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Lucy Moxham

Biography Lucy Moxham joined the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law at BIICL in January 2012. She is a Senior Research Fellow in the Rule of Law, and her research interests cover international human rights law, European and UK human rights law, and the Rule of Law. Lucy is leading the second phase of the Bingham Centre's Rule of Law Monitoring of Legislation project 2023-25, including its work as Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on the Rule of Law. She is also project…

European Law+2

Liza Lovdahl Gormsen

Biography Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen joined BIICL on 1 September 2014 as a Senior Research Fellow and the director of the Competition Law Forum. Her role at BIICL is to lead the Competition Law Forum, host events for its members and get the Forum involved in national and international competition policy debates and be engaged in competition law research. Liza is a Non-Governmental Advisor to the International Competition Network, appointed by the UK Competition and Markets Authority. She is a…

Artificial Intelligence+2

Eva Lein

Biography Eva is Professor at the University of Lausanne and Director of the Comparative Law Center at BIICL. Her fields of expertise are private international law, international dispute resolution and comparative law with a special focus on contract law and, more recently, digitalisation. She has also been a Honorary Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London and at Queen Mary, Institute in Paris, a Visiting Professor at different institutions, including the University Paris I (Sorbonne),…


Jean-Pierre Gauci

Biography Dr. Jean-Pierre Gauci is Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law and Director of Teaching and Training at BIICL. Recruited in 2014 as a research coordinator for the British Influences on International Law Project, his role was extended to that of research fellow in August 2015 and associate senior research fellow in 2017. Jean-Pierre holds a PhD in Law from King's College London; a Doctor of Laws and Magister Juris in International Law from the University of Malta. Beyond…

Climate Change+7

Oliver Garner

Biography Dr. Oliver Garner is Research Leader in European Rule of Law at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He holds a B.A. in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford, and an LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Laws and a Doctorate in Laws from the European University Institute (EUI). His Ph.D. research analysed withdrawal and opt-outs from the European Union. His work has been published in the Cambridge Yearbook…


Julinda Beqiraj

Biography Dr Julinda Beqiraj is the Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow in European Law. She leads and develops the research and events programme in European law areas (such as human rights, migration, trade and the environment) and publishes high-quality research for the Institute in this area. She also contributes to the Bingham Centre's work on Access to Justice within its programme of research on Justice Systems and the Rule of Law, with a particular focus on the efficiency and quality…

European Law+4

Ivano Alogna

Biography Dr Ivano Alogna joined BIICL in 2019 and is the Senior Research Fellow in Environmental and Climate Change Law at BIICL and leads the Institute's programme in this field. He is an Associate Member of the Sorbonne Research Institute in International and European Law (IREDIES), Sorbonne Law School and contributes to global environmental discussions as a member of the World Commission on Environmental Law (WCEL) of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), serving…

Climate Change+4

Developing the UK-EU relationship: TCA Review and Beyond

EVENTS Developing the UK-EU relationship: TCA Review and Beyond Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organiser Conference Details According to Art. 776 of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA) concluded between the UK and the EU, the implementation of the Agreement is to be reviewed every five years, with…

Artificial Intelligence+8

Financing mechanisms in EU cooperation on migration with third countries: Monitoring impact or legitimising contested policies

Introduction Over the past decade, the European Union (EU) has consistently expanded its informal cooperation on migration with third countries. Earlier this year, the EU signed €1 billion deals with Lebanon  and Egypt,  building on the EU-Turkey Statement  adopted in March 2016 to strengthen cooperation to 'prevent irregular migration' from Turkey to Greece. This cooperation, much like recent deals, has been widely criticised by scholars and human rights organisations due…

European Law

Charting the course to better EU law-making: optimisation of EU Treaties through inter-institutional cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) together with Milieu Consulting srl was commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) to undertake a research project on Better Regulation tools and active subsidiarity to support the policy priorities of the CoR. The report presenting the research findings has now been published by the European Committee of the Regions. In two parts, the report examines existing European Union (EU) instruments and processes…

