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Constantinos Yiallourides

Biography Dr Constantinos Yiallourides is Research Leader in Law of the Sea at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) where he leads the Institute's Watts Programme of research, training, and events in the law of the sea and global ocean governance. He is also Lecturer in International Law at Macquarie University, School of Law, Sydney. He was previously lecturer in international law at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, post-doctoral researcher in energy law…

Climate Change+2

Maria Tymofiienko

Maria Tymofiienko is an international lawyer and Head of Projects, Ukraine International Law Response at the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL). Originally from Kyiv, Maria moved to the UK in 2012 to continue her academic research at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL.) At QMUL and later at BIICL Maria managed major international assistance projects in support of Ukraine's law and judiciary reform agenda. Maria has worked closely with civil society and…

Courts and Tribunals+1

Irene Pietropaoli

Biography Dr Irene Pietropaoli is a Senior Fellow in Business and Human Rights and joined BIICL in October 2018. She is the Director of the Human Rights Due Diligence Forum  and conducts research and training programmes on corporate human rights and environmental due diligence. For example she leads BIICL's research on human rights in global supply chains and BIICL's short course on business and human rights.  Irene is also leading BIICL's work on Artificial Intelligence …

Artificial Intelligence+3

Roman Petrov

Biography Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy since 2010, Head of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence in EU Studies at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy since 2011. Director of German Law Institute at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy since 2016. Lectured the very first Jean Monnet Module in EU law in Ukraine at the Donetsk National University in 2001.  Prof. Dr. Roman Petrov obtained his PhD at the Queen Mary University…


Yarik Kryvoi

Professor Yarik Kryvoi is the Senior Fellow in International Economic Law and Director of the Investment Treaty Forum. He is also an Of Counsel at Keidan Harrison in London. Prof Kryvoi's expertise is primarily in the areas of international dispute resolution, including investor-state arbitration and international commercial arbitration, international administrative law and international public law.  In addition to his role at the BIICL, he is a visiting professor at a London-based university…


Sergii Koziakov

Biography Dr Sergii Koziakov joined the Institute in September 2024 as Research Leader of 'The Dynamics of the Judiciary in Ukraine in the Context of the Rule of Law and the EU Accession Aspirations' project. Dr Koziakov has been an Associate Professor at the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Institute of International Relations) since 1988, where he teaches about the Legal Regulation of foreign economic activity, Comparative Competition Law, and Private Legal Practice. He has…


Kristin Hausler

Biography Kristin Hausler, Dorset Senior Fellow, is the Director of the Centre for International Law. Since joining the Institute in 2007, she has developed and led several research projects on human rights, international humanitarian law, and international criminal law, areas in which she also provides training at the Institute. Her expertise lies in cultural heritage and she is currently leading a project on the restitution of cultural objects. Recently, she completed a project analysing…

Centre for International law+5

Jean-Pierre Gauci

Biography Dr. Jean-Pierre Gauci is Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law and Director of Teaching and Training at BIICL. Recruited in 2014 as a research coordinator for the British Influences on International Law Project, his role was extended to that of research fellow in August 2015 and associate senior research fellow in 2017. Jean-Pierre holds a PhD in Law from King's College London; a Doctor of Laws and Magister Juris in International Law from the University of Malta. Beyond…

Climate Change+7

Kateryna Busol

Biography Kateryna is a Ukrainian lawyer specialising in international humanitarian, criminal law, transitional justice, gender and cultural heritage. She is a Associate Professor at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. As a scholar and practitioner, Kateryna has worked on various justice issues related to her expertise and with a specific focus on the Russia-Ukraine armed conflict. She has published on the weaponisation of cultural heritage, conflict-related sexual violence,…


Julinda Beqiraj

Biography Dr Julinda Beqiraj is the Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow in European Law. She leads and develops the research and events programme in European law areas (such as human rights, migration, trade and the environment) and publishes high-quality research for the Institute in this area. She also contributes to the Bingham Centre's work on Access to Justice within its programme of research on Justice Systems and the Rule of Law, with a particular focus on the efficiency and quality…

European Law+4

Tetyana Antsupova

Biography Professor Tetyana Antsupova is the lead researcher of the Project "The Dynamics of the Judiciary in Ukraine in the Context of the Rule of Law and the EU Accession Aspirations", former judge of the Supreme Court in Ukraine (Grand Chamber). Professor Antsupova is a Senior Fellow at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and awardee of the British Academy Global Professorships scheme. She is an experienced academic and legal professional with a strong European…


