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The Representative Actions Directive - a class action for Europe?

Event Details

This webinar will examine the recently-adopted EU Representative Actions Directive and consider its impact on cross-border and domestic collective redress actions across Europe. A roster of leading commentators will review the features of this new instrument and address how it is likely to affect the litigation landscape across Europe in respect of group claims. Although the Directive is not applicable to the UK, the future of collective redress in the UK will also be considered by the speakers.


Prof. Duncan Fairgrieve, British Institute of International and Comparative Law


  • Matthew Felwick and Valerie Kenyon, Hogan Lovells
  • Augusta Maciuleviciute, BEUC, Brussels
  • Neil Purslow, Therium Capital Management Ltd
  • Rhonson Salim, Aston Law School

This event is convened by Prof. Duncan Fairgrieve, Senior Research Fellow in Comparative Law and Director of the Product Liability Forum, BIICL and Vincent Smith, Visiting Fellow, BIICL and Assistant Professor, ESCP Europe.

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CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 1 CPD hour.


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