European Law

Extra Time or Penalties? The Future Shape of the Sports/Competition Law Relationship

EVENTS Extra Time or Penalties? The Future Shape of the Sports/Competition Law Relationship Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details The arrival of significant new sources of sports club and league sponsorship and ownership is spreading across the world of sports. At the same time new configurations…

Competition Law+1

The EU sanctions against Russia and their imposition on family members of designated persons – second-best solutions on the way to first-best goals

The Russian aggression against Ukraine, which started in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and became a full-out war with the attack on the rest of the Ukrainian territory as of 24 February 2022, has unleashed a series of reactions by many members of the international community. Alongside active help for Ukraine, a second set of measures has proved to be essential in the attempts by the EU to react to this egregious attack against the international and European peace order. This is the sanctions…

European Law+2

EU Common Security and Defence Policy - International/Regional Security: Can Ukraine be a Part of It?

EVENTS EU Common Security and Defence Policy - International/Regional Security:  Can Ukraine be a Part of It? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    International Roundtable Discussion Moderator Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, head of the Jean Monnet Center…

European Law+1

Mapping Third Party Litigation Funding in the European Union

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is carrying out the European Commission study on "Mapping Third Party Litigation Funding in the European Union", in collaboration with Civic Consulting, the Asser Institute  and Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA).  The practice of TPLF has steadily grown in the EU. The aim of the study is to collect and analyse information on the legal framework and practical operation of TPLF in the EU Member States and in selected third…

Centre for Comparative Law+2

BIICL hosts discussion of Article 102 TFEU in Brussels

On Thursday 22nd of February, the Competition Law Forum held a lively discussion in Brussels focusing on the forthcoming guidelines on exclusionary abuses under Article 102 TFEU.  Following the roundtable here are some key takeaways from the discussion The purpose of guidelines is to codify case law and create transparency. The Commission was urged to be honest in its interpretation of the case law. For example, it should not read too much into the reference to 'object infringement'…

Competition Law+1

Charting the course to better EU law-making: optimisation of EU Treaties through inter-institutional cooperation with the European Committee of the Regions

Research project on better regulation tools and active subsidiarity to support the policy priorities of the European Committee of the Regions. The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) (together with Milieu Consulting srl) has been commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions  (CoR) to undertake a project that gathers and analyses data on the impact and quality of better regulation tools, as well as exploring arguments for and approaches to a stronger…

European Law

Attracting Global Skills and Talents to EU’s cities and regions

European Union (EU) member States have diverse qualifications and education systems, which are a primary competence of member States. Understanding those systems and the factors that contribute to the effective recognition of qualifications of migrants is an important first step to identifying strategies to more effectively connect the needs of European economies and the set of skills that migrant workers have to offer. EU institutions acknowledge the potential of these systems to attract…

European Law+2

WTO DDG Ellard delivers keynote speech at BIICL

WTO Deputy Director General Ellard highlights the impact of technological developments on global trade In a keynote speech at the 2023 Annual WTO Conference organized by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in London on 6 October, WTO Deputy Director-General Angela Ellard outlined how technological developments are changing the face of international trade. DDG Ellard commended BIICL on all the work it does in research, teaching, and publishing on pressing legal…

European Law+1

New BIICL study examines ways to recognise qualifications across EU

BIICL has been commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions to undertake a research study entitled Attracting Global Skills and Talents to EU's cities and regions. The study will explore current practices across the European Union to facilitate the recognition of qualifications and skills of third-country nationals. The European Union's strategic approach to legal migration has, as one of its key elements, the facilitation of the recognition of qualifications and skills of third-country…

