UNCITRAL Working Group III: Investor-State Dispute Settlement Reform (Online Participation)
- Roundtable: Human Rights in International Investment Law - Recent Developments
- Roundtable: Measuring the Effectiveness of Home State Regulatory Models on Corporate Behaviour
- Roundtable: Measuring the Effectiveness of Home State Regulatory Models on Corporate Behaviour (In Person Participation)
- Roundtable: Measuring the Effectiveness of Home State Regulatory Models on Corporate Behaviour (Online Participation)
- Roundtable: Unlocking Investment in Ukraine (hybrid)
- Roundtable: Unlocking Investment in Ukraine (in person participation)
- Roundtable: Unlocking Investment in Ukraine (online participation)
- Rule of Guidance?
- Rule of Law Challenges in Burundi - the inside view with Gervais Rufyikiri
- Rule of Law Measurement: Uses and Users
- Rule of Law at a Crossroads: The Walesa Case as a Catalyst for Rebuilding Judicial Independence?
- Rule of Law in Times of Health Crises: Protecting Rights and Saving Lives
- Russian Counter Sanctions - Strategies and Solutions after UniCredit v RCA
- SIDRA-BIICL Webinar: Implications of China’s Doctrine of Strict State Immunity on Belt & Road Disputes
- SLS International Law Section/ British Institute of International and Comparative Law 20th Conferenc
- SLS/British Institute of International and Comparative Law 21st Conference
Contemporary Issu - SMEs and the Rule of Law in Africa: legal developments, regulatory challenges and prospective solutions
- Safeguarding London’s Standing in International Dispute Resolution: The Rule of Law and Judicial Independence in Practice
- Sanctions and Embargoes: International Law and Contemporary Practice
- Sanctions, Countermeasures and Human Rights
- Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes - Issues of Jurisdiction and Merits
- Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes - Issues of Jurisdiction and Merits (In Person Participation)
- Sanctions-Related ISDS Disputes - Issues of Jurisdiction and Merits (Online Participation)
- Save the date: International Justice Day Event
- Save the date: The 16th Annual Review of the Arbitration Act
- Scotland in the World: What Now?
- Second Conference on India-United States Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
- Section of International Law 2013 Fall Meeting
- Securities Claims: A Trans-national Perspective
- Security and International Law
- Seeking Truth and Pursuing Justice: An Open Wound from Mexico’s Dirty War?
- Selecting International Judges: Principle, Process and Politics
- Sensible Tech Regulation in the EU
- Sensible Tech Regulation in the UK
- Settlements and Alternative Mechanisms in Collective Redress
- Seventh Annual WTO Conference
- Shabtai Rosenne Memorial Lecture
- Shockwaves from the Caucasus: Implications of the recent conflict in Georgia
- Short Course - Rule of Law: From Principles to Practice
- Short Course Public International Law in Practice (In Person Participation)
- Short Course Public International Law in Practice (Online Participation)
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice
- Short Course: Artificial Intelligence Governance
- Short Course: Artificial Intelligence, Law and Ethics
- Short Course: Aviation Law
- Short Course: Brexit and the Rule of Law
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights (Online Participation)
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights (in person participation)
- Short Course: Business and Human Rights (online participation)
- Short Course: Children's Rights: Current Challenges in a Global Perspective (Online Participation)
- Short Course: Children’s Rights: Current Challenges in a Global Perspective (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Children’s Rights: Current Challenges in a Global Perspective (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: Climate Change Law
- Short Course: Climate Change Law
- Short Course: Climate Change Law (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Climate Change Litigation
- Short Course: Copyright and Data
- Short Course: Cross Border Dispute Resolution
- Short Course: Cross Border Dispute Resolution
- Short Course: Cross-border Dispute Resolution
- Short Course: Cross-border Dispute Resolution - May 2016
- Short Course: Cyber Operations and International Law
- Short Course: Energy Law
- Short Course: Energy Law (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Energy Law (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: Energy Law (Online Participation)
- Short Course: Energy and Natural Resources Law
- Short Course: European Rule of Law Toolbox
- Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law
- Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law (Online Participation)
- Short Course: International Cultural Heritage Law
- Short Course: International Labour Law
- Short Course: International Law in Practice
- Short Course: International Law in Practice
- Short Course: International Migration and Refugee Law
- Short Course: International Migration and Refugee Law (Hybrid)
- Short Course: International Refugee and Migration Law (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: International Refugee and Migration Law (Online Participation)
- Short Course: International Trade Law
- Short Course: International Trade Law
- Short Course: International Trade, Investment and Business Law
- Short Course: Introduction to the Rule of Law
- Short Course: Law of the Sea
- Short Course: Law of the Sea (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Law of the Sea (In Person Participation)
- Short Course: Law of the Sea (Online Participation)
- Short Course: Law of the Sea (in person participation)
- Short Course: Law of the Sea (online participation)
- Short Course: Pharmaceuticals and Intellectual Property
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice (Hybrid)
- Short Course: Public International Law in Practice (November 2019)
- Short Course: Trade Marks and Designs
- Short Course: Transitional Justice - Timing and Tools
- Short Course: WTO Law
- Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law
- Should FDI be restricted on national security grounds?
