Thirty Third ITF Public Conference: Valuation of Damages in International Investment Law
Date: 18th October 2019
Time: 09:00 - 17:00
Venue: Woburn House Conference Centre, 20-24 Tavistock Square, LONDON, WC1H 9HQ
Event Details
The magnitude of damages awards and the difficulties valuation causes for arbitrators and counsel become a key concern for both foreign investors and states. To discuss valuation of damages in international investment law the Thirtieth ITF Public Conference will convene in London on 18 October 2019. The Forum will bring together leading arbitrators, judges, practitioners and academics, drawn primarily from ITF members, to debate issues related to valuation, proving and quantifying damages in investor-state disputes.
Topics covered include:
- What makes valuation in investor-State disputes different from commercial arbitration (involvement of sovereigns, country risk premiums, expropriation compensation and claims for less than full value, the social impact)
- Proving damages (reasonably proven and speculative losses, the burden of proof, "best evidence", the impact of hindsight information)
- Quantification of damages (differences between "full reparation," "full compensation" and "fair market value", other valuation standards, valuation methods used in recent awards)
- The effect of contributory negligence
- Moral damages and other issues.
Speakers include:
- Juan Fernández-Armesto, Armesto & Asociados (keynote address)
- Antolín Fernández Antuña, Antuña & Partners
- Christina Beharry, Foley Hoag LLP
- Ronnie Barnes, Cornerstone Research
- Christophe Bondy, Cooley LLP
- Jeffery Commission, Burford Capital LLC
- Marcos D. Garcia Dominguez, University of Chicago
- Daniel Dozsa, Dechert LLP
- John Elisson, FTI Consulting Inc.
- David Herlihy, Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP
- Prof Yarik Kryvoi, Investment Treaty Forum Director
- Aron Skogman, Mannheimer Swartling Advokatbyrå AB
- Huawei Sun, Zhong Lun Law Firm
- Vikki Wall, Haberman Ilett LLP
Event convened by Prof Yarik Kryvoi, Senior Research Fellow in International Economic Law and Director of the Investment Treaty Forum.
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