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Rome II at 10: Looking back and ahead

Event Details

Time: 16.30-19.15 (Registration from 16.00)
Event followed by a drinks reception

Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP

It's time to celebrate 10 years since Rome II came into force. Its application over the last 10 years has given rise to numerous interesting legal and practical issues as the Courts have started to grapple with applying a novel legal regime. Specialist practitioners and academics from the UK and Europe will look at the highlights to-date and look forward to issues that are likely to arise in the coming years. As Rome II will be replicated in the UK post-Brexit, the regime remains crucial for courts and litigators.


  • Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court
  • The Rt. Hon. Dame Elizabeth Gloster DBE, PC, One Essex Court


  • Professor Andrew Dickinson, University of Oxford
  • Charles Dougherty QC, 2TG
  • Professor Richard Fentiman, University of Cambridge
  • Marie Louise Kinsler QC, 2TG
  • Lluis Carreras, University of Barcelona and Bufet Carreras Llansana
  • Sarah Garvey, Allen & Overy
  • Professor Matthias Lehmann, University of Bonn
  • Arnaud Nuyts, University of Brussels and Liedekerke Wolters Waelbroeck Kirkpatrick

View the Programme

Event convened by Eva Lein, University of Lausanne and Senior Research Fellow in Private International Law, BIICL

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Pricing and Registration

BIICL Members

  • Individual: £75
  • Concession: £50
  • Student: £30


  • Individual: £125
  • Concession: £85
  • Student: £50

Concession fees are applicable to academics, staff of government and NGO's.

Free NGO Places

A limited number of places for this event are available for staff of NGOs to attend free of charge as part of an initiative by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law to provide NGOs with access to legal education and training events.

Please email our Events team with your contact details, your position and the NGO that you work for. We will organise your attendance, subject to availability.

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CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 2 hours.

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