- Sir Ian Brownlie CBE QC, Memorial Seminar
- Sixth Annual Bingham Lecture
- Sixth Annual Trans-Atlantic Dialogue Gala Dinner
- Sixth Annual WTO Conference
- Sixth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: Expropriation in Investment Treaty Law
- Slynn Foundation Open Forum
- Small States and Access to Justice
- Small States, International Law and the Realisation of Rights
- Sovereign Wealth Funds and Regional Development Banks: Innovations in Investment and Finance
- Sovereignty in Question
- Sport and Human Rights: A Conversation with Sarah Joseph
- Sports Law in the European Union
- Standardisation, Innovation and Consumers - What is Next in FRAND Licensing?
- Standards of Compensation and Measures of Value in International Investment Arbitration
- State Aid Reform
- State Aid and Financial Services: Impact of the Credit Crisis?
- State Aid and Tax Rulings webinar
- State Aid and Tax – Two ECJ landmark rulings
- State Aid, Tax and the Notion of Selective Advantage
- State Immunity and Human Rights
- State Responsibility for Cyber Operations: International Law Issues
- State responsibility: Where are we and where to next?
- Statutes and the Contemporary Search for Meaning
- Stock Exchange Mergers
- Strasbourg and the UK: Dialogue or Conflict?
- Strategic Risk Management
- Substance and Procedure in the Law Applicable to Torts – Harding v Wealands and the Rome II Regula
- Suing the Military: Tracing the Contours of Legal Liability of the Armed Services
- Sukuk, their practical applications and challenges
- Summer School: Law and Technology
- Summer School: Public International Law (Hybrid)
- Summer School: Public International Law (In Person Participation)
- Summer School: Public International Law (Online Participation)
- Surveying European Developments in Product Liability
- Sustainability Considerations in Competition Enforcement
- Sustainability, Competition Law and Greenwashing
- Sustainable Development in World Investment Law
- Sustainable Rescue: From Survival to the Knowledge Society
- Swiss-UK Bilateral Relations outside EU Membership
- Symposium on 'Public and Private Governance of Cybersecurity: Challenges and Potential'
- Symposium: 30th Anniversary of the Entry into Force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The ‘Constitution for the Oceans’ in Light of Emerging Challenges
- TOPRA Benefit Risk Round Table
- Tackling Climate Change Through Private Law: Comparative Insights and Prospects
- Tackling Climate Change Through Private Law: Comparative Insights and Prospects (Free)
- Taking Cross-Border Insolvency Proceedings to a New Level? The reform of the European Insolvency Regulation
- Taking Stock of Work of the Expert Group Meeting on Corruption and International Investments
- Taking Stock: International Commercial Courts in Europe and Asia
- Taking Stock: International Commercial Courts in Europe and Asia (in-person)
- Tax-related Measures in Investor-State Arbitration
- Tax-related Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (In Person Participation)
- Tax-related Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (Online Participation)
- Teaching International Law Webinar Series
- Temple Garden Chambers Seminar Series in International Adjudication - Global Administrative Law and its Judicial Component: Where can International Officials Seek Protection of their Rights?