European Law+2

Attracting Global Skills and Talents to EU's cities and regions

The European Union's strategic approach to legal migration has, as one of its key elements, the facilitation of the recognition of qualifications and skills of third-country nationals. One of the challenges in such facilitation comes from the fact that EU member States have diverse qualifications and education systems, which are a primary competence of the Member States. BIICL has been commissioned by the European Committee of the Regions to undertake a research study aimed…

European Law+2

62nd London-Leiden Conference: Unity in Diversity: Promoting and defending the Rule of Law as a foundational value in the EU and UK

EVENTS 62nd London-Leiden Conference: Unity in Diversity Promoting and defending the Rule of Law as a foundational value in the EU and UK Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with Conference Details As an EU core value, the Rule of Law (ROL) should inform the implementation of policies at the Union…

European Law+1

ICLQ Annual Lecture 2023: Sovereignty Fictions in the United Kingdom's Trade Agenda

EVENTS ICLQ Annual Lecture 2023: Sovereignty Fictions in the United Kingdom's Trade Agenda Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsor Event Details Chair  Professor Sir Malcolm Evans KCMG OBE Speakers Professor Clair Gammage, Exeter University  Professor Phil Syrpis, Bristol University   This…


Disaggregation of Digital Information and Data Sovereignty Compliance

The huge amount of data stored outside of national boundaries has become a critical issue that is closely related to the question of data sovereignty (i.e., government control over domestic data), where rules introduced by states may result in both protection and limitations for companies that wish to resort to cloud services. New research led by BIICL/Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, with a focus on the UK, EU, US and Australia, finds that data sovereignty rules are upheld if…

Artificial Intelligence+1

Comparative study on the implementation of the industrial emissions directive

Comparative study on the implementation into the national legislation of certain EU Member States of an adapted burden of proof in the context of the Industrial Emissions Directive This research project examines how the proposal to adapt the burden of proof for compensation claims under the Industrial Emissions Directive could be implemented into the domestic law of EU Member States. Under the present framework, victims of violations of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) are,…

Centre for Comparative Law+4

Technology and the law - Maurice Wohl Fellowship

Technology and the law Data protection, ROL and digital technologies We are living in an age of profound technological advancements. The opportunities provided by Artificial intelligence (AI) - the development of systems that simulate human intelligence - has the capacity to transform sectors of the economy and public services. This includes areas of considerable human rights significance such as healthcare, education, employment, and justice (including…

European Law+1

Rule of Law - Maurice Wohl Fellowship

Rule of Law Rule of Law and human rights in Europe and the EU The Rule of Law plays a fundamental role in anchoring economic, social, and cultural rights in national constitutions, laws, and regulations. Rule of Law and human rights have an intrinsic and mutually reinforcing relationship - respect for human rights informs all Rule of Law elements, such as legality, legal certainty, the prohibition of arbitrariness, access to justice, and equality before…

European Law+2

Post-Brexit issues - Maurice Wohl Fellowship

Post-Brexit issues The UK-EU relationship and beyond Following the UK's withdrawal from the EU there is continued interest in the current UK-EU relationship regulated by the Withdrawal Agreement and the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. This new relationship necessarily builds on the extensive EU legal framework developed during the UK's membership in specific areas. We have undertaken continued analysis of the UK's post-Brexit legislation through input into…

European Law+1

Justice Systems - Maurice Wohl Fellowship

Justice systems Strengthening access to justice, efficiency, and quality of justice in Europe More countries are displaying deterioration rather than improvement in their level of accessibility and affordability of courts. This corresponds with declines in overall Rule of Law adherence. Therefore, there is increasing demand for practical assistance and training that is tailored to the specific needs of particular European countries, especially those in the…

European Law+1

Global challenges - Maurice Wohl Fellowship

Global challenges Dealing with emergencies: preparedness and resilience in Europe   The European society, and the global community more broadly, has faced serious challenges in the last decade. These crises include climate change, migration pressures, the COVID-19 pandemic, and most recently Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The challenges have shown the importance of strengthened resilience at the European level. The phrase "never waste a good crisis" shines…

