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Yarik Kryvoi

Professor Yarik Kryvoi is the Senior Fellow in International Economic Law and Director of the Investment Treaty Forum. He is also an Of Counsel at Keidan Harrison in London. Prof Kryvoi's expertise is primarily in the areas of international dispute resolution, including investor-state arbitration and international commercial arbitration, international administrative law and international public law.  In addition to his role at the BIICL, he is a visiting professor at a London-based university…


Advanced Training Workshop: Universal Jurisdiction

EVENTS Advanced Training Workshop: Universal Jurisdiction Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location      Workshop Details Although the work of international courts and tribunals is what typically springs to mind at the mention of international criminal law, prosecutions based on the principle of universal…

International Law+2

45th Annual FA Mann Lecture

EVENTS 45th Annual FA Mann Lecture Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Organised by  Event Details The latest in a series of annual lectures in honour of the late Dr FA Mann QC (Hon) (1907-1991) arranged by the Partners of Herbert Smith Freehills LLP, and given under the auspices of the British Institute…

Centre for Comparative Law+1

The London Conference on International Law 2024

PARTNER EVENT The London Conference on International Law 2024 Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Conference Details The London Conference on International Law is a biennial event dedicated to exploring the latest developments in international law and providing participants with the highest-level insights from…

Centre for International law+1

Report Launch: Impacts of Human Rights Due Diligence Laws on Internal Corporate Practice

EVENTS Report Launch: Impacts of Human Rights Due Diligence Laws on Internal Corporate Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details Legislation imposing mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (mHREDD) are multiplying. While these laws are all based on the UN Guiding…

Business and Human Rights+1

Summer School: Law and Technology

EVENTS Summer School: Law and Technology Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with Course Outline The British Institute of International and Comparative Law in cooperation with UNIL Lausanne and other foreign academic institutions is offering a five-day summer school focusing on Law and Technology.…

Artificial Intelligence+3

CARICOM Project Team present to OECS Annual meeting

Experts present a draft harmonised insolvency law to the annual meeting of the Attorneys-General and Chief Parliamentary Counsel of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) Experts involved in the CARICOM Project to Harmonize Company and Insolvency Laws were present in Antigua on 26 April 2024 to present a draft harmonised insolvency law to the annual meeting of the Attorneys-General and Chief Parliamentary Counsel of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), hosted by…

International Law+1

AI Dependencies and Cultures of Convenience - AI in Warfare Case study

EVENTS AI Dependencies and Cultures of Convenience - AI in Warfare Case Study Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details  The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) is collaborating with Professor Mark Findlay on a series of webinars on 'Law and Change'. Law and Change is…

Artificial Intelligence+3

The Rules-Based International Order: Catalyst or Hurdle for International Law?

The increased use and references to the "rules-based international order" (RBIO) in political statements and declarations prompt questions about the meaning and scope of this concept. The RBIO can be a good thing, as it rests on desirable common values, such as multilateralism, peace, development, human rights. However, due to different understandings of the concept and its content, there is not always clarity on what proponents mean when they refer to the concept, and what we as 'consumers'…

Human Rights and IHL+3

2024 ASIL Annual Meeting

EVENTS 2024 ASIL Annual Meeting Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details The ASIL Annual Meeting will interrogate the role of international law in such an interdependent world. Progressive, critical, and classical analyses have some purchase. Has international law actually contributed to human connectedness…

Human Rights and IHL+1

The Rules-Based International Order: Catalyst or Hurdle for International Law?

The increased use and references to the "rules-based international order" (RBIO) in political statements and declarations prompts questions about the meaning and scope of this concept. The RBIO can be a good thing, as it rests on desirable common values, such as multilateralism, peace, development, human rights. However, due to different understandings of the concept and its content, there is not always clarity on what proponents mean when they refer to the concept, and what we as 'consumers'…

Human Rights and IHL+2

Reflections on the South Africa v. Israel Case at the International Court of Justice

On 29 December 2023, South Africa filed an application instituting proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. Oral hearings were held on 11 and 12 January 2024, and the Court delivered its Order on the Request for the indication of provisional measures on 26 January. BIICL…

Courts and Tribunals+2

Non-State Actors in International Law: Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop

EVENTS Non-State Actors in International Law: Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with: BIICL/ SLS Workshop 2023:  Non-State Actors in International Law Whilst international law remains very much 'State based' in that its core subjects are States themselves, individuals,…

Human Rights and IHL+1

Project Activities: Rescuing Intellectual Property Rights in Pandemic Emergencies from the "Tragedy