- Temple Garden Chambers Seminar Series in International Adjudication - International Arbitration and Developing Countries: What are the Benefits and What is the Way Forward?
- Temple Garden Chambers Seminar Series in International Adjudication - The Court of Justice of the European Union and Public International Law: Strange Bedfellows?
- Ten Years after Salini: What really is an Investment?
- Ten Years of the International Criminal Court
- Tenth Annual WTO Conference
- Tenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
- Termination of Intra-EU BITs: Legal and Practical Consequences for Pending and Future Disputes
- Terrorism, Fair Trials and the Role of the Courts
- Test
- Testing New Medicines: humans for sale
- Testing the Boundaries of International Humanitarian Law (1-2 June)
- Thalidomide : Legal & Medical Perspectives
- The Fourteenth Annual Review of the Arbitration Act 1996:
The State of English Law on the Enforc - The "Refugee Crisis": Challenges and Implications for International and EU Law
- The 'Rome I' Proposal: The Law Applicable to Contractual Obligations
- The 'War on Terrorism': Legal, Military and Political Strategies - Liverpool University
- The 2006 Amendments to the ICSID Arbitration Rules
- The 2007 JUSTICE / Tom Sargant memorial annual lecture : Are judges now out of their depth?
- The 2019 BIICL WTO Conference
- The 2020 BIICL Annual WTO Conference
- The 30th Anniversary of the Bangalore Principles on the Domestic Application of International Human Rights Norms
- The 50th Anniversary London-Leiden Conference on European Law: The Rule of Law in the European Union
- The 51st Annual London-Leiden Conference - Flexibility and solidarity in European integration: Chall
- The 52nd Annual London-Leiden Conference on European Law
Van Gend en Loos Fifty Years On - The 56th London-Leiden Meeting: Courting Europa No Longer: The Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice
- The 58th London-Leiden Conference: The European Union and International Law
- The 5th Annual Merger Conference
- The Achievements of International Law
- The Al Skeini Decision on the Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights: a Landmark?
- The Annual Bingham Lecture: A Judge's View on the Rule of Law
- The Annual Grotius Dinner
- The Annual Grotius Dinner
- The Annual Grotius Dinner - Fully Booked
- The Annual Grotius Dinner - The dinner is now fully booked
- The Annual Grotius Lecture
- The Annual Grotius Lecture
- The Annual Grotius Lecture - The Rule of Law: some sceptical thoughts
- The Annual Grotius Lecture
Foreign Investment Arbitration: A Place for Human Rights? - The Annual Grotius Lecture
Transnational Corporations: National Regulation, International Coo - The Annual MAA peter Schlechtriem CISG Conference: Towards Uniformity
- The Antarctic Treaty System: Legal and Environmental Issues
- The Arbitration Act 1996 10 Years On: What the Users Say
- The Arbitration Act 1996 10 Years On: What the Users Say Preliminary Observations on a Major Survey
- The Arbitration Act 1996 – Time for Review?
- The Article 50 'Brexit' Appeal: The Rule of Law After Miller
- The Asia-Pacific Europe Law Institutes Alliance (APELIA) Conference 2021 Call for Papers
- The Belt & Road Initiative and Global Dispute Resolution London Forum
- The Berne Inheritance: an examination of the moral rights of the creative artist in England and Fran
- The Bingham Centre Business Network Launch
- The Bob McDonnell case and the Trump administration: implications for the prosecution of corruption in the US, the UK and the rest of the world
- The Bounds of Competition Policy: Challenges, Overlaps and Possible Trajectories
- The British Institute of International and Comparative Law Annual Conference 2012:"International Law
- The British Institute of International and Comparative Law and Chatham House Present: 'Counter-Terro
- The Brussels I Review Proposal
- The Brussels Law Factory: How EU Law Making Transforms National Private Law
- The CJEU Judgement on the Budget Conditionality Regulation: Unleashing EU Rule of Law Enforcement?
- The Chapter II Prohibition: Where Have All the UK Cases Gone?
