Reflecting on the decision in Gee v Depuy
Date: 16th October 2018
Time: 17:30 - 19:15
Event Details
Time: 17.30-19:15 (Registration from 17:00)
Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP
This event will bring together domestic & international speakers to consider the important decision of Andrews J in the High Court in Gee v Depuy International Ltd.
- Professor Eleonora Rajneri, University of Eastern Piedmont
- Professor Dr. Friedrich Graf von Westphalen, University of Bielefeld & Graf von Westphalen Rechtsanwalte
- Gerard McDermott QC Gerard McDermott QC Ltd
Event convened by Dr. Duncan Fairgrieve, Senior Research Fellow in Comparative Law & Director, Product Liability Forum and Tort Law Centre.
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Pricing and Registration
This event is exclusive to members of the Product Liability Forum (PLF). PLF Members wishing to attend should register by emailing Duncan Fairgrieve.
CPD Information
This event offers the equivalent of 1.5 CPD hours.
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