Virtual Course: Law of the Sea

Course Details
This course offers an informative overview of the international law of the sea and current challenges facing the world's oceans and seas. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of law of the sea scholars, the course is designed to provide participants with a working knowledge of the relevant legal and regulatory framework, enhance and broaden their understanding on a wide spectrum of law of the sea topics such as deep seabed mining, maritime migration and unregulated fishing.
By the end of this course participants will develop a solid grounding in the international legal framework for governance of the world's oceans, the main sources of the law of the sea, including treaties and custom and how these elements are put to the test in different contexts, from protecting the environment, to regulating deep sea mining and dispute settlement.
Indicative topics include:
- The UN Law of the Sea Convention in Perspective
- Law of the sea: key concepts and principles
- Maritime zones: jurisdiction and resources
- Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea
- Current challenges for modern ocean governance
- Deep seabed mining
- Maritime migration
- Unregulated fishing
- Climate change
Download the course programme
Course format
The virtual course format will consist of a series of four 2 hours sessions in which live (synchronous) teaching is offered via Zoom. Participants will be able to interact with the tutors and amongst themselves on screen.
Who is the course for?
The course would be beneficial for students, law academics and practitioners and non-lawyers with interest in modern ocean governance.
Course trainers
- Dr Constantinos Yiallourides, Arthur Watts Research Fellow on the Law of the Sea
- H.E. Judge Tomas Heidar, Judge of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Dr Naomi Burke O'Sullivan, Legal Officer at the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci, Arthur Watts Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law & Director of Teaching and Training, BIICL
- Professor Richard Barnes, Professor of International Law, University of Lincoln