- The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators 2007 Events
- The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Events Calendar 2007
- The Climate Case against Total in France: Lessons Learned and Future Prospects
- The Commission Recommendation on Collective Redress
- The Common Fisheries Policy Post-Brexit
- The Competition Law Landscape
- The Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles
- The Courts and National Security Issues
- The Cross-Border Use of Public Documents: European Law Programme Experts' Meeting
- The Cumberlege report and the impact on Product Liability litigation
- The Decline of the Rule of Law in Russia: From Telephone Law to Asset Seizures
- The Developing International Law of Terrorism
- The Direction of Free Movement
- The Disappearing Trial - The rule of law in a world with more guilty pleas and fewer trials
- The Draft DMA Implementing Regulation – Balancing effectiveness with due process?
- The Duty of States to Cooperate in International Law: 30th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop
- The EC Tax Students Conference: ''The ECJ: Judicial Activism vs Judicial Protection''
- The EU Asylum Directives: Is Opting In Necessary?
- The EU Balance of Competences Review: Financial Services and the Free Movement of Capital
- The EU Referendum and its Impact on Legal Relationships
- The EU’s Commitment to Fundamental Rights
- The Eighteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
Recent Developments in Investor-Stat - The Eighth Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue
- The Eighth Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue Gala Dinner
- The Eleventh Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference Dinner
- The Eleventh Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
DAY 1 (FULL) & 2 - The Eleventh Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
DAY 1 ONLY - The Eleventh Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
DAY 2 ONLY - The Eleventh WTO Conference
- The European Convention of Human Rights and the Right to Privacy
- The European Court of Human Rights: Master of the Law but not of the Facts?
- The European Evidence Warrant
- The European Union Act: Why, What, How?
- The Evolution of European Private International Law - Coherence, Common Values and Consolidation (25th & 26th Nov)
- The Fifteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
- The Fight for Justice in Pakistan – and what can you do for Pakistan?
- The Forgotten Conflict: Seeking Accountability in Yemen
- The Form of Legislation and the Rule of Law
- The Fourteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
Do Not Pass Go: Jurisdictional and - The Fundamental Rights of Companies: Have the European Courts Got it Right?
- The Future For Takeovers in the EU - Implementation of the Takeover Directive
- The Future of Article 102 TFEU
- The Future of Consumer Law
- The Future of IP
- The Future of International Patent Litigation in Europe
- The Future of Investment Arbitration: Have We Reached a High Water Mark?
- The Future of Private International Law in England and Wales
- The Future of the Geneva Conventions
60th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions - The Geneva Conventions and Israel
60th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions
FULLY BOO - The Geneva Conventions and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups
60th Anniversary of the Geneva - The Global Class - Collective Redress Procedures across the Globe
- The Global Crisis and International Economic Law:
Bridging the Gap between World Economic and Le - The Global Rule of Law Exchange - Live Webcast: Development and the Rule of Law: from Research to Practice
- The Globalisation of Chinese Law
- The Governance Gap: Extractive Industries and Human Rights
- The Growth of European Private Law: Some Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome
- The Guantanamo Military Commissions: an Insider's Perspective
- The Hamlyn Lectures 2009
- The Handling of Detainees in International Military Operations: An update on the Copenhagen Process
- The ICJ Advisory Opinion on the Chagos Islands
- The ICJ Decision on Kosovo - Rapid Response Seminar
- The ICJ Judgment in Australia v Japan (Antarctic Whaling): Implications for International Law and Li
- The ICRC and the Geneva Conventions
60th Anniversary of the Geneva Conventions - The ILC's New Response to the Fragmentation of International Law
- The Impact of Sanctions on International Arbitration (In Person Participation)
- The Impact of Sanctions on International Arbitration (Online Participation)
- The Impact of Sanctions on International Arbitration (Roundtable)
- The Impact on Business of Governments' Climate Commitments
- The Importance of Judicial Independence to the Rule of Law
- The Importance of the International Rule of Law
- The Importance of the International Rule of Law (in person participation)
- The Independent Kosovo: Partner for Peace and Stability in the Region
- The Influence of Common Law and Civil Law Traditions on the Work of the International Court of Justi
- The Ins and Outs of CIETAC Arbitration
- The Institute's Annual General Meeting
- The Interaction of International Investment Law with Other Fields of Public International Law
- The International Court of Justice and Criminal Justice
- The International and Comparative Conference on the Legislation and Practice of Individual Insolvency (In person participation)
- The International and Comparative Conference on the Legislation and Practice of Individual Insolvency (Online participation)
- The Internationalization of Public Law: Insidious, Unavoidable, Beneficial?
