EU Vice President Heidi Hautala Speaks at BIICL Webinar
Business and Human Rights Developments in Southern Europe The webinar series…
Business and Human Rights -
BIICL scholar calls to address inequalities in investor-state dispute settlement
Director of the Investment Treaty Forum Prof Yarik Kryvoi released a…
Arbitration+1 -
BIICL wins funding for new Rule of Law, Legitimacy and COVID-19 Control Technologies project
BIICL is delighted to be announced this week as one of the funding winners…
Artificial Intelligence+2 -
Black Lives Matter "On the Buses": Laws Mandating Face Coverings on Public Transport
The Black Lives Matter movement has forced us to re-appraise what in the past…
COVID-19+1 -
Termination of Intra-EU BITs: Legal and Practical Consequences for Pending and Future Disputes
On 5 May 2020, 23 EU Member States signed an agreement for the termination…
Arbitration+2 -
BIIICL Launches Reimagining The Law
What would you change about the law if you could? Today BIICL launches…
Reimagining the Law -
BIICL Publishes Concept Note 2
"Breathing space" Concept Note 2 on the effect of the 2020 pandemic on commercial…
Centre for Comparative Law+1 -
Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury appointed Deputy President of The Academy of Experts.
It was announced this week that the Rt Hon Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury…
Modern Slavery and Human Rights PEC issues first pre-calls for research proprosals
The Modern Slavery and Human Rights Policy and Evidence Centre (the Centre,…
New blog: EU Foreign Direct Investment Screening, Economic Crimes and ISDS
On 30 April 2020, I spoke at a webinar on the interaction between public international…
Investment and Trade