Professor Chin Leng Lim
Professor Chin Lim joined BIICL as Honorary Senior Fellow in 2019. He is the Choh-Ming Li Professor of Law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, practises as an international member of Keating Chambers, London, and is also a Visiting Professor at King's College, London. He has been a tenured full professor and senior administrator at both of Hong Kong's traditional universities since 2007 and served on a trade and industry committee which advises Hong Kong's Commerce Secretary.
Chin was tenured previously at Singapore's NUS, returning subsequently as the Class of '61's inaugural Lionel Astor Sheridan Visiting Professor. His early career had involved negotiating and writing treaties, primarily commercial and investment treaties, and providing legal representation to the Republic of Singapore, serving as a UN secretariat lawyer in Geneva administering war compensation and as liaison with the Government of Iraq, lecturing at Queen Mary & Westfield College as it then was, and before that at Aberystwyth. He went on to advise, though not alone, a new nation's PM's office on an international matter and is a former Director of the Singapore Society of International Law.
His writings are cited by appellate courts, most recently concerning two investment treaty matters, bar associations, in a legislative inquiry and in Royal Commission and International Law Commission reports. He has spoken at the invitation of China's MOFCOM, the Malaysian Central Bank, the UKFCO, Australia's DFAT, intergovernmental bodies (the European Commission, WTO, UNESCAP, ADB, amongst others), at the sidelines of TPP negotiations and UNCITRAL WGIII, at universities (Penn, NYU, Tokyo, Geneva, Peking, Melbourne, Duke, Harvard, Tufts, Oxford, Seoul) and at various institutes - including the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade and Colombo's Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute. He has spoken at the NYSBA's, ASIL's, KLRCA's, HKIAC's, CIETAC's, DAA's, GAR's and AsiaLaw's events, and at the invitation of law firms.
Chin's more recent books include the forthcoming Cambridge Companion to International Arbitration, with a Foreword by Lord Neuberger; Lim, Ho & Paparinskis on International Investment Law and Arbitration (Cambridge, 2018) with a Foreword by Gaillard; Alternative Visions of the International Law on Foreign Investment (Cambridge, 2016), and The Trans-Pacific Partnership (Cambridge, 2012) with Elms and Low. He is Co-General Editor of the principal text on Hong Kong's autonomous legal arrangements, together with J. M. M. Chan.