- The Law Lords, Amnesty International and the Pinochet Case: What Happened and Why?
- The Law on Secured Transactions: The need for Reform
- The Legal Impact of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- The Legal Implications of Business Conduct in Europe and Beyond: Risks and Rights
- The Lisbon Treaty and Beyond: Hype, Hopes and Fairytales
- The Litigation Aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis: Financial Services Claims
- The London Conference on International Law 2022
- The London Conference on International Law 2024
- The London School of Economics and Political Science Human Rights Public Events 2007
- The London-Leiden Conference 2021: The Future for European Youth
- The Long Arm of the Law? Extradition and Mutual Legal Assistance: The Law and the Practice
- The Management of Gossip on the Internet:
- The Microsoft Judgment
- The National, EU and International Law Regulation of Biofuels - Critical Issues for Energy Security,
- The New EU Rules on Third-Party Effects of Assignment under Scrutiny
- The New Economic Settlement: building sustainable growth
- The New Face of Brussels I
- The Nineteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference:
The Regionalization of Investment - The Ninth Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue
- The Ninth Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue Gala Dinner
- The Optional EU Contract Law Instrument – What to expect?
- The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property: Past and Present - but is there a fu
- The Permanent Court and Modern International Law
- The Personal Injury Claims Process: Comparing Legal Cultures
- The Polar Environment: Policy, Legal and Scientific Perspectives
- The Politics and Policymaking of Encryption
- The Position of Heads of State and Senior Officials in International Law
- The Present and Future of EU BITs
- The Principles of State Responsibility and Systemic Intimate Violence
- The Proposal to Codify Principles of Good Administration in European Institutions:
Advancing the - The Prosecution of Corruption in Africa: Challenging Impunity through the Rule of Law
- The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Conflict
- The Protection of Journalistic Sources - EC and ECHR Perspectives
- The Ratline: on international crimes and justice
- The Reform of EU Directives on Public Procurement:
Towards More Flexibility - The Reform of Group Actions under English Law
- The Regulatory State: Constitutional Implications
- The Relevance of Magna Carta Abroad
- The Representative Actions Directive – a class action for Europe?
- The Resilient Constitution? - Constitutionalism and the Political Crisis in Brazil
- The Return of Cultural Objects within the European Union - Implementing Directive 2014/60/EU
- The Review of the Arbitration Act 1996: How do we maintain English arbitration law as state of the art?
- The Right to Landscape: Contesting Landscape and Human Rights
- The Right to Privacy in the United Kingdom and France
- The Role and Future of the European Judicial System
- The Role of 'Big Data' in Competition and Privacy Law
- The Role of Domestic Courts in the Implementation of International Responsibility
- The Role of Ethics in International Law
- The Role of In-House Counsel in Today's Legal Practice
- The Role of Legal Advisers in International Law
- The Role of Science in Climate Change Litigation
- The Rome I Regulation: New Choice of Law Rules in Contract
- The Route to the Bench in the US and the UK
- The Rule of Law Implications of the Withdrawal Agreement, the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill
- The Rule of Law Will Out: Bribery, Corruption and Arbitration
- The Rule of Law and 'British Values' Teaching for Citizenship and SMSC
- The Rule of Law and Authoritarian Ascendance: the Nature and Scale of the Threat, and the Legal, Policy and Societal Responses to It
- The Rule of Law and Foreign Investment in China
- The Rule of Law and Post Conflict States: Annual Conference
- The Rule of Law and the Future of Democracy
- The Rule of Law in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States
- The Rule of Law in Southern Africa
- The Rule of Law in the technological age
- The Rule of Law, The European Court of Human Rights and the UK: A New Court for a New Era?
