Corporate Climate Litigation Platform
Welcome to the Corporate Climate Litigation Platform
In this information hub you will find: links to international academic resources; a database of past legal cases that can be interpreted and used to inform new and successful litigation; and a set of tools - templates, reports and operational rules - to support the development of new legal cases.
Our library of resources on corporate climate litigation is growing weekly as experts in climate change from law, science and economics submit their publications.
The Corporate Climate Litigation (CCL) Platform is being developed to host the tools and outputs of the Global Perspectives in Corporate Climate Legal Tactics project. For more information and updates on BIICL's work in this field, see also our Climate Change & Environment law research page.

CCL Resources
This repository has been established with the help of our international expert group members who have already submitted their work. The number of publications referenced in our platform is growing weekly as more works are added.
To include your work in our library, please complete and submit this form.

CCL Database
This AI-powered database will translate lessons learned from different legal systems and provide information for use in other legal systems.
A first version is expected to be ready late 2024.

CCL Toolbox
The national reports created by our 17 national rapporteurs are being used to provide a comparative analysis of the state of play of corporate climate litigation across those 17 legal systems. Our report and the rapporteurs' research will be available in the Toolbox, alongside operational rules and guidance for litigation and example templates.