Project Activities  Rescuing Intellectual Property Rights in Pandemic Emergencies from the"Tragedy of Anticommons Kobe Conference: 27-28 October 2022 Kobe University hosted a two-day conference centred on pandemic preparedness and response through the lens of international and comparative law. The agenda included WHO Law, Japanese pharmaceutical and patent law, intellectual property mediation law, and disaster law. A key focus was the concept of the "Tragedy of…

Comparative Law+3

Beyond theoretical differences on international law: Identifying common ground among states on unlawful behaviour in cyberspace

In November 2023, BIICL started a new project entitled 'Beyond theoretical differences on international law: Identifying common ground among states on unlawful behaviour in cyberspace'. The project seeks to carry out research related to underlying normative issues that have a direct impact on the debate among states over the application of international law to state cyber operations. The project will attempt to move beyond theoretical disagreements over the existence and application of…

Artificial Intelligence+2

Homelessness and Human Rights

EVENTS Homelessness and Human Rights (Hybrid) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Watch the Recording: Homelessness and Human Rights Sponsored by: Event Details It has been estimated that over 1.6 billion people lack adequate housing. Even though definitions of homelessness vary across the globe, the term encapsulates…

Human Rights and IHL+1

2023 BIICL Annual WTO Conference: Trade and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities

EVENTS 2023 BIICL Annual WTO Conference Trade and Technology: Challenges and Opportunities (Hybrid) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsored by: Media Partner: Deputy Director General Angela Ellard speaking at the conference Read the speech  Event Details The rapid development of technology…

Artificial Intelligence+2

Short Course: Public International Law in Practice

TRAINING Short Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Outline The Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The…

Business and Human Rights+8

BIICL / UNIL Summer School 2023

EVENTS BIICL / UNIL Summer School 2023 Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-organised with Course Outline The British Institute of International and Comparative Law 5 day summer school in cooperation with UNIL Lausanne and other foreign academic institutions, focusing on Law and Technology. Students from…

Artificial Intelligence+2

Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law

TRAININGTRAINING Short Course: War in Ukraine in Context: History, Politics and Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Details The course offers interdisciplinary overview of prerequisites, current trends and future scenarios of the War in Ukraine. The course will enable participants to…

International Law+1

Private International Law in National Adjudication

EVENTS Private International Law in National Adjudication Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Hosted by the Ukrainian Association of International Law In cooperation with the Supreme Court of Ukraine and British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) Conference Details Globalization processes,…

Courts and Tribunals+3

Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law

TRAINING Short Course: Foundations of Public International Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Course Outline This short course provides participants with an in depth understanding of the basic tenets of public international law. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of international law experts from…

Business and Human Rights+7

Reform and International Law (Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop)

EVENTEVENT Reform and International Law (Annual BIICL/SLS Workshop) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Co-Organised with  Event Details International law is both a motivator and product of reforms around the globe. The British Institute of International and Comparative Law and the International Law Section…

Centre for International law+5

What next for the International Law Commission? (Online Participation)

EVENTS What next for the International Law Commission? (Online Participation) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Image Mathias P.R. Reding Supported by Event Details At the 32nd meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held in November 2021, 18 new members were elected to the International Law Commission…

Centre for International law+1

What next for the International Law Commission? (In Person Participation)

EVENTS What next for the International Law Commission? (In Person Participation) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Image Mathias P.R. Reding Supported by Event Details At the 32nd meeting of the United Nations General Assembly held in November 2021, 18 new members were elected to the International Law Commission…

Centre for International law+1

Short Course: Public International Law in Practice

EVENTS Short Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Course Details  The Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The…

Business and Human Rights+7

BIICL/SLS Annual Workshop 2022

Call for Papers Announced for the 31st Annual BIICL/ SLS Workshop  Today BIICL and SLS announced a call for papers for the annual BIICL/SLS workshop. This year the workshop will examine the scope and process of reform in international law. Workshop themes will include: What are the factors (e.g. - crises) that inspire and push reforms in international law? Who are the players that are and/or should be involved in reforming the international system? What are the risks of reforming or not…

International Law

Intensive Course: Foundations of Public International Law

EVENTS Intensive Course: Foundations of Public International Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Course Details  This short course provides participants with an in depth understanding of the basic tenets of public international law. Bringing together a distinguished cohort of international…

Business and Human Rights+7

Displacement in and from Ukraine: Risks, Responses, and Legal Dimensions

Events  Displacement in and from Ukraine: Risks, Responses, and Legal Dimensions Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Event Details As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, displacement within and from Ukraine continues unabated. This event seeks to unpack and critically engage with some…

Human Rights and IHL+2

ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (Online Participation)

