The Role of 'Big Data' in Competition and Privacy Law
Date: 9th September 2015
Time: 14:00 - 18:00

Event Details
Time: 14:00-18:00 (Registration from 13:15-14:00)
Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP
In the digital economy 'big data' are becoming increasingly valuable as they reveal patterns of information that enable companies to target their products and services accordingly.
According to the European Commission, the availability of 'big data' can be a significant competitive advantage for companies active in online advertising, online search, social networking services and software products. Yet some believe that 'big data' is not an antitrust concern. This event considers what role - if any - 'big data' plays in the competition law.
This event will address the following questions:
- The interplay between data protection, competition law and consumer protection.
- Can and should competition law be applied with privacy in mind?
- Can a dominant undertaking's breach of privacy rules constitute an abuse of dominance under Article 102?
- What do we mean by 'big data'? and what is the difference between 'a lot of data' and 'big data'?
- What is the problem with 'big data' (if any)? Having data is not an abuse.
- Can 'big data' be a barrier to entry?
- Is 'big data' a product that can create too much market power in a merged company?
- Does 'big data' create anticompetitive price discrimination?
- Should privacy even play a role in competitive analysis?
- How best to deal with 'big data' through antitrust or regulation?
- Alec Burnside (Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP)
- Giovanni Buttarelli (European data protection supervisor)
- Cristina Caffarra (Charles River Associates)
- Miranda Cole (Covington)
- Christian D'Cunha (Policy assistant EDPS)
- Maurits Dolmans (Cleary Gottlieb)
- Professor Ariel Ezrachi (University of Oxford)
- John Fingleton (Fingleton Associates)
- Mark Giles (AlixPartners)
- Mat Hughes (AlixPartners)
- David Lawsky (Fipra International)
- Dr Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen (BIICL)
- Munesh Mahtani (Google)
- Thomas Vinje (Clifford Chance)
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Pricing and Registration
This event is now fully booked
This event is free for members of the Competition Law Forum
BIICL Members:
- Individual - £95
- Full-time Academic - £60
- Full-time Student - £35
- Individual - £160
- Full-time Academic - £100
- Full-time Student - £60
N.B. The Academic rate also applies to staff of government and non-profit organisations.
If you have any queries, please contact the Events team
Becoming a member of the CLF
The Competition Law Forum is a centre of excellence for European competition and antitrust policy and law at BIICL. It provides a forum in which the practical application of competition policy is considered by lawyers, economists, senior business managers, public servants, public affairs professionals, consumer bodies and other specialist practitioners. The Forum identifies areas requiring debate and analysis, and provides the required forum and experts, thereby contributing to policy initiatives. In doing so it also produces leading-edge applied research, analysis and recommendations on the content, methodologies and application of competition policy at all levels of governance - national, European and global.
To enquire about becoming a member of the Forum, please contact Dr Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen, Competition Law Forum Director
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