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ICLQ Early Career Prize Winner Announced

Dr Lewis Graham named 2023 Early Career Prize Winner

The International and Comparative Law Quarterly (ICLQ) is delighted to announce Dr Lewis Graham of Wadham College, Oxford, as the recipient of the 2023 ICLQ Early Career Prize. This prestigious accolade recognizes his outstanding article, 'Liberty and its Exceptions,' featured in Volume 72 Issue 2 of the Journal. 
The article is Open Access and can be accessed here 

The ICLQ Early Career Prize, sponsored by our publisher Cambridge University Press, is an annual honour bestowed upon the most exceptional article by an early career scholar. Dr Graham will receive £250 worth of books of his choice published by Cambridge University Press, and the unique opportunity to present his research in dialogue with Professor Alex Mills, the Editor in Chief, on the occasion of the ICLQ Annual Lecture, which will be held on 29th April 2024 at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law in London. 

This free hybrid event is now open for booking. Book now 

The award is designated for scholars who, at the time of submission, are either PhD candidates or within 5 years of the completion of their latest academic degree (up to 7 years in case of a career break). Jointly-authored articles are also eligible for consideration where all authors meet the criteria.

The Editorial Board extends heartfelt congratulations to Dr Graham on this well-deserved recognition.

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