Webinar Series: Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Date: 12 - 14 May 2021
Time: See Programme
Venue: Online
Hosted by the Verfassungsblog and supported by Democracy Reporting International, RECONNECT and the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law
Event Details
Marking the conclusion of the "Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic" Symposium, this webinar series brings together contributors from around the world to discuss the impact of the pandemic on law and governance, drawing on five transversal themes: human rights; democracy; the rule of law; science and decision-making; and the impact of an extended emergency.
The 2021 "Power and the COVID-19 Pandemic" was hosted by the Verfassungsblog, convened by Joelle Grogan, and supported by Democracy Reporting International, the Horizon-2020 RECONNECT Project and the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law.
Each panel will consist of short interventions by each speaker, followed by a moderated Q&A session. Register to join a Webinar below, or watch live on the Verfassungsblog. Tweet your questions with #PowerandPandemic.