European Law+1

EAPIL-BIICL Seminar on the Rome II Regulation

EVENTS EAPIL-BIICL Seminar on the Rome II Regulation Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with EAPIL Event Details  A joint seminar hosted by the European Association of Private International Law (EAPIL) and the  British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). The Seminar…

Artificial Intelligence+5

61st Leiden-London Meeting 2022

EVENTS 61st Leiden-London Meeting 2022: Interdependence, cooperation and strategic autonomy: A (legal) view from the EU Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details Swings and developments in the foreign policy of world powers have accelerated the awareness of the need for the EU to clarify…


Lessons for a 'Post-Pandemic' Future

EVENTS Lessons for a 'Post-Pandemic' Future Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location  This Event is sponsored by Organised by  Webinar   The COVID-19 pandemic not only ravaged human bodies but also had profound and possibly enduring effects on the health of political and legal systems, economies…


Inter-state Complaints in International Human Rights Law

The possibility to complain about human rights violations before supra-national bodies is an essential element towards the effective implementation of international human rights law. Beyond the possibility of individuals bringing complaints before United Nations ('UN') Treaty Bodies or regional human rights courts, various human rights treaties and regional human rights conventions establish inter-state complaint mechanisms. Inter-State cases have not been the most utilized mechanism…

Courts and Tribunals+2

Law and Change: Smart Cities, Platform Economy and the Vulnerable

EVENTS Law and Change: Smart Cities, Platform Economy and the Vulnerable Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with Law and Change Series The British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is collaborating with the Center for AI and Data Governance (CAIDG) of the Singapore Management…

Artificial Intelligence+4

The CJEU Judgement on the Budget Conditionality Regulation: Unleashing EU Rule of Law Enforcement?

EVENTS The CJEU Judgement on the Budget Conditionality Regulation: Unleashing EU Rule of Law Enforcement? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    The Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) has announced that it will deliver judgment on 16 February in the joint cases C-156/21 and C-157/21 of Hungary and Poland…

European Law+1

Beyond The UK Supreme Court judgment on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill: Reflections on the Continuing Human Rights Journey in Scotland

EVENTS Beyond The UK Supreme Court judgment on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill: Reflections on the Continuing Human Rights Journey in Scotland Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child has been ratified by 196 countries around…

Courts and Tribunals+3

The London-Leiden Conference 2021: The Future for European Youth

EVENTS The London-Leiden Conference 2021: The Future for European Youth Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location   Event Details Following Brexit, young people in the UK and Europe will be the first European generation since the 1970s who are not able to benefit fully from free movement to and from the…


Law and Change: Social Media

EVENTS Law and Change: Social Media Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details The British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is collaborating with the Center for AI and Data Governance (CAIDG) of the Singapore Management University on a series of webinars on 'Law…

Artificial Intelligence+4

Short Course: Public International Law in Practice

EVENTS Short Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details The Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The programme focuses…

Business and Human Rights+9

Inter-State Complaints in International Human Rights Law

EVENTS Inter-State Complaints in International Human Rights Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsored by: Event Details The possibility to complain about the violation of human rights before a supra-national body is an essential element towards the effective implementation of international human rights…

Courts and Tribunals+2

BIICL Guidelines – Constructive resolution of business legal disputes post COVID-19

Small businesses are the backbone of the UK economy and key to economic recovery post COVID-19 and Brexit. Yet many of them struggle to obtain payment on time, or sometimes at all, and end up facing a difficult choice: to pursue payment by the often slow process of going to court, with the outlay of cost and valuable management time and effort, and the risk of damaging important commercial relationships, or to walk away from money that is rightly theirs. COVID-19 has increased these difficulties…

Comparative Law+2

Class, Intersectionality, the Right to Housing and the Avoidable Tragedy of Grenfell

