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Forum on Investor-State Mediation: Recordings

On 8-9 December 2020, the Investment Treaty Forum of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), in cooperation with the ISDS Mediation Working Group, organised a conference on Investor-State Mediation.

The event was conveyed by Prof. Yarik Kryvoi of BIICL, Wolf von Kumberg of IDR London and Prof. Malik R. Dahlan of BIICL and Queen Mary University London. It brought together participants from the investor-state mediation community, including mediation practitioners, academics, ADR Institutions, law firms and State and NGO representatives. It discussed the expansion of the use of mediation in Investor-State disputes to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) and easing international trade tensions.

This event followed the successful 2019 Colloquium on Investor-State Mediation, held by the Negotiation Task Force at the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies, Harvard University in 2019, which published a report on new forms of dispute resolution of investor-State Disputes.

Find out more on the event page 

Recordings of the conference

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