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John Trajer
Research Fellow in Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy
Biography John Trajer is a Research Fellow in Anti-Trafficking Law and Policy at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL). In this role, he is working on a project that assesses the impact of access to legal advice on people with lived experiences of modern slavery. John holds a BA from the University of Oxford, a joint MA from the universities of Göttingen and Groningen, and an LLM from the European University Institute. He has also acquired professional experience…
Human Rights and IHL+2Noemi Magugliani
Research Leader in Anti-trafficking Law and Policy
Biography Dr. Noemi Magugliani is a Research Leader in Anti-trafficking Law and Policy at BIICL. Noemi holds a PhD in Law from the National University of Ireland Galway, where they conducted research that focussed on trafficked adult men, gendered constructions of vulnerability, and access to protection. Noemi also holds an LLM in International Human Rights Law and Policy from University College Cork and a BA in International Relations from the University of Milan. Beyond their work at the…
Human Rights and IHL+2Sofia Gonzalez De Aguinaga
Research Leader in Business, ESG & Modern Slavery
Biography Dr Sofia Gonzalez is a Research Leader in Business, ESG & Modern Slavery and joined BIICL in February 2022. She leads the research work strand on Business and Modern Slavery of the Bingham Centre for the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC). She is also developing a relevant research programme on Modern Slavery and businesses' ESG responsibilities for the Bingham Centre's Business Network. Before joining BIICL she worked as a consultant for the Walk…
Business and Human Rights+1Rosana Garciandia
Research Leader in Labour Exploitation and Human Rights
Biography Dr Rosana Garciandia is Research Leader in Labour Exploitation and Human Rights at BIICL. She conducts research on the international law response to human rights challenges, including labour exploitation and all contemporary forms of slavery. Her focus is on the responsibility of States and businesses, and on the potential of existing human rights mechanisms to protect victims from abuses. Rosana is also a Lecturer in Public International Law at King's College London and Associate…
Human Rights and IHL+3Drivers of Forced Labour Import Bans
2nd July 2024
Earlier this year, the European Parliament approved a new regulation which will enable the EU to prohibit the sale, import and export of goods made using forced labour. This is part of a recent move from voluntary to mandatory measures to address forced labour in global supply chains. While the US has banned the importation of goods made with forced labour since 1930, section 307 of the US Tariff Act was rarely applied until 2016. More recently, in 2022, the US put in place the Uygur…
Business and Human Rights+2Assessing the Modern Slavery Impacts of the Nationality and Borders Act: One Year On
25th June 2024
The Nationality and Borders Act passed into law in April 2022, with most of its provisions relating to modern slavery coming into effect in January 2023. These include changes to the definition of the 'reasonable grounds' decision within the National Referral Mechanism (NRM, the national system to identify survivors of modern slavery in the UK), the introduction of a procedure to exclude people from modern slavery protections on grounds of public order and bad faith, and an altered entitlement…
Human Rights and IHL+2New Report Assesses Modern Slavery Impacts of the Nationality and Borders Act
25th June 2024
Today, BIICL announced the publication of a research report entitled: 'Assessing the Modern Slavery Impacts of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022: One Year On'. The report is the main output of a project funded by the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre and implemented by BIICL in partnership with the Human Trafficking Foundation and the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group. The project was funded by the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre…
Human Rights and IHL+2Protecting Informal Workers in the Gig Economy
Jean-Pierre Gauci | 31st May 2024
Across the globe today, we are witnessing significant shifts in labour markets as the result of an ever-increasing reliance on the gig economy, and particularly the platform economy, by workers and consumers alike. While the rise of the gig economy has produced numerous opportunities and benefits for workers around the world, it has also brought with it challenges and issues relating to the legal classification of gig workers, the working conditions, rights and protections they are afforded…
Human Rights and IHL+2New Report examines Modern Slavery Referrals in the UK
7th February 2024
Report examines the identification of adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the UK Today BIICL publishes the report of its project Identification of adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the UK which examines the formal procedure for identifying adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the United Kingdom. The research focuses on three main areas: 1) identification related training provided to First Responder Organisations, 2) qualitative and…
Labour Rights+2Identification of adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the UK
7th February 2024
This report outlines the findings of a project that examined the formal procedure for identifying adults with lived experience of modern slavery in the United Kingdom The report focuses on three main areas: 1) identification related training provided to First Responder Organisations; 2) qualitative and quantitative data related to the National Referral Mechanism and 3) qualitative and quantitative data related to the Duty to Notify. In particular, the project undertook a first-of-its…
Labour Rights+1Modern slavery impact of the Nationality and Borders Act
Noemi Magugliani | 14th December 2023
Research project analysing the impact of the UK Nationality and Borders Act's modern slavery provisions on survivors. A research project led by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL), in collaboration with the Human Trafficking Foundation (HTF) and the Anti-Trafficking Monitoring Group (ATMG), is investigating the impacts of the UK Nationality and Borders Act (NABA) on the identification and wellbeing of people with lived experience of modern slavery…
Migration+1Holistic approach key to quality legal advice for modern slavery survivors
25th January 2023
Although people with lived experience of modern slavery often have complex and intersecting legal needs, there are countless stories of them receiving no, limited or low-quality legal advice, which has a significant detrimental effect on both their experiences within the legal system and their overall recovery and wellbeing. In our research project, carried out with UNSEEN UK and lived experience consultants for the Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre, we set…
Migration+1Impacts of a lack of legal advice on adults with lived experience of modern slavery
23rd January 2023
New research led by BIICL found that the system providing legal advice to modern slavery survivors is inadmissible, disengaging, piecemeal, and significantly under-resourced. This has a profound impact on survivors and in areas much wider than previously understood, with much of legal advice provided by providers narrowly focused on trafficking, whereas survivors also need support in other areas, from the recognition as victims, immigration or criminal proceedings, to less talked…
Modern SlaveryImpacts of a lack of legal advice on adults with lived experience of modern slavery
23rd January 2023
New research led by BIICL found that the system providing legal advice to modern slavery survivors is inadmissible, disengaging, piecemeal, and significantly under-resourced. This has a profound impact on survivors and in areas much wider than previously understood, with much of legal advice provided by providers narrowly focused on trafficking, whereas survivors also need support in other areas, from the recognition as victims, immigration or criminal proceedings, to less talked about…
Labour Rights+2Supplying governments amidst modern slavery provisions in public procurement.