- The Second Annual Tom Bingham Lecture 2014: Wearing the Mourning Robes of our Illusions: Justice in a Spin
- The Second Congress of the World Society of Mixed Jurisdiction Jurists
- The Seventeenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference:
International Investment Law and its - The Seventh Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue
- The Sir William Dale Annual Memorial Lecture 2011
- The Sixteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference:
Is There an Evolving Customary Interna - The Sixth Annual Trans-Atlantic Antitrust Dialogue
- The Special Procedures of the UN Human Rights Council and the Human Rights Situation in Iran
- The State's Reaction to Terrorism - A Tripartite Seminar
- The State’s Reaction to Terrorism - A Tripartite Seminar
- The Tenth Annual Review of the Arbitration Act
- The Tenth Annual Review of the Arbitration Act Celebrating a Decade of Jurisprudence 1997 - 2007 Gal
- The Tenth Annual WTO Conference Dinner
- The Tower of Babel - 'What happens When a Building Project Goes Wrong'
- The Treaty of Lisbon – What does it mean for the UK?
- The Twelfth WTO Conference
- The U.S and counter-terrorism policy since 9/11: Lessons learned and questions raised for human righ
- The UK Protocol to Lisbon: opting out of EU fundamental rights?
- The UK Supreme Court: An Assessment of the first Three Years 2010-2012
- The UK in Europe, Scotland in the UK? The Implications of the EU Referendum
- The UK, European Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Seventy Years of the ECHR and Twenty Years of the HRA - A Time for Celebration?
- The UK, Switzerland, Norway and the EU: Cross-border Business Relations after Brexit
- The UNGPs and Legal Accountability in Corporate Groups
- The United Nations Convention against Corruption and International Investment Law
- The University of Peshawar, Pakistan Presents: Religion and International Human Rights Law: An Inter
- The Use of Force in Relation to Sovereignty Disputes over Land Territory
- The Virtual Kaplan Lecture 2020: Omnipotence Fantasies
- The Virtual Kaplan Lecture 2021: Arbitrating financial disputes - are they different and what lies ahead?
- The Virtual Kaplan Lecture 2022
- The Virtues of Violence and the Arts of Terror
- The XVIIIth International Congress of Comparative Law
- The Yukos Affair in Context: The Energy Charter Treaty and Russia's Energy Policy
- The arrest of Augusto Pinochet Ugarte: The impact ten years later on the UK, Chile and the world
- The effect of Brexit on the fight against economic crimes
- The global human rights implementation agenda: the role of parliaments
- The implications of Brexit for competition law and policy
- The legal implications of the proposed German Supply Chain Act (Lieferkettengesetz)
- The role of good faith in English contract law after Yam Seng PTE Ltd v International Trade Corporat
- The role of the private sector in fostering peace, justice, and strong institutions
- The standard of review of national court decisions by investment tribunals
- Thinking Beyond the State: Private Conduct and the Law of the World Trade Organization
- Thinking Like a Human: British Columbia’s ‘Apology Act
- Third Party Funding of Litigation : Recent Developments and Comparative Perspectives
- Thirteenth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
Ethics, Issue Conflicts and Arbitrator - Thirtieth ITF Public Conference: Enforcement in International Investment Law
- Thirty Eighth ITF Public Conference: Complex Arbitration Proceedings in ISDS (In Person Participation)
- Thirty Eighth ITF Public Conference: Complex Arbitration Proceedings in ISDS (Online Participation)
- Thirty Fifth ITF Public Conference: Evidence in Investor-State Arbitration
- Thirty First ITF Public Conference: Human Rights in International Investment Law
- Thirty Fourth ITF Public Conference: State Regulatory Powers and their Limits
- Thirty Ninth ITF Public Conference: Energy Disputes in ISDS
- Thirty Ninth ITF Public Conference: Energy Disputes in ISDS (in person participation)
- Thirty Ninth ITF Public Conference: Energy Disputes in ISDS (online participation)
- Thirty Second ITF Public Conference: State Responsibility in Investment Law
- Thirty Seventh ITF Public Conference: Overlapping Treaty Regimes in International Investment Law (In Person Participation)
- Thirty Seventh ITF Public Conference: Overlapping Treaty Regimes in International Investment Law (Online Participation)
- Thirty Sixth ITF Public Conference Time Limits in International Investment Law (in person)
- Thirty Sixth ITF Public Conference: Time Limits in International Investment Law (online)
- Thirty Third ITF Public Conference: Valuation of Damages in International Investment Law
- This House believes that the approach of the Multilateral Investment Court to appointment of judges will not appropriately balance interests of States and investors
- This Way, That Way, The Other Way? Directions for Human Rights in the UK
- Too Big to Fail
- Toppled Statues and Monuments: Perspectives on the Global Movement Confronting Heritage
- Torture, Lawyers and Complicity: How the Post-9/11 Abuse Began
- Towards a Philosophy of Human Rights
- Towards a Unified System of Protection for Europe?: The European Convention on Human Rights & the EU
- Towards an Arms Trade Treaty – Now or Never?