EVENTS ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (Online Participation) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsored By: Event Details This year's ICLQ Annual Lecture will be given by Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner and Dr Michelle Rourke and is based on their article 'Arguments Against the Inequitable Distribution of Vaccines…

Human Rights and IHL+1

ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (In Person Participation)

EVENTS ICLQ Annual Lecture 2022 (In Person Participation) Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Sponsored by Event Details This year's ICLQ Annual Lecture will be given by Dr Mark Eccleston-Turner and Dr Michelle Rourke and is based on their article 'Arguments Against the Inequitable Distribution of Vaccines…

Human Rights and IHL+1

Part 2: Responsible Exit from Russia: Business and Human Rights in a Global Governance Gap

This is a two-part blog series. In Part 1 Dr Irene Pietropaoli discusses whether foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia. In Part 2, Dr. Irene Pietrapaoli and Dr. Daniel Aguirre discuss responsible exits from Russia. Hundreds of multinational companies have left Russia since the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. While this voluntary divestment - most are not subject to sanctions - may be an effective economic weapon in response…

Business and Human Rights+3

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine and International Law: Questions and Answers

Authors: Prof. Yarik Kryvoi (YK), Kristin Hausler (KH), Iris Anastasiadou (IA), Dr Jean-Pierre Gauci (JPG), Dr Noemi Magugliani (NM), Dr Irene Pietropaoli (IP), Dr Berenika Drazewska (BD) In the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) has prepared a list of relevant questions and answers, which the general public may have. In addition to answers prepared by BIICL's experts in the relevant…

Business and Human Rights+4

Part 1: Do foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia?

This is a two-part blog series. In Part 1 Dr Irene Pietropaoli discusses whether foreign companies have a responsibility under international law to leave Russia. In Part 2, Dr. Irene Pietrapaoli and Dr. Daniel Aguirre discuss responsible exits from Russia. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine on 24th February, over 300 multinational companies have decided to leave Russia or suspend their operations there. Do they have an obligation under international law to do so? Foreign companies have…

Business and Human Rights+3

CARICOM Project to Harmonize Company and Insolvency Laws

Consultancy to Provide Assistance to Member States to Harmonize Company, Partnership and Insolvency Laws and Instruments for the Mutual Recognition of Companies BIICL is delighted to be working with Dr Nicole Pierce,  Deputy Director of the Institute of Small and Micro States  on a new research project aiming to provide assistance to the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member states (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Lucia,…

International Law+1

43rd FA Mann Lecture: International Law before United Kingdom Courts - A Quiet Revolution

EVENTS 43rd FA Mann Lecture: International Law before United Kingdom Courts - A Quiet Revolution Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Organised by Event Details   The forty-third of a series of lectures in honour of the late Dr F A Mann QC (Hon) (1907-1991) arranged by his former partners in Herbert…

Courts and Tribunals+2

Culture, Art, Cultural Identity and Small States

EVENTS Culture, Art, Cultural Identity and Small States Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Organised by Conference Outline Small states are not just small versions of large states-they are culturally and politically different from large ones. Small states have an astonishing cultural diversity and often develop…

Centre for International law+2

Short Course: Aviation Law

EVENTS Short Course: Aviation Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Details The course offers an overview of air transport regulation from the birth of international civil aviation with the conclusion of the Chicago Convention to date. It looks at the economic regulation of air transport,…

Aviation Law+2

The Achievements of International Law

EVENTS The Achievements of International Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details At this event, an eminent group of speakers will discuss some key examples of the achievements of international law, with the aim of exploring both what it has achieved and also its limits. Speakers: Sir…

International Law

Short Course: Public International Law in Practice

EVENTS Short Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details The Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The programme focuses…

Business and Human Rights+9

Teaching International Law Webinar Series

EVENTS Teaching International Law Webinar Series Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location        Event Details The practice of teaching international law is conducted in a wide range of contexts across the world by a host of different actors - including scholars, practitioners, civil society…

Centre for Comparative Law+2

Law and Change in a Pandemic World

EVENTS Law and Change in a Pandemic World Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Organised in Cooperation with  Event Details This event marks the start of a series on "Law and Change" initiated by BIICL in cooperation with Singapore Management University (SMU). The first seminar looks mainly at how the pandemic…

Centre for Comparative Law+3

ICLQ Annual Lecture 2021

EVENTS ICLQ Annual Lecture 2021 Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details  The Annual ICLQ Lecture this year will be based on the paper 'Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of Legal Personality'by Professor Simon Chesterman, Dean of the Law Faculty of the National University of Singapore. The…