4th November 2022
This is an accompanying piece to a Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (Modern Slavery PEC) Policy Brief on the Effectiveness of public procurement measures in addressing modern slavery. The Modern Slavery PEC is led by the Bingham Centre and Dr Sofia Gonzalez de Aguinaga is one of the authors of the Brief. Here she discusses the impact of public procurement modern slavery measures on business. Businesses are increasingly facing regulations to tackle modern slavery…
Business and Human Rights+1Identification of adults with lived experiences of modern slavery in the UK
16th September 2022
Research project examining how to improve the identification of adult survivors of modern slavery Despite the numbers of people identified as 'potential victims of modern slavery' growing year on year, there is room for improvement. In 2021, 12,727 people were referred to the UK's National Referral Mechanism (NRM), the highest number of referrals since the NRM began. In the same year, the Home Office received 3,190 reports of adult potential victims via the 'Duty to Notify' process -…
Human Rights and IHL+2Determinants of Anti-trafficking Efforts
Event Date: 26th May 2022
EVENTS Determinants of Anti-trafficking Efforts Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details This event is the culmination of a two and a half year research project undertaken at BIICL, which analysed the determinants of anti-trafficking efforts. Determinants are understood as factors shaping governments'…
COVID-19+3Trafficked persons on trial in the United Kingdom: Court of Appeal provides new guidance on abuse of process and available defences
7th April 2022
Section 45 of the 2015 Modern Slavery Act (MSA) established a statutory basis for the principle of non-punishment of trafficked persons, understood as the principle according to which a trafficked person shall not be punished for unlawful acts committed as a result of their trafficking experience. Despite its narrow construction, it is an important protection for trafficked persons - as recognised in European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) judgment in VCL and AN v UK, which found…
Courts and Tribunals+2HRDD in the Public Sector and Public Procurement
Event Date: 21st March 2022
EVENTS HRDD in the Public Sector and Public Procurement Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details During the pandemic, concerns were raised about national health authorities sourcing PPE allegedly produced through forced labour. These reports coincided with questions around revising the…
Business and Human Rights+1Platform for Organising by Workers for Empowerment and Recognition (GLP-POWER)
Jean-Pierre Gauci | 1st March 2022
BIICL is delighted to be joining forces with Solidar Suisse and Pragya in a project which aims to assess and promote new and innovative modes of organising for marginalized informal/precarious workers in South and Southeast Asia. GLP-Power seeks to enhance workers' agency and effective bargaining, increase the visibility of workers' causes, and support regional solidarity and inclusion while overcoming the impediments and restricted democratic space in their environments.…
Human Rights and IHL+2Data for investor action on modern slavery
16th June 2021
Report laying groundwork for developing data solutions for investors to help address modern slavery. This report, entitled Data for Investor Action on Modern Slavery: A Landscape Analysis, was developed by Florian Ostmann and Alex Harris from the Alan Turing Institute and Nyasha Weinberg, Irene Pietropaoli and Lise Smit from the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law. The outputs of the project include a full report, brief Research Summary and a catalogue of data resources on modern slavery…
Artificial Intelligence+2Data for Investor action on Modern Slavery
Event Date: 15th June 2021
EVENTS Data for investor action on modern slavery Event - Tags Share Links Event - Timings and Location Event Details There is increasing recognition of the important role of investors when it comes to addressing modern slavery risks in business supply chains and the private sector more generally. Investors' information needs…
Artificial Intelligence+2New Report from the Modern Slavery PEC
4th March 2021
Analysing the effectiveness of the Modern Slavery Act's Transparency in Supply Chains measures. Today the Modern Slavery Policy and Evidence Centre will launch its report 'Analysing the effectiveness of the Modern Slavery Act's Transparency in Supply Chains measures' The report, produced by the Bonavero Institute for Human Rights and the Bingham Centre, analyses how effective the Modern Slavery Act has been in holding UK businesses accountable for modern slavery in their supply…
Modern SlaveryEffectiveness of Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act
26th February 2021
Report analysing how effective section 54 has been in holding UK businesses accountable for modern slavery in their supply chains. Executive summary In 2015, the Government of the United Kingdom (Government) introduced section 54 (section 54) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA). Section 54 requires businesses with a certain annual turnover to publish a 'slavery and human trafficking statement' (MSA statement) every year. In the express intention of the lawmakers, the MSA statement would…
Business and Human Rights+1