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Use and Abuse of Nationality in International Arbitration (In person participation)

Date: 21 November 2023

Time: 17.30 - 19.00 (registration from 17.00) followed by a reception

Venue: BIICL, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Sq, London WC1B 5JP

flags of many countries

Co-Organised with

Please note, this page is for in person participation. If you would like to participate online, please visit the online booking page. 

Event Details

In some areas of international law, the "nationality" of a legal or natural person determines the protections or benefits for which that person is eligible. Yet neither law nor policy on the role of nationality in qualifying or disqualifying persons from legal protection are static or uniform. For instance, in investor-state disputes the increasing complexity of global investment flows has raised concerns about the potential misuse and abuse of nationality to access the protection of investment treaties.

Recent arbitral and annulment committee decisions have both accepted and rejected claims that dual nationals holding the nationality of both the "home" and "host" state to the treaty are foreign investors eligible for treaty protection. Tribunals have also grappled with questions of whether and how the nature of a "person" as legal or natural affect how rules on nationality apply.

BIICL and Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle  convene this hybrid event where distinguished experts from the legal and academic communities will take stock of recent ISDS cases on these issues.

Pricing and Registration

In-person registration is now closed but you can still participate virtually here.

CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 2.5 CPD hours.


If you have any queries, please contact the Events team

Event Recording

Please note that our events may be photographed or recorded. These materials will be used for internal and external promotional purposes only by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. If you object to appearing in recordings or photographs, please contact The Event Team to let us know ahead of the event.

Event Cancellation Policy

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