National Rapporteur for Japan

Professor Hitoshi USHIJIMA is Professor of Law at Chuo University, Tokyo. His main fields of research are administrative law and regulatory policy, environmental and climate change law, comparative/transnational law, and multi-layered legal systems and governance.
Professor Ushijima will lead the research for Japan.

Professor Masako ICHIHARA is Program-Specific Assistant Professor at the Research Unit of the Environment and Law, The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Law and Policy at Kyoto University School of Law.
Dr Ichihara will assist with the research and creation of the Japan report.

Professor Naoki IKEDA is a lawyer specialising in environmental law. He is a member of the Japan Association for Environmental Law and Policy and also of Japan Environmental Lawyers for Future.
Professor Ikeda will provide research assistance and help to draft the Japan report.

Misa NORIGAMI is the Japan researcher at Business and Human Rights Resource Centre.
Misa will assist with the research and drafting of the report for Japan.