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The Review of the Arbitration Act 1996: How do we maintain English arbitration law as state of the art?

Co-organised with 

Event Details

The Law Commission has recently reviewed the Arbitration Act 1996 to ensure that it continues to promote the UK as a leading seat for international commercial arbitrations. With the consultation period now running, this event discusses the suggested amendments in areas such as confidentiality, independence, discrimination and immunity as well as procedural issues. Speakers will also addresses areas which have not been the subject of review, although amendments could be envisaged.

 Event convened by Professor Evan Lein,  Senior Research Fellow in Private International Law and Director, Centre for Comparative Law

Join in the conversation @BIICL #ArbActReview


 Conway Blake, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP


  • Nathan Tamblyn, Law Commission
  • Lord Goldsmith KC, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
  • Anneliese Day KC, Fountain Court
  • Vernon Flynn KC, Brick Court Chambers
  • Ali Malek KC, 3VB
  • Jan Kleinheisterkamp, Independent Arbitrator and London School of Economics

Pricing and Registration

Registration is now closed. please contact The Event Team  with any queries about this event

COVID-19 Safety Measures
Debevoise and Plimpton ask that all attendees are either fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have received a negative COVID-19 test on the day of the event. Please note that we may contact attendees in advance of the event to complete a short health survey. A visual check of attendees' vaccination status or negative test result will also be done on arrival.

CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 2 CPD hours.


If you have any queries, please contact the Events team

Event Recording

Please note that our events may be photographed or recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. If you object to appearing in recordings or photographs, please contact The Event Team to let us know ahead of the event.

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