Human Rights Due Diligence for Climate Change Impacts

Developments around mandatory human rights due diligence laws are multiplying across Europe, and increasingly include climate change impacts within their scope. As a result, companies, regulators, judges, legal advisors, civil society and the public are asking what the legal implications of these due diligence laws will be for companies relating to their climate change impacts.
In this webinar series of the newly established BIICL Human Rights Due Diligence Forum, the discussion will turn on the nature of due diligence as a legal standard of care, how this can be applied in relation to climate change, and what the practical implications for companies are likely to be.
10 September 2020 Episode 1:
Corporate Due Diligence for Climate Change Impacts: The Status Quo
Further Details and booking for Episode 1 only
17 September 2020 Episode 2:
The (intended) impact of climate change litigation on corporate due diligence
Further details and booking for Episode 2 only
24 September 2020 Episode 3:
Mandatory human rights due diligence laws: what are their implications regarding corporate climate change impacts?
Further details and booking for Episode 3 only
1 October 2020 Episode 4:
Meeting the standard: What does adequate human rights due diligence for climate change look like in practice?
Further details and booking for episode 4 only