21st Anniversary Celebration: Taking Stock - Looking Forward
Date: 30 November 2023
Time: 13.00- 17.30 ( registration from 12.00) Followed by a reception
Event Details
The Competition Law Forum at BIICL invites members to celebrate the 21st Anniversary of the Forum.
The event is an opportunity to 'take stock' of developments in competition law, economics and institutions over the life of the CLF and to 'look forward' to the future.
Expert panels will discuss the key events that delivered us to our 21st Anniversary across the law, economics and institutions. They will then identify the future developments we need to address over the coming years. Sessions will be short and punchy with plenty of opportunities for audience participation.
The roundtable will be followed by a celebratory 21st anniversary reception with remarks from some special guests.
- Professor Dame Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy, Churchill College, Cambridge
- Professor Richard Whish Emeritus Professor of Law KCL
- Claire Jeffs, Partner, Slaughter & May
- Dr Helen Jenkins, Partner, Oxera
- Professor Amelia Fletcher, UEA Centre for Competition Policy
- Dr Adrian Majumdar, Managing Partner RBB Economics
- Peter Freeman CBE KC, Chairman Competition Appeals Tribunal
- Kasturi Moodaliyar, Evershed Sutherland & University of Wits, South Africa
- Sheldon Mills, Executive Director, Consumers and Competition, Financial Conduct Authority
- Vanessa Turner, Senior Adviser, Competition, BEUC
- Kirsten Edwards-Warren, Executive Vice President and Deputy head, Compass Lexecon EMEA
- Lesley Hannah, Partner, Hausfeld LLP
- Tim Cowen, Preiskel & Co LLP
- Sir Philip Lowe, Oxera
- 1.00-1.30 Welcome and opening comments - Prof Dame Diane Coyle
- 1.30-2.30 Session 1: The law
- 2.30-3.30 Session 2: The economics
- 3.30-3.45 Break
- 3.45-4.45 Session 3: The institutions
- 4.45-5.15 Concluding Comments
- 5.30 Reception
This event is open to members of the Competition Law Forum at BIICL and invited guests only.
Members of the forum may reserve a place by contacting the Event Team.