Dr Christine Bakker
Christine holds a PhD in public international law from the European University Institute, Florence, and her main areas of research are human rights law including children's rights, international environmental law and climate change. She has published widely in these fields and has recently co-edited, with Ivano Alogna and Jean-Pierre Gauci, the edited volume Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives (Brill Publ., 2021). She also carried out research for the Unicef Innocenti Research Centre in Florence, and previously worked at the European Commission (DG Development), as a Research Fellow at the European University Institute in Florence, as an Adjunct Professor at LUISS University, Rome, and as a Visiting Lecturer at the University of Rome-3. In addition to her Visiting Fellowship at BIICL, she is also an Affiliated Researcher at the DIRPOLIS Institute of the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, Italy.
Co-edited Books:
I. Alogna, C. Bakker and J.P. Gauci (eds.) Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives, (Brill Publ., 2021)
C. Bakker and F. Francioni (eds.), The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance, (Ashgate Publishing, September 2014)
C. Bakker and M. Sossai (eds.), Multilevel Regulation of Military and Security Contractors: The Interplay between International, European and Domestic Norms, (Hart Publishing, 2012)
Book Chapters:
C. Bakker (2022), 'General Obligations to Respond to and Recover from CBRN Emergency Situations', in A. de Guttry, F. Casolari, M. Frulli, L. Poli (eds), International Law and Chemical, Biological and Radio-Nuclear (CBRN) Events (Brill Nijhoff), 69-90
C. Bakker and F. Montanaro (2022), 'Response and Recovery in the Event of CBRN Industrial Accidents', in A. de Guttry a.o.,(see above), 219-231
C. Bakker and A. Farina (2022), 'Response and Recovery in the Event of Naturally Occurring CBRN Events, Focusing on Epidemic Outbreaks including Covid-19', in A. de Guttry a.o. (see above), 294-307
I. Alogna, C. Bakker and J.P Gauci (eds.), Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives - An Introduction, in Alogna, Bakker and Gauci, Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives, (Brill Publ., 2021)
Climate Change Litigation in the Netherlands: The Urgenda Case and Beyond, in Alogna, Bakker and Gauci, Climate Change Litigation: Global Perspectives, (Brill Publ., 2021)
Climate Change and Children's Rights, in J. Todres a.o. (eds), Oxford Handbook on Children's Rights, (OUP, 2019)
The Evolving Nature of Sovereignty in the Context of Climate Change, in R. Lyster and R. Verchick (eds.), Climate Disaster Law: Barriers and Opportunities, (Edward Elgar, 2018, pp. 61-76)
Past, Present and Future of Transatlantic Cooperation for Climate Governance , with F. Francioni, in R. Alcaro, J. Peterson, E. Greco (eds), The West and the Global Power Shift, (Palgrave, 2016)
Climate Change and the Right to Life: Potentialities and Limits of the International Human Rights System, Chapter in O. Quirico and M. Boumghar, eds, Climate Change and Human Rights: An International Law Perspective, (Routledge, 2016, pp. 71-88)
The Evolution of the Global Environmental System: Trends and Prospects, with F. Francioni, Chapter in C. Bakker and F. Francioni, eds, The EU, the US and Global Climate Governance, (Ashgate Publishing, 2014)
Children's Rights Challenged by Climate Change: Is a Reconceptualization Required? Chapter in F. Lenzerini and A. Vrdoljak, International Law for Common Goods : Normative Perspectives on Human Rights, Culture and Nature, (Hart Publishing, 2014)
The Role of EU External Action in Ensuring Compliance with Human Rights and Humanitarian Law by Private Contractors, with M. Sossai, Chapter in C. Bakker and M. Sossai (eds), Multilevel Regulation of Military and Security Contractors (see above)
Private Military and Security Companies: The potential Impact on Children's Rights, with Susanna Greijer, Chapter in F. Francioni and N. Ronzitti (eds), War by Contract: Human Rights, Humanitarian Law and Private Contractors, (Oxford University Press, January 2011)
Duties to prevent, Investigate and Redress Human Rights Violations by Private Military and Security Companies: The Role of the Host State, Chapter in F. Francioni and N. Ronzitti, War by Contract (see above)
C. Bakker (2021), 'Are Cities Taking Center-Stage? The Emerging Role of Urban Communities as "Normative Global Climate Actors"', The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 30(1), 81-106
'Baptism of fire?' The first climate case before the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, in QIL Zoom-in 77 (2021) 5-25
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change: Balancing 'Legal Force' and 'Geographical Scope', in Italian Yearbook of International Law (2016)
Climate Change and Armed Conflict; What's new in the Paris Climate Agreement? in Peace Processes and Human Dignity, February 2016
Climate Governance Towards 'Paris- 2015' and Beyond: EU and US Perspectives, in Italian Yearbook of International Law (2015)
Dual Attribution of Acts Committed by a UN Peacekeeping Force: An Emerging Norm of Customary International Law? The Dutch Supreme Court's Judgments In Nuhanoviç and Mustafić, in Italian Yearbook of International Law (2014)
Le principe de complémentarité et les « auto-saisines » un regard critique sur la pratique de la Cour pénale internationale, Revue Générale de Droit International Publique, Vol. 2008-2, No. 2
Universal Jurisdiction over Genocide in Tibet: Can it Work? The Tibet Case before the Spanish Audiencia Nacional, Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol. 4 (2006) No. 3
A Full Stop to Amnesty in Argentina: The Simon Case, in Journal of International Criminal Justice, Vol.3 (2005) No.5
Working Papers:
F. Francioni and C. Bakker, The Responsibility to Protect: Lessons from Libya to Mali, Paper published in the context of the FP7 Project Transworld, available at www.transworld-fp7.eu, (April 2013)
Prosecuting International Crimes against Children: The International Legal Framework, UNICEF-Working Paper Series on Children and Transitional Justice (June, 2010)