The 2020 BIICL Annual WTO Conference
Date: 22-23 October 2020
Time: 22 October (12.00-17.00) | 23 October (09.00-13.00) BST
Venue: Online
Programme: Download
Event Details
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is delighted to announce its prestigious WTO Conference. Established in 2000, the WTO Conference is one of the most important annual events in international trade law, addressing topical academic and practical issues.
This is a pivotal moment for trade affairs and a critical time to take stock and reflect on the future of global economic governance and connectivity. The conference will bring together leading academics and practitioners to explore emerging ideas and the most recent developments, at a critical time for international trade law. This year, amidst a global pandemic, the conference will take place virtually over two half days:
22 October 12.00-17.00 and 23 October 09.00-13.00 (BST)
BIICL will host 6 virtual panels around the world to cover strategically important geographical areas where major developments, discussions and decisions impacting international trade are taking place.
Day 1: Thursday, 22 October 2020 (12.00-17.00)
- Welcome by Dr. Julinda Beqiraj, Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, BIICL
- Keynote address by Sir Francis Jacobs KCMG QC, former British Advocate General at the European Court of Justice
- Panel 1 (London): The UK as a global economic actor after Brexit: (re)writing the avenues for trade
- Panel 2 (Geneva): The WTO legacy and future multilateralism
- Panel 3 (Washington): Global governance at a crossroads: renewing the Breton Woods regime?
Day 2: Friday, 23 October 2020 (09.00-13.00)
- Panel 4 (Hong-Kong & Singapore): Dispute resolution: current situation and dispute avoidance
- Panel 5 (Shanghai & Beijing): International trade and digital technology
- Panel 6 (Riyadh): What can we expect in the next years? Issues at the G20 Summit meeting (Riyadh)
Programme | Speaker biographies
- Dr. Julinda Beqiraj, Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, BIICL
- Phil Bloomer, Executive Director, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
- Jo-Ann Crawford, Former Counsellor in Trade Policy Review, WTO
- Daniel Crosby, Partner at King & Spalding, Geneva
- Prof. Dr. Malik Dahlan, Chair of International Law and Public Policy, Queen Mary University of London
- Dr. Brian Efird, Program Director, Policy and Decision Science, King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center; Deputy Sherpa for the T20 Secretariat T20, Saudi Arabia
- James Flett, Deputy to the Director, Trade Policy and WTO Team, European Commission
- Prof. Henry Gao, Faculty of law, Singapore Management University
- Paolo Garzotti, DG Trade, European Commission
- Jessica Gladstone, Partner at Clifford Chance
- Stuart Harbison, International trade specialist and former special adviser to two Directors General of the WTO
- Sir Francis Jacobs KCMG QC, former British Advocate General at the European Court of Justice
- Prof. Qingjiang Kong, Dean, School of International Law, China University of Political Science and Law
- Sally Langrish, DIT, UK Government
- Duane Layton, Head of Mayer Brown's International Trade practice
- Aik Hoe Lim, Director, Trade and Environment Division, WTO
- Nicolas Lockhart, Partner at Sidley Austin LLP
- Prof. Gabrielle Marceau, University of Geneva and Senior Counsellor at WTO
- Dr Jan Yves Remy, Deputy Director, Shridath Ramphal Centre, UWI
- Ambassador Charles Ries, Vice President, RAND Corporation
- Michael Roberts, Head of Aid for Trade Unit, Development Division, WTO, Vice President, RAND Corporation
- Lee Tuthill, Senior Counsellor, WTO
- Dr. Isabelle Van Damme, Counsel at Van Bael & Bellis
- Stephen P. Vaughn, Partner, International Trade Team, King & Spalding
- Prof. Jiangyu Wang, Director, Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (RCCL), City University of Hong-Kong School of Law
- Prof. Mark Wu, Vice Dean, Graduate Program and International Legal Studies at Harvard Law School
Event convened by Dr Julinda Beqiraj, Maurice Wohl Senior Research Fellow in European Law and Kristin Hausler, Dorset Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law and Director of the Centre for International Law.
Pricing and Registration