The avoidable tragedy of Grenfell Tower starkly raises the issues of class and intersectionality, an area which has, until now, received insufficient analysis. This chapter excavates, inter alia, three issues surrounding class, intersectionality and the Grenfell Tower tragedy: the nature of class as a concept; its implications in constituting a ground of discrimination under the Equality Act 2010; and its relationship with intersectionality. The reasons behind the insufficient attention…

Centre for Comparative Law+5

Swiss-UK Bilateral Relations outside EU Membership

EVENTS Swiss-UK Bilateral Relations outside EU Membership Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details Brexit has led to a new triangle of legal relations in Europe outside of EU membership: UK-EU; Swiss-EU; and UK-Swiss. The United Kingdom left the European Union on 31 January 2020. After 47 years of a…


EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Conversation with European Commission Vice President Schinas

EVENTS EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: Conversation with European Commission Vice President Schinas Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Image courtesy of European Parliament    Event Details This event will involve a conversation between Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President for Promoting our European…

European Law+2

The Representative Actions Directive - a class action for Europe?

After many years of discussion, the EU Representative Actions Directive was finally promulgated in early December last year. The European institutions have had a long-standing interest in consumer redress & group actions dating back to at least 1980s. The first concrete result of that was the Injunctions Directive passed in 1998, which though solely a regulatory measure, was nonetheless very significant development as the first EU legislation covering in a general way on civil procedural…

Collective Redress+3

The Representative Actions Directive – a class action for Europe?

EVENTS The Representative Actions Directive - a class action for Europe? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details This webinar will examine the recently-adopted EU Representative Actions Directive and consider its impact on cross-border and domestic collective redress actions across Europe.…

Collective Redress+5

Views across the channel on digital regulation

As the slogan 'get Brexit done' became somehow a -forced- reality on January 1st, it is tempting and timely to comment on three themes, having chosen three out of many, on two recent developments: The proposal for a Digital Markets Act (DMA) in the European Union (EU) and the recommendations issued by the Digital Markets Taskforce (DMT recommendations) in the United Kingdom (UK). As a general overview, the proposal for a DMA seems to show that the European Commission (Commission) is trying…

Artificial Intelligence+3

Breathing Space - Guidelines for the resolution of disputes in the 2020 pandemic

EVENTS Breathing Space - Guidelines for the resolution of disputes in the 2020 pandemic Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Event Details BIICL's "Breathing Space" series considers how the legal and business communities might respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in order to foster economic recovery.…


29th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law

Online 29th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law:  Celebrating the 'Historical Turn': International Law in Global Histories Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Organised in collaboration with the Society of Legal scholars       Event details Over the last two decades,…

Centre for International law+2

The UK, European Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Seventy Years of the ECHR and Twenty Years of the HRA - A Time for Celebration?

WEBINAR The UK, European Human Rights and the Rule of Law: Seventy Years of the ECHR and Twenty Years of the HRA - A Time for Celebration? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with  Event Details This webinar is being held to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human…

Courts and Tribunals+3

Written evidence submitted to the House of Commons Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union

   This written evidence has been re-published on the Bingham Centre website with the kind permission of the House of Commons Committee on the Future Relationship with the European Union. Executive Summary The key tasks that the Joint Committee and the Specialised Committees need to execute before the end of the transition period are determining the criteria for the functioning of the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland, implementing the citizens' rights provisions of the…

European Law

Brexit, Delegated Powers and Delegated Legislation: a Rule of Law Analysis of Parliamentary Scrutiny

Brexit has reopened long running debates over the impact of delegated powers and delegated legislation on Parliament's role in the legislative process. The legislative process in Parliament enables parliamentarians to hold the government to account for proposed changes to the statute book, to amend bills and to decide whether a government bill should be enacted. The government's reliance on delegated powers and delegated legislation to deliver Brexit has raised concerns that parliamentarians…


Unity and Diversity in National Understandings of the Rule of Law in the EU (Reconnect deliverable 7.1)

