VBER Modernisation
Date: 25 February 2021
Time: 16.00 - 18.00 UK time
Venue: Online
Event Details
Since the adoption of the current VBER and Vertical Guidelines, there have been a number of market developments, notably the growth of online sales and of new market players such as online platforms. The purpose of the current Commission's evaluation is to gather evidence on the functioning of the VBER, together with the Vertical Guidelines, which will serve as a basis for the Commission to decide whether it should let the VBER lapse, renew or revise it.
As the Commission Staff Working Document on the evaluation of the VBER mentions the Commission will examine whether the objectives of the VBER were met during the period of its application (effectiveness) and continue to be appropriate (relevance) and whether the VBER, taking account of the costs and benefits associated with applying it, was efficient in achieving its objectives (efficiency). It also considers whether the VBER, as legislation at EU level, provided added value (EU added value) and is consistent with other Commission documents providing guidance on the application of Article 101 of the Treaty and related legislation with relevance for vertical agreements (coherence).
The panel will discuss the current status of the review, the potential way forward and discuss if and how the Regulation should be amended.
This event is convened by Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Co-Director of the Competition Law Forum, BIICL and QMUL
Join the conversation @BIICL#VBER
To be confirmed
Professor Ioannis Kokkoris, Co-Director of the Competition Law Forum, BIICL and QMUL
Pricing and Registration
This event is free of charge for members of the Competition Law Forum (CLF). CLF Members wishing to attend should register by emailing the Events team.
Charges for non members are below