- Towards an International Carbon Market: Lessons Learned and Post-2012 Outlook
- Trade (Law) in an Age of Trump and Brexit
- Trade and Investment post Brexit
- Trade, Investment and Small States
- Trade, Tech, and Artificial Intelligence: Exporting British Values?
- Transnational Corporate Human Rights Abuses: Delivering Access to Justice
- Transnational Implications of mHREDD Laws
- Transnational Securities Class Actions
- Treaty Invalidity and the Powers of the Security Council
- Trinity Term Seminar Series
- Twelfth Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference
Investment Treaties at 50: Host State Per - Twentieth Public Meeting of the Investment Treaty Forum
The Litigation of Public Law Concepts - Twenty Eighth ITF Public Conference: Economic Crime and International Investment Law
- Twenty First Century Conflict: Can the Law Survive
- Twenty-Third Conference on Theory and International Law: Sovereignty in the 21st Century
- Twenty-fifth ITF Public Conference: "The ICSID Convention at 50"
- Twenty-fourth ITF Public Conference: The European Union's Investment Treaties in Global Context
- Twenty-seventh ITF Public Conference: Current Developments in Valuation & Quantum in Investor-State Arbitration
- Twenty-sixth ITF Public Conference: The Role of Proportionality in International Investment Law
- UCL Human Rights Review
- UK Business and Human Rights Scholars Network meeting
- UK Investment Protection Policy Post-Brexit
- UK-EU Dispute Resolution Post-Brexit: What role for the CJEU?
- UNCLOS at 30
- UNGPs in Legal Practice Roundtable Series: Human Rights Due Diligence and Corporate Liability
- UNGPs in Legal Practice Roundtable Series: Human Rights Due Diligence as a Legal Standard and Defence
- UNGPs in Legal Practice Roundtable Series: Human Rights Due Diligence: National Legal Developments
- UNGPs in Legal Practice Roundtable Series:Voluntary commitments and legal risk: trends in soft and hard law
- Ukrainian Prisoners of War (POW): International Law mechanisms for safeguarding, redress, accountability and compensation
- Under Fire: Cultural Heritage and Armed Groups
- Understanding Assignments: English, comparative and private international law
- Understanding the EU Treaty
- Unilateral jurisdiction and arbitration clauses - valid or not?