The working paper aims to show that the rule of law is not only one amongst the few overarching constitutional principles that can together be regarded as undergirding all legal systems in Europe, but it is also a constitutional principle whose core meaning is consensual and well-defined.  The paper submits that there is now a broad legal consensus in Europe on the core meaning of this principle, its minimum components, and how it relates to other key values such as democracy and…

European Law

Meaning and Scope of the EU Rule of Law (Reconnect deliverable 7.2)

The Working Paper addresses the key questions surrounding the meaning and scope of the EU rule of law: primarily whether, and the extent to which, supranational understandings of the rule of law differ, if at all, from the national understandings. The paper also examines the European minimum standards of the rule of law, and whether the EU has promoted or applied different understandings for instrumental reasons. The paper concludes that the rule of law can and should be considered…

European Law

UK accession to the 2007 Lugano Convention

On 8 April 2020, the United Kingdom deposited a request for re-accession to the 2007 Lugano Convention as an individual member. According to Art. 72 of the Convention, the UK accession requires the unanimous consent of all contracting parties. While Switzerland, Norway and Iceland have already announced their support, the European Union and Denmark (which is an individual member due to its special status in EU civil justice cooperation) still have to give their explicit consent. The accession…


European Parliament in-depth analysis on Sustainable Consumption and Consumer Protection Legislation

This In-Depth Analysis on "Sustainable Consumption and Consumer Protection Legislation", authored by Bert Keirsbilck, Evelyne Terryn, Anaïs Michel (KU Leuven) and Ivano Alogna (BIICL), was commissioned by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO), in order to provide the Members of the European Parliament with evidence and recommendations for the own-initiative report entitled "Towards a more sustainable…

Business and Human Rights+3

The EU-UK Future Relationship and the Rule of Law

Executive Summary The EU and the UK have begun negotiating their future relationship. The two sides disagree over the structure of the agreement(s), the legal form of any commitments to maintain common standards, and dispute resolution. Each of these disagreements highlights the unprecedented nature of these negotiations: this is the first time the EU has negotiated an international agreement with a state after it has withdrawn from the EU through Article 50 TEU . The condensed timetable…


Divergence and alignment: The Rule of Law implications of the future relationship with the EU

EVENTS Divergence and alignment: The Rule of Law implications of the future relationship with the EU Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsored by Event Details On Tuesday 25 February the EU published their negotiating directives for the future relationship following adoption by the Member States in…


The Correspondence of Frederick Alexander Mann (1907–1991)

F.A. Mann (1907-1991), a German born and educated lawyer, fled racial persecution in 1933, took home in London and became one of the best known solicitors and legal scholars of his generation.  The present stock-taking of his voluminous surviving correspondence shows Mann as a prolific networker and provides fascinating insights behind the scenes on how judges and legislators make law, and how legal practitioners and academics shape this development. Mann's testimony as contemporary…


Is the rule of law too vague a notion to be monitored and enforced by the EU against backsliding Member States?

EVENTS Is the rule of law too vague a notion to be monitored and enforced by the EU against backsliding Member States? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised in partnership with  Event Details The rule of law is considered as a driver of legitimacy in the EU and the Member States. However, its…

European Law+1

The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill and the Rule of Law

The European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill (WAB) is a Bill of paramount constitutional importance. The aim of this report is to examine a number of Rule of Law issues raised by the WAB. This report uses the Rule of Law checklist adopted by the Venice Commission in 2016 to inform its analysis of the WAB. These Rule of Law standards provide a guide to the core elements of the Rule of Law, for which consensus can be found amongst the 47 States of the Council of Europe. The Venice Commission's…


'The future of Europe' conference (Bucharest)

EVENTS 'The future of Europe' conference (Bucharest) former recently taking measures to protect judges from political influence. Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Event Details Rule of Law backsliding in Central and Eastern Europe remains worrisome. Recently, the Venice Commission expressed serious…

