Rule of Law in Times of Health Crises: Protecting Rights and Saving Lives

Event Details
Governments around the world have limited individual freedoms to control the spread of COVID-19, preserve health systems and protect human lives. To safeguard the rule of law, these measures must be taken by the competent authorities and in accordance with the procedures and conditions established by law, without giving rise to discrimination. In this webinar, panellists will examine whether countries with robust legal systems can be considered better equipped to deal with a pandemic?
Advocates for International Development (A4ID) has joined forces with the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the University of Edinburgh Global Health Academy to deliver this high-level virtual event, which will highlight the close links between authorities' responses to health crises and the rule of law.
Focusing in particular on the present COVID-19 crisis, the event will explore the various impacts which emergency measures have had upon the rule of law around the world. Based on the findings of our recent research paper, The Rule of Law in Times of Health Crises, this event will also offer lessons regarding the rule of law's potential to empower societies to effectively respond to health crises.
Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the relevance of the rule of law in emergency contexts with a panel of high-profile speakers.
Yasmin Batliwala, Chief Executive, A4ID
Murray Hunt, Director, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law
Liz Grant, Director, Global Health Academy
Maaike de Langen, Head of Research for the Task Force on Justice, Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies
Gianluca Burci, Adjunct Professor of International Law at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and former WHO Legal Counsel
Lizzette Robleto de Howarth, International Programmes Manager at The Law Society of England and Wales
Naomi Barnard, ROLE UK Programme Manager, A4ID
Partner Organisations

Who should attend?
The broad and multi-faceted focus of this webinar is relevant to a wide range of individuals and organisations. The event will be particularly useful for stakeholders working in the judicial and legal sectors, international development, public policy and government, and research and academia, as it will provide new insights from the current pandemic that may impact your work.
To participate in the webinar, please register on Eventbrite below . Further information about the event and how to join the webinar online will be sent to you by email a few days before the event.