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How to submit to the ICLQ

Instructions for Contributors

The ICLQ welcomes the submission of contributions for consideration by the editors with a view to publication.

All manuscripts MUST be submitted online via the ScholarOne platform. The Journal cannot accept submissions by email. 

Please read the instructions for contributors before submitting to the ICLQ, as articles not meeting the criteria will be rejected.

For information on Book Reviews, please see the dedicated section below.

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Book Reviews

 The ICLQ welcomes offers of book reviews.

If you already have a copy of the book you wish to review, please simply upload your completed review via the ScholarOne platform: 

If you wish to request a review copy, please email the Managing Editor Anna Riddell-Roberts   with full details of your suggested review title, including a brief biography indicating your suitability to review the book and your postal address. If the book is one we wish to have reviewed, a copy will be requested from the publisher for you. Your completed review should still be submitted via ScholarOne 

• Book reviews should be between 500 and 1,000 words.

• Longer book review articles which discuss more than one book covering a similar theme may be considered for publication, at the discretion of the book review editors. These should not exceed 1,500 words.

• Book reviews should not contain footnotes or endnotes.

• All book reviews, whether solicited or otherwise, will be subject to a review process, and a request to write a review or receiving a review copy from us are no guarantee of publication. Any connection to the author/editors of the book should be declared by the reviewer at the time of submission (or earlier if requesting a copy).

• It is expected that reviewers will upload their review, in MS Word format, to ScholarOne within two months of receipt of the book. If this is not possible the Managing Editor should be notified as soon as possible at

• Reviewers are asked to read the Book Review Guidance detailed below before submitting reviews or review proposals, and to adhere to the Style Guide below when writing reviews.

Book Review Guidance

Reviews should normally address the following issues:

1. The structure and contents of the book.

2. The intended target audience of the book.

3. What is the overall perspective adopted/argument advanced by the book?

4. How does this perspective/argument add to the body of existing literature in the field?

5. How convincing is the argument(s) set out by the author? A reviewer might want to subject a specific chapter(s) to more detailed analysis in the light of the book's overall argument. Are there any major/minor omissions that impede/weaken the overall argument made in the book?

6. Issues of style - how clearly written/accessible is the book? (bearing in mind target audience) - how accurate is the factual material relied upon in support of the main arguments?

7. Does the author succeed in doing what he/she set out to do? How is the book likely to be viewed by members of the target audience?

ICLQ Book Review Style Guide 

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