Is the definition of a Gatekeeper in the DMA the right one?
Date: 10 March 2021
Time: 16.00 - 17.30 GMT 17.00 - 18.30 CET
Venue: Online
Event Details
With the internet revolution and the growing impact of the digital economy, we have seen the decline of some gatekeepers and the rise of other gatekeepers. With the forthcoming DMA proposing asymmetric regulation of gatekeepers, this webinar considers whether the proposal is covering the right gatekeepers. We will also be discussing what impact gatekeepers have on startups.
- Chris Yiu, Executive Director, Tony Blair Institute (TBI)
- Benedikt Blomeyer, Policy Director, Allied For Start-ups
- Joe Perkins, Senior Vice President and Head of Research, Compass Lexecon
- Liliane Karlinger, Chief Economist Team at the European Commission
Additional speakers to be confirmed
Event convened by Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Senior Research Fellow in Competition Law and Co-Director, Competition Law Forum.
Join in the conversation @BIICL #DMAgatekeeper
This event is hosted under the Chatham House Rule.
Pricing and Registration
This event is free to attend by pre-registration is required below.
Members of the Competition Law Forum (CLF) wishing to attend can register by emailing the Events team.