Podcast: The Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018
Podcast: The Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 By Maya Lester…
Brexit -
Blog: Legal Pathways to Protection
In this week's first blog post, one of us noted that migration as such is…
Migration -
Doors open for First Hearing of International Chamber at Paris Court of Appeal
Doors open for First Hearing of International Chamber at Paris Court of Appeal…
Comparative Law -
Cultural Heritage and the Security Council: Why Resolution 2347 matters
Blog: Cultural Heritage and the Security Council: Why Resolution 2347 matters …
Cultural Heritage+1 -
Islands, Sovereignty and the Right to Return
Islands, Sovereignty and the Right to Return: An Analysis of the Chagos…
Law of the Sea -
Droits et Libertes en France et au Royaume-Uni
BIICL Research Fellow Duncan Fairgrieve has published a comparative Franco-British…
State responsibility for unilateral hydrocarbon activities in disputed maritime areas:
State responsibility for unilateral hydrocarbon activities in disputed maritime…
Law of the Sea -
Analysis of Dispute Concerning Delimitation of Maritime Boundaries Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
Analysis of Dispute Concerning Delimitation of the Maritime Boundary between…
Law of the Sea -
Blog: Arbitration in the CIS Region: from Soviet Roots to Modern Arbitration Laws
Arbitration in the CIS Region: from Soviet Roots to Modern Arbitration Laws Blog…
Arbitration+1 -
Blog: Back to Old Tricks? Italian Responsibility for Returning People to Libya
On 10/11 May 2017 various news outlets reported a maritime operation by…