Identifying and comparing impacts of mHREDD legal models on internal corporate practice
Legislation imposing mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence (mHREDD) are multiplying. While these laws are all based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), they use different legislative models - including some provisions which limit or contradict UNGPs expectations. In this way, each legal model necessitates slightly different corporate practices.
Although these laws are new, companies and their legal advisers are already taking steps towards implementation.
This project is aimed at producing evidence of internal corporate responses to mHREDD legal models, to inform the design and implementation of more effective mHREDD laws. Through desk-based research and anonymous interviews with practitioners, this project will investigate, compare and analyse the effects of the legislative mHREDD models of France, Germany, and the EU on internal corporate behaviour.
The research report is anticipated to be published during the Autumn Term of 2024.
For further information regarding this research, please contact Irene Pietropaoli, Senior Fellow in Business and Human Rights.