The Belt & Road Initiative and Global Dispute Resolution London Forum
Date: 2nd May 2019
Time: 14:15 - 18:00
Event Details
Time: 14.15-18.00 (Registration from 13.45)
Followed by a drinks reception
Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP
In advance of the of 2019 London International Disputes Week, BIICL, in cooperation with the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC), is delighted to co-organise 'The Belt and Road Initiative and Global Dispute Resolution' London Forum.
The speakers will focus on the following three topics:
- Projects Dispute Resolution and BRI: Practice in China and the UK;
- Finance, Dispute Resolution and BRI: Practice in China, and the UK; and
- Global Dispute Resolution Update.
- Prof Spyros Maniatis, Director, BIICL
- H.E. Mr. Chengjie Wang, CIETAC
- Lord Phillips, Former President of the Supreme Court of the UK; President, BIICL
- Mr. Audley Sheppard QC, Chairman of London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA)
- Prof. Dr. Malik R. Dahlan, Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University
- Ms. Xi Jin, CIETAC South China Sub-commission
- Mr. Wei Sun, Zhonglun Law Firm, CIETAC Arbitrator
- Ms. Sally Roe, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
- Prof Stavros Brekoulakis, 3 Verulam Buildings, QMUL
- Sir William Blair, Former Judge in Charge of the Commercial Court, London, 3 Verulam Buildings
- Prof Maxi Scherer, Professor of International Arbitration, QMUL
- Mr. Xiu-ming Tao, JunZeJun Law Offices, CIETAC Arbitrator
- Ms. Elizabeth Chan, Three Crowns
- Prof Yarik Kryvoi, Director, Investment Treaty Law Forum, BIICL
- Prof Loukas Mistelis, Director, School of International Arbitration, QMUL
- Dr. Xuehua Wang, Beijing Huanzhong Law Firm, CIETAC Arbitrator
- Mr. Adrian Hughes QC, 39 Essex Chambers
- Prof Chin Leng Lim, CUHK, Keating Chambers and BIICL
- Mr. Arthur Dong, Partner, Anjie Law Firm, CIETAC Arbitrator
Download the Programme
Please note interpretation services are available at the conference.
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CPD Information
This event offers the equivalent of 3 hours.
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