Human Rights Due Diligence Forum
The Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) Forum is a platform for legal practitioners working in business and human rights to discuss human rights due diligence developments as they relate specifically to legal practice. The Forum is a membership-based group, bringing together at our London office some of the most expert and experienced lawyers working in the field. It is a closed space for the free exchange of experiences and ideas under Chatham House Rules.
The HRDD Forum is structured around four roundtables and one annual conference per year involving thematic discussions on business and human rights topics. External speakers are invited to present on certain topics.
Download the Forum brochure
Reimagining the Law: Business and Human Rights
The "Reimagining the Law: Business and Human Rights" podcast series aims to discuss business and human rights issues in different contexts and provide short conversations to engage and reflect on for lawyers working in business and human rights.
Forum Director
The Director of the Forum is Dr Irene Pietropaoli. Irene conducts research and training programmes on corporate human rights and environmental due diligence. She leads BIICL's research on human rights in global supply chains and BIICL's short course on business and human rights. Irene also leads BIICL's work on Artificial Intelligence and its links with business and human rights.
Irene holds a PhD from Middlesex University, London. Her thesis is on remedies for corporate human rights abuses in transitional justice contexts. She has a first class honours LL.M in International Human Rights Law from the Irish Centre for Human Rights and first degrees in Law from the University La Sapienza of Rome and from the University of Barcelona.