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Excellent ICLQ Performance in 2018 Impact Factor

Our journal, The International and Comparative Law Quarterly, is now the top-ranked peer-reviewed international law journal according to Journal Citation Reports (Web of Science Group, 2019) 2018 2-year Impact Factors announced yesterday. The ICLQ is now placed 30th out of all 148 law journals in the Journal Citation Reports. According to the reports, in International law only the student-reviewed Harvard Journal of International Law ranks more highly than the ICLQ.

Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a particular year. Along with other metrics such as Altmetrics, Eigenfactor scores and usage statistics, it helps to evaluate a journal's relative importance, particularly when compared with others in the same field.

This increase demonstrates our commitment to publishing world class content reflecting a breadth of scholarship, and the dedicated efforts of our Editor in Chief Professor Sir Malcolm Evans KCMG OBE, our highly expert Editorial Board, and our publishing staff.

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