New Project on Ukraine Judiciary

Today we begin work on a four-year Research Project "The Dynamics of the Judiciary in Ukraine in the Context of the Rule of Law and the EU Accession Aspirations", funded by the British Academy according to Global Professorships 2023 scheme. The research will contribute to a critical study of Ukraine's judicial system from a historical (from 1991 - to date) and legal perspective. It will examine key features including judicial reforms, independence of the judiciary with the rule of law framework,…

Courts and Tribunals+2

International Claims Commissions: Balancing State Responsibility and Individual Rights

Image Credit: Flickr The Russian war against Ukraine highlights the profound human tragedies behind conflicts, reminding us of the crucial role international law can play in mitigating damage. Historically, post-war disputes have been addressed by specially established commissions or tribunals, with varying success. For example, the 1794 Jay Treaty between the UK and the US set up commissions for resolving merchant and ship-owner claims, one of which was more effective than the other.…


BIICL publishes report to help with the post-conflict economic recovery of Ukraine

'Unlocking Investment in Ukraine' - "an important and valuable contribution to the rule of law and a successful economy in Ukraine." BIICL Roundtable attended by The Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice, the Rt Hon. Alex Chalk KC MP and the Ukrainian Minister of Justice, Denys Maliuska. The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) in collaboration with the UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ), has this week published its report 'Unlocking Investment in Ukraine' …


Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law

TRAINING Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Details The course offers interdisciplinary overview of prerequisites, current trends and future scenarios of the War in Ukraine. The course will enable participants to understand…

Human Rights and IHL+1

The EU sanctions against Russia and their imposition on family members of designated persons – second-best solutions on the way to first-best goals

The Russian aggression against Ukraine, which started in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and became a full-out war with the attack on the rest of the Ukrainian territory as of 24 February 2022, has unleashed a series of reactions by many members of the international community. Alongside active help for Ukraine, a second set of measures has proved to be essential in the attempts by the EU to react to this egregious attack against the international and European peace order. This is the sanctions…

European Law+2

Roundtable: Unlocking Investment in Ukraine (hybrid)

EVENTS Roundtable: Unlocking Investment in Ukraine  Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details The aim of the project ''Unlocking Investment in Ukraine - UK Ministry of Justice (MOJ) and the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL)' is to inform key stakeholders on the advantages…


Unlocking Investment in Ukraine

This report was commissioned by the United Kingdom Ministry of Justice in relation to the international effort to support recovery in Ukraine. It is intended to identify potential justice and legal system reforms that will encourage foreign investment into Ukraine and contribute to its recovery. Project Report The report was launched at a Roundtable on 24th April   Read the Report (Ukranian)  Over the past decade, Ukraine has undergone significant judicial reform aimed…


EU Common Security and Defence Policy - International/Regional Security: Can Ukraine be a Part of It?

EVENTS EU Common Security and Defence Policy - International/Regional Security:  Can Ukraine be a Part of It? Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    International Roundtable Discussion Moderator Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, head of the Jean Monnet Center…

European Law+1

Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context

Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law Share LinksCourse Outline The course offers interdisciplinary overview of prerequisites, current trends and future scenarios of the War in Ukraine. The course will enable participants to understand the reasons of the conflict and to find political and legal solutions to combat its consequences and to restore trust in international law and justice. Over the course of five sessions, participants will gain knowledge…


Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine

Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimean peninsula and aggression in Ukraine's eastern Donbas provinces that led to the establishment of non-recognised entities (the so-called "Donetsk/Luhansk People's Republics") in 2014 resulted in a significant deterioration in the human rights situation within these territories. The armed conflict has had wider human rights, economy and security repercussions for Ukraine and the region. Russia has also labelled the treatment of ethnic Russians and…

Cultural Heritage+4

Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine (Hybrid)

EVENTS Individual Reparations for Human Rights Violations in Ukraine (Hybrid) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details The annexation of Crimea and Russia's aggression in Donbas that led to the establishment of non-recognised entities (so-called "Donetsk/Lugansk people's republics") in…

Cultural Heritage+4

Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law

TRAININGTRAINING Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Details The course offers interdisciplinary overview of prerequisites, current trends and future scenarios of the War in Ukraine. The course will enable participants to…

International Law+1

Private International Law in National Adjudication

EVENTS Private International Law in National Adjudication Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Hosted by the Ukrainian Association of International Law In cooperation with the Supreme Court of Ukraine and British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) Conference Details Globalization processes,…

