Taking Stock: International Commercial Courts in Europe and Asia
Date: 17 September 2021
Time: 09:30 - 17:00 (UK time)
Venue: Online

Event Details
In recent years, International Commercial Courts have been established across Europe and in Asia. Now that these courts have been dealing with international cases for a while, it is time to take stock and look at various questions: the reasons behind the recent proliferation of these courts and their international features in terms of court language, judicial composition, parties and disputes; the perspectives of court users and judges on key features of these courts, their suitability for specific kinds of disputes and the handling of international commercial disputes in practice; the interface between International Commercial Courts and arbitration, in particular in jurisdictions with well-developed arbitration centres; and the ever more important question how these courts deal with global challenges such as Covid 19, Digitalisation & AI.
Event convened by Professor Eva Lein, University of Lausanne (UNIL) and Senior Research Fellow in Private International Law and Director, Centre for Comparative Law, BIICL and Xandra Kramer, Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
Download details of the programme
Recordings of all the sessions of the conference can be found here
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09.00/9.15 Coffee/connecting online
9.30-9.45 Opening and Welcoming Remarks Xandra Kramer and Eva Lein
09:45-10.15 Keynote Speech Sir Geoffrey Vos, Master of the Rolls
10.15 - 11.30 Panel 1. Frameworks for International Commercial Courts
- Chair: Xandra Kramer, Erasmus University Rotterdam/Utrecht University
- Burkhard Hess, Director Max Planck Institute Luxembourg
- Yip Man, Singapore Management University
- Stefaan Voet, KU Leuven
- Sandrine Giroud, Lalive Geneva
11:30 - 11:45 BREAK
11:45 -12:45 Panel 2. Practitioners' Perspective on International Commercial Courts
- Chair: Chiann Bao, BIICL
- Daniel Schimmel, Foley Hoag New York)
- Anselmo Reyes, University of Hong Kong; Singapore International Commercial Court)
- Barbara Rumora-Scheltema, Nauta Dutilh Amsterdam
12:45 - 13.45 LUNCH
13:45 - 14.45 Panel 3. The Interface between International Commercial Courts and Arbitration
- Chair: Franco Ferrari, New York University
- Georgia Antonopoulou, Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Weixia Gu, University of Hong Kong
- Sophie Nappert, 3VB
- Barbara Dohmann QC, Blackstone Chambers
14.45 - 15.15 BREAK
15.15 - 16.30 Panel 4: ICCs and global challenges - Covid 19, Innovation, Digitalisation & AI
- Chair: Eva Lein, University of Lausanne, BIICL
- John Sorabji, University College London
- Anna Nylund, Tromsö University
- Erlis Themeli, Erasmus University Rotterdam
16:30 - 16.45 Concluding Remarks Eva Lein and Xandra Kramer