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HRDD Forum: Human Rights Due Diligence in Contracts

Date: 27 January 2021

Time: 14:00 - 15:30 (GMT)

Venue: Online


Event Details

Company surveys show that contractual clauses are the most frequently used mechanism for supply chain human rights due diligence. Yet supplier surveys show that contractual obligations, including some of those relating to human rights, often undermine human rights in practice.

In this session, speakers will consider issues around inclusion, negotiation and enforcement of contractual clauses for human rights due diligence, implications for leverage and risk shifting, and ultimately: what contractual clauses for human rights should and should not look like.

Speakers will bring perspectives from their work on the development of the American Bar Association's model clauses and supplier surveys relating to the impacts and shortcomings of existing contractual practices.


  • Sarah Dadush, Rutgers Law School
  • Vijaya Palaniswamy, Linklaters
  • Ben Rutledge, OECD
  • Andreas Rühmkorf, University of Sheffield School of Law

Further speakers TBC

Event convened by Lise Smit, Senior Research Fellow in Business and Human Rights and Director, Human Rights Due Diligence Forum and Dr Irene Pietropaoli, Research Fellow in Business & Human Rights, BIICL.


This is a a closed meeting, open only to members of the Human Rights Due Diligence Forum (HRDD). HRDD Forum members wishing to attend can register by emailing the Events team.

CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 1.5 CPD hours.


If you have any queries, please contact the Events team

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