European Law+1

No Deal Brexit, Business and the Rule of Law

The profound changes that would accompany a No Deal Brexit will transform the legal environment in which business operates, from changing the terms of trade relationships in Europe, to the structure of regulation and the content of laws.  This paper explores the consequences for the Rule of Law for Business from these changes, by drawing on the perspectives of experts from the Bingham Centre's business network and other Brexit experts. Our interviews revealed that the search for…


The EU Engagement in International Migration Policies

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and International Organization for Migration (IOM): The EU Engagement in International Migration Policies' Book chapter in R Wessel and J Odermatt, Research Handbook on the European Union and International Organizations (Edgar Elgar 2019) Over the years, the European Union has developed relationships with other international institutions, mainly as a result of its increasingly active role as a global actor and the transfer of competences…

European Law+2

The 58th London-Leiden Conference: The European Union and International Law

Time: 09.30-17.30 (registration from 09.00) Venue: King's College London, Bush House, 30 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4BG Sponsored by Now in its 58th year, this year's London-Leiden conference will discuss the role of the European Union in the broader international law framework. Article 3(5) of the Treaty on the European Union, requires the Union to contribute to the strict observance and development of international law. In this conference, we will explore whether and how the European Union is…

European Law

28th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law

EVENTS 28th Annual SLS/BIICL Workshop on Theory in International Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Spaces beyond Sovereignty: International Law Outside of Territorial Jurisdiction 4th December 2017, the UN General Assembly decided to convene an intergovernmental conference to negotiate a treaty on the conservation and sustainable…

European Law

How to tackle Rule of Law backsliding in the EU?

Time: 9.30-11.30 CET (registration with coffee opens at 9.00) Venue: Info Point Europa - Schuman, Rond-point Schuman / Schuman Plein, Rue Archimède, 1 - B-1000 Brussels, Belgium There have been important developments and decisions taken in the past few months with respect to the Rule of Law in the European Union (EU). This includes, for example, the European Commission's proposal on the protection of the Union's budget in case of generalised deficiencies as regards the Rule of Law, which would…

European Law+1

Brexit Votes Explained UK in a Changing Europe and Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law report

The report sets out what affects MPs' influence and shows that there could be no deal if members of parliament continue to vote against everything. Publication - Download PDF Share Links Publication - Tags


Resolving the Brexit impasse UK in a Changing Europe and Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law report

There are disputes over territory in almost every region of the world, sometimes leading to escalations and violence between States and threatening international peace and security. International law requires States to refrain from the threat or use of force and to attempt to settle their disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace, security and justice are not endangered. In June 2018 the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has completed…


Seven Brexit endgame scenarios – a guide to the parliamentary process of withdrawal from the European Union

Seven Brexit endgame scenarios - a guide to the parliamentary process of withdrawal from the European Union Project Report This report is a guide to seven of the different possible parliamentary scenarios that might occur between now and exit day. This report explains how each of these scenarios could play out, and highlights the problems each faces. These hurdles come both from within the UK and from the rules created by the EU. This report explains how procedure will affect the politics,…


BIICL acts as the UK Hub of the European Law Institute

ELI UK Hub BIICL acts as the UK Hub of the European Law Institute. The UK Hub will be officially launched in autumn 2020. It aims at encouraging UK based ELI Members to participate in various ELI projects and to organise events in cooperation with the European Law Institute. The European Law Institute Founded in June 2011 as an entirely independent organisation, the European Law Institute (ELI) aims to improve the quality of European law, understood in the broadest sense. It seeks to…

Centre for Comparative Law+1

Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law (RECONNECT)

BIICL is one of 18 partner organisations participating in a Horizon 2020 EU-funded project, 'Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law' (RECONNECT). This four-year multidisciplinary project focuses on strengthening the EU's legitimacy throughout Europe and seeks to assist the EU in becoming more attuned to the expectations of its citizens. BIICL has a multifaceted role in RECONNECT. Along with the University of Leuven, we are co-leading the Communication,…

European Law

The EU and the Proliferation of Integration Principles under the Lisbon Treaty, Routledge, 2019.

