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Italy National Conference

The Italian National Conference brought together experts from academia, legal practice, the judiciary, science, as well as businesses and banks, to discuss a wide range of perspectives - from science, politics, law, and economics - related to the emerging field of corporate climate litigation.

The panel discussions took stock of the publication, in March, of the Italian National Report and the Global Toolbox on Corporate Climate Litigation

The event provided the opportunity to explore the substantive and procedural legal aspects of corporate climate litigation, including causes of action used, and potentially usable, before courts, as well as the most relevant procedural hurdles, remedies and prