Europe Consultation on Revised Draft of the Proposed Business and Human Rights Treaty

Event Details
In June 2014, the UN Human Rights Council established an open-ended intergovernmental working group 'to elaborate an international legally binding instrument to regulate, in international human rights law, the activities of transnational corporations and other business enterprises.' In the report of the working group's 5th session , the Chair-Rapporteur recommended 'regional and political groups, intergovernmental organizations, national human rights institutions, civil society organizations and all other relevant stakeholders, as appropriate, to organize consultations at all levels, including in particular at the regional and national level, with a view to exchanging comments and inputs on the revised draft legally binding instrument'.
In line with the working group's recommendation, this Europe virtual consultation is open to all academics, legal practitioners and civil society organization interested in discussing how to improve the revised draft of the proposed legally binding instrument.
Based on input received during the consultation, a summary of recommendations has been submitted to the working group's Chair-Rapporteur to inform the second revised draft likely to be released in July 2020.
Part I
- Preamble
- Article 1. Definitions
- Article 2. Statement of purpose
- Article 3. Scope
- Article 4. Rights of Victims
- Article 5. Prevention
Part II
- Article 6. Legal Liability
- Article 7. Adjudicative Jurisdiction
- Article 8. Statute of limitations
- Article 9. Applicable law
- Article 10. Mutual Legal Assistance
- Article 11. International Cooperation
- Article 12. Consistency with International Law
The consultation will be guided by:
- Robert McCorquodale, Inclusive Law
- Jernej Letnar Černič, Graduate School of Government and European Studies
- Antoine Duval, Asser Institute
- Maysa Zorob, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre
- Daniel Aguirre, Roehampton University
- Shane Darcy, National University of Ireland
- Claire Bright, Nova University
- Mariëtte van Huijstee, SOMO
- Maddalena Neglia, FIDH
- Markus Krajewski, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
- Tara Van Ho, University of Essex
- Nadia Bernaz, Wageningen University
Event convened by Dr Irene Pietropaoli , Research Fellow in Business & Human Rights, British Institute of International and Comparative Law.