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European Commission Digital Services Act

Date: 13 October 2020

Time: 16:00-17:00 (UK time)

Venue: Online


Event Details

The European Commission has announced a Digital Services Act package to strengthen the Single Market for digital services and foster innovation and competitiveness of the European online environment. The new Digital Services Act package should modernise the current legal framework for digital services by means of two main pillars:

First, the Commission would propose clear rules framing the responsibilities of digital services to address the risks faced by their users and to protect their rights. Second, the Digital Services Act package would propose ex ante rules covering large online platforms acting as gatekeepers, which now set the rules of the game for their users and their competitors.

The panel will touch on some of these issues including competition related platform regulation etc.


Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Co-Director of the Competition Law Forum, BIICL and and Senior Research Fellow, BIICL


  • Thomas Kramler, European Commission
  • Ian Brown
  • Tim Cowen, Preiskel & Co LLP
  • Cristina Caffarra, CRA International

This event is convened by Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Co-Director of the Competition Law Forum, BIICL and Centre for Commercial Law Studies, QMUL

Join in the conversation @BIICL #DigitalServicesAct

Pricing and Registration

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CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 1 CPD hour.


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