Provisional Measures in Investor-State Arbitration (online participation)
Event Details
BIICL and White & Case are delighted to present our 2023 comprehensive empirical study on provisional measures in investment treaty arbitration. It builds up on success of the 2019 empirical study, which has now been extensively cited in academic literature, and decisions of arbitral tribunals and parties' submissions on provisional measures.
Pricing and Registration
This event is free of charge for members of the Investment Treaty Forum. Forum members can register for free by emailing the Events team.
If you work for a government or an intergovernmental organisation, which is not currently a consultative member of ITF, please get in touch with Prof. Yarik Kryvoi to apply for free consultative membership.
For other attendees, the following charges apply:
Online participation
Concession fees are available to academics, those who are unwaged and NGOs.