Animal Welfare by Julinda Beqiraj  in The EU and the Proliferation of Integration Principles under the Lisbon Treaty, Routledge, 2019. Edited by Francesca Ippolito, Maria Eugenia Bartoloni and Massimo Condinanzi  Publication - Download PDF Share Links Publication - Tags

European Law

The Rule of Law Implications of the Withdrawal Agreement, the European Union (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill

As the UK stands poised to leave the European Union at the end of March 2019, this meeting has been convened to assist parliamentarians in grappling with the large number of complex political and constitutional questions that must be navigated in order to ensure that Brexit is compatible with principles of the Rule of Law. The meeting will focus on the impact of the Brexit Agreements on citizens' rights, the role of the courts and Parliament, common rulebooks and Northern Ireland. The expert…

European Law

The Withdrawal Agreement and the Political Declaration: A Preliminary Rule of Law Analysis

This report identifies a number of Rule of Law issues that can inform the scrutiny of the Withdrawal Agreement, the Political Declaration on the Future Relationship and the EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill in Parliament. The Rule of Law, a central principle of the UK's uncodified constitution, provides a set of minimum standards that can inform both the process and substance of Brexit. The final six months before exit day are unlikely to provide ideal conditions for effective parliamentary…


The Brexit endgame: a guide to the parliamentary process of withdrawal from the European Union

The Brexit endgame: a guide to the parliamentary process of withdrawal from the European Union Project Report In this exhaustive report, Matt Bevington, Jack Simson Caird and Alan Wager have gone to great lengths to meticulously examine the nooks and crannies of parliamentary procedure to give an insight into how this process might work. Leaving to one side the vicissitudes of party politics, which, frankly, merit a report in their own right, they lay bare the complexities of the parliamentary…


57th Leiden-London Meeting: Agencies, Accountability and Association: Legal issues of agencies in the EU legal order and in relations with neighbouring States

Venue: Europa Institute, University of Leiden, Netherlands Time: Full day conference The Europa Instituut of the University of Leiden and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law annually organise a conference to discuss current developments in European Union Law. This year will be the fifty-seventh Leiden-London Meeting; it will take place in Leiden on Saturday 30th June 2018. In the EU system of governance, administrative powers are increasingly granted to bodies other…

European Law

Complexity's Embrace The International Law Implications of Brexit

Complexity's Embrace                                                                                      The International Law Implications of Brexit Edited by Oonagh E. Fitzgerald and Eva Lein In Complexity's Embrace, international law practitioners and academics from…


The EU (Withdrawal) Bill, A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 1 - 6

This Report sets out the Bingham Centre's Rule of Law analysis of clauses 1 to 6 of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill, to inform the House of Lords Committee Stage consideration of those clauses. The Bill's purpose is to protect the Rule of Law as the UK withdraws from the EU. It repeals the European Communities Act ("ECA"), the legal basis for EU law having effect and supremacy in UK law, with effect from the date of the UK's exit. However, it aims to ensure legal continuity, certainty and stability…


Submission to Brexit: competition and State aid

Brexit: competition and State aid A review by the UK government published February 2018 and incuding a submission by BIICL  Publication - Download PDF Share Links Publication - Tags


FAQ: Brexit and Environmental Law

FAQ: Brexit and Environmental Law Publication - Download PDF Share Links Publication - Tags


Brexit and International Environmental Law

There are disputes over territory in almost every region of the world, sometimes leading to escalations and violence between States and threatening international peace and security. International law requires States to refrain from the threat or use of force and to attempt to settle their disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace, security and justice are not endangered. In June 2018 the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has completed…


China’s market economy status’, Italian practice relating to international law,

China's market economy status', Italian practice relating to international law,  in the Italian Yearbook of International Law 2017 Publication - Download PDF Share Links Publication - Tags

European Law
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