- Unintended consequences of the DMA –fragmentation across the EU
- Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA) 50th Annual Congress
- Use and Abuse of Nationality in International Arbitration (Hybrid)
- Use and Abuse of Nationality in International Arbitration (In person participation)
- Use and Abuse of Nationality in International Arbitration (Online participation)
- VBER Modernisation
- VI FIAMC Moscow Pre-Moot 2022
- Vaccines - Regulatory and Liability Perspectives
- Vertical Collusion: Hub and Spoke, RPM and Category Management THIS EVENT IS FULLY BOOKED
- Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Investigation and Prevention of Torture and Death i
- Virtual Course: Business and Human Rights
- Virtual Course: Climate Change Law
- Virtual Course: International Trade Law
- Virtual Course: Law of the Sea
- Virtual Course: Public International Law in Practice
- Virtual Justice in France, UK & US: Status & Challenges of Remote Hearings & Trials
- Visiting Speaker Seminar: "Refugee Solutions or Solutions to Refugeehood"
- Vulnerability in International Law: Towards a Shared Understanding
- W G Hart Legal Workshop 2008
- WIDENING HORIZONS: The Influence of Comparative Law and International Law
- WTO Scholars' Forum – GATS: Selected Issues
- WTO Scholars' Forum: 'Chinese Views on Modern Marco Polos: New Foreign Trade Amendments after WTO Ac
- WTO Scholars' Forum: Ideas of Embedded Liberalism and the Future of the WTO: Connecting the Dots
- Water and electricity privatisations: an international review of Court cases and political processe
- Webinar Series: Business and Human Rights Developments in Southern Europe
- Webinar Series: Business, Human Rights and the Environment in Europe
- Webinar Series: Episode 1: Business and Human Rights Developments in Portugal
- Webinar Series: Episode 2: Business and Human Rights Developments in Spain
- Webinar Series: Episode 3: Business and Human Rights Developments in Italy
- Webinar Series: Episode 4: Business and Human Rights Developments in Switzerland
- Webinar Series: Episode 5: Business and Human Rights Developments in Greece
- Webinar Series: Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Webinar Series: Rising Sea Levels: Promoting Climate Justice through International Law
- Welfare's Forgotten Past. A socio-legal history of the poor law
- West Tankers: Anti-Suit Injunctions to Protect Arbitration Agreements
- What Does The Rule of Law Mean For My Online Life?
- What Role Do Property Rights Play in Climate Change?
- What business should do when national laws conflict with international human rights
- What next for the International Law Commission? (In Person Participation)
- What next for the International Law Commission? (Online Participation)
- What now for Sudan?
- When Private Vessels Rescue Migrants: Legal Implications
- Where now for Product Liability in the UK
- Where to after Watson: The challenges and future of data retention in the UK
- Where to litigate collective claims?
- Who Regulates the Regulators? Regulatory Liability
- Who bears the costs of terrorism?
- Why Still ICSID? Summary Procedures, Annulment Proceedings and the Future of ICSID Arbitration
- Why are some democracies so violent, and can they be made safe?
- Widening the Net: Contributory Liability for Facilitating, Authorising and Inducing Infringement of
- Withdrawal from International Agreements: Issues and Challenges
- Workshop - Comparing National Supply Chain Laws for Human Rights: From the UN Guiding Principles to Corporate Practices
- Workshop - Comparing National Supply Chain Laws for Human Rights: From the UN Guiding Principles to Corporate Practices (In Person Participation)
- Workshop - Comparing National Supply Chain Laws for Human Rights: From the UN Guiding Principles to Corporate Practices (Online Participation)
- Workshop on International Law and Islamic Law
- Workshop: Implications of a British Bill of Rights and Repeal of the Human Rights Act 1998
- World Duty Free Company Limited and the Republic of Kenya: ICSID award Constantine Partasides (Fresh
- World Justice Forum: Realizing Justice for All
- Writing a Research Proposal for PhD Applications and Funding
- Writing for Publication in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Young ITF Debate on Legitimate Expectations
- Young ITF Debate: This house believes that states rather than tribunals are responsible for the failure to give sufficient weight to environmental concerns
- Young ITF Launch Debate: Amicus briefs and ISDS legitimacy crisis (In Person Participation)
- Young ITF Launch Debate: Amicus briefs and ISDS legitimacy crisis (Online Participation)
- Young ITF Workshop on Damages in ISDS
- Young ITF-SG VYAP Event: Investor-State Mediation: The Future is Now?
- Young Researchers Workshop
- Youth Justice and the Rule of Law
- Zimbabwe - Living on the edge
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- ‘Do War Crime Trials do more Harm than Good?’
- ‘Is the UN Security Council above the law? - Insights on sanctions, terrorism, the occupation of I
- ‘On the ground’: The legal protection of journalists reporting from conflict
- ‘The economics of European competition law—Advanced topics’
- “An EU/US Roundtable Perspective on Current Issues in Pharmaceutical Litigation - Insurance, Corpo
- “The State’s Reaction to Terrorism? - A Tripartite Seminar