Courts and Tribunals+3

Contribution to European Parliament Report

Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond Today, the European Parliament published a Report on Protecting cultural heritage from armed conflicts in Ukraine and beyond for which many stakeholders were interviewed to identify good practices and gaps in the ways cultural heritage is being protected in Ukraine. In addition to detailing the legal and policy frameworks applicable to the protection of cultural heritage from the ongoing armed conflict in Ukraine,…

Cultural Heritage+1

BIICL Roundtable on Ukraine attended by the Presidents of the Supreme Courts of Ukraine and the UK

Leading judiciary and experts gather at BIICL to discuss support for Ukraine's courts and legal reform programme. On 30 January 2023 the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) hosted the Roundtable "Ukrainian courts and the justice system during a war". The Roundtable was attended by a delegation of senior judges and politicians from Ukraine, led by the President of the Ukrainian Supreme Court, Vsevolod Knyazev. Ukrainian participants also included His Excellency Ambassador…


The effect of sanctions on investment arbitration

Illustration: Daily Mail These remarks were delivered at the 12th Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference organised by the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic on 20 October 2022. Following the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the effect of sanctions on arbitration has become an increasingly important topic. Within weeks of the invasion, the European Union, United States, United Kingdom, Japan and other states imposed sweeping sanctions to support peace and the territorial integrity…


Economic Sanctions Against Russia and their Compatibility with WTO Law: Questions and Answers

1. What are the benefits and duties deriving from Russia's WTO membership? Russia became a WTO member in 2012. The Most Favoured Nation (MFN) clause embodied in different WTO agreements (notably the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and others) entitles Russia, as a WTO member, to benefit from the same regulatory and tariff treatment accorded to products of other WTO members, regarding both imports and exports. Similarly, as regards services, under the General Agreement on Trade…

Investment and Trade+1

New article published by Guy Beringer in City A.M

Guy Beringer, Co-Chairman of the Bingham Development Board considers how the emergence of economic sanctions creates new challenges for government, business and the law. The emergence of economic sanctions as a potential deterrent weapon for dealing with rogue states gives rise to new challenges for government, business and the law. This will require new thinking and co-ordinated planning. It will also require better understanding of the rationale for rule of law principles in market economies.…

Comparative Law+3

Part 2: Responsible Exit from Russia: Business and Human Rights in a Global Governance Gap

This is a two-part blog series. In Part 1 Dr Irene Pietropaoli discusses whether foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia. In Part 2, Dr. Irene Pietrapaoli and Dr. Daniel Aguirre discuss responsible exits from Russia. Hundreds of multinational companies have left Russia since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. While this voluntary divestment - most are not subject to sanctions - may be an effective economic weapon in response…

Business and Human Rights+3

Destruction of Ukrainian cultural heritage vis-a-vis military necessity and lasting peace

Almost four weeks into the Russian invasion, important Ukrainian heritage sites have suffered destruction or damage, including the State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre and the Philharmonic in Kharkiv, as well as the museum of local history in Ivankiv, where the losses have included works by the celebrated Ukrainian folk artist, Maria Prymachenko. Plenty more is at risk, including Ukraine's seven World Heritage Sites designated pursuant to the World Heritage Convention (1972) and…

Cultural Heritage+2

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and International Law: Questions and Answers

Authors: Prof. Yarik Kryvoi (YK), Kristin Hausler (KH), Iris Anastasiadou (IA), Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci (JPG), Dr Noemi Magugliani (NM), Dr Irene Pietropaoli (IP), Dr Berenika Drazewska (BD) In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has prepared a list of relevant questions and answers, which the general public may have. In addition to answers prepared by BIICL's experts in the relevant…

Business and Human Rights+4

Part 1: Do foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia?

This is a two-part blog series. In Part 1 Dr Irene Pietropaoli discusses whether foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia. In Part 2, Dr. Irene Pietrapaoli and Dr. Daniel Aguirre discuss responsible exits from Russia. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24th February, over 300 multinational companies have decided to leave Russia or suspend their operations there. Do they have an obligation under international law to do so? Foreign companies have…

Business and Human Rights+3

How does international law protect Ukrainian cultural heritage in war? Is it protected differently than other civilian objects?

In line with the principle of distinction, the cornerstone of international humanitarian law, attacks may only be directed against military objectives; thus, in principle, all civilian objects enjoy protection during hostilities. Objects and sites of cultural, religious or historical importance benefit from additional protection on the basis of treaty and customary international law. While the Geneva Conventions of 1949 do not include a specific provision for cultural property, Article 53 of…

Cultural Heritage+1
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