International Law

ICLQ 2020 Early Career Prize Winner Announced

Javier García Olmedo named ICLQ Early Career Prize winner for 2020 Today BIICL announced that Javier García Olmedo,  has been awarded this year's International and Comparative Law Quarterly Early Career Prize for his article 'Recalibrating the International Investment Regime Through Narrowed Jurisdiction' which appeared in Volume 69 Issue 2 of the Journal. The ICLQ Early Career Prize is awarded annually to the best article by an early career scholar and is generously supported by Cambridge…


Short Course: Public International Law in Practice

EVENTS Short Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location     Course Details The Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The…


BIICL Statement on Amendments to the UK Internal Market Bill

BIICL welcomes amendments made to the UK Internal Market Bill The British Institute of International and Comparative Law welcomes amendments made to the UK Internal Market Bill on Monday 9 November by the House of Lords that have removed a proposed power for Ministers to legislate "notwithstanding" international law. The proposed power amounted to a repudiatory breach of international obligations under the Withdrawal Agreement, a treaty which the UK freely entered into earlier this year. Compliance…

International Law+2

SIDRA-BIICL Webinar: Implications of China’s Doctrine of Strict State Immunity on Belt & Road Disputes

SIDRA-BIICL Webinar: Implications of China's Doctrine of Strict State Immunity on Belt & Road Disputes Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details SIDRA and the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) are pleased to jointly present this webinar on state immunity. The doctrine…

Centre for International law+1

Virtual Course: Public International Law in Practice

ONLINE Virtual Course: Public International Law in Practice Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Course Details The  Public International Law in Practice course offers a dynamic introduction into applied public international law from the British Institute of International and Comparative Law. The programme…


Part I: Some Observations on the Agreement between Greece and Egypt on the Delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone

Introduction Greece and Egypt signed an agreement for the delimitation of the two countries' maritime boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea on 7 August 2020. The Greek Foreign Minister said that this was a 'historic day': the two states had reached an 'exemplary agreement' that 'reconfirms and enshrines the effect and the right of islands to a continental shelf and EEZ' in conformity with international law and the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). The Egyptian Foreign…

Centre for International law+2

Part II: Some Observations on the Agreement between Greece and Egypt on the Delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone

Where to from here? The Greece-Turkey maritime boundary dispute The dispute over the maritime boundary between Greece and Turkey has been ongoing since 1974. As I wrote elsewhere, 'bilateral consultations and negotiations have been unable to prevent occasional flare-ups and, as tensions remain significantly high, it may not be long before one of the not infrequent confrontations spirals out of control'. Only a few days after the signing of the Greece-Egypt Agreement, Greece and Turkey…

Centre for International law+2

The Ratline: on international crimes and justice

WEBINAR The Ratline: on international crimes and justice  Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Recording of the webinar  Recording: The Ratline: on international crimes and justice     Event Details Rebecca Abrams talks to Philippe Sands, author of The Ratline With the publication of Philippe…

Courts and Tribunals+2

External Event: The London Conference on International Law

EVENTS External Event: The London Conference on International Law Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location    Event Details The London Conference on International Law will bring together international law academics, judges, practitioners, representatives of civil society, business-leaders, and other stakeholders to see how States…

International Law+1

Centre for International Law

Centre for International Law International law, with its set of rules established through treaty or custom, is the key to stable international relations, collective security, and sustainable development. When international law is not respected, growing insecurity and inequalities, as well as attacks on the rule of law, become the norm. Following decades of efforts to expand the reach and content of international law through multilateralism, international law is now challenged…

International Law

Highlights from the 2019 annual ICN meeting in Cartagena and the direction for the ICN in 2020

Time: 14:30-17:30 (registration from 14:00) Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP In collaboration with the Competition Markets Authority (CMA), the Competition Law Forum (CLF) will bring together CMA officials, UK NGAs, EU NGAs and businesses to consider the questions from this year's annual ICN meeting in Cartagena. The ICN direction for 2020 will also be discussed. Speakers Tony Penny, Assistant Director, International,…

International Law

Annual Grotius Lecture 2019

Time: 17.30-19.00 (registration from 17.00) Event followed by a drinks reception Venue: Bank of England, Threadneedle Street, London, EC2R 78AH. Sponsored by: THIS EVENT IS NOW FULLY BOOKED 2019 marks centenary of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919, which paved the way for women to become lawyers for the first time. It is, therefore, fitting that this year's lecture is entitled "Women's Rights Worldwide" and will be delivered by Baroness Hale of Richmond, the current - and first woman…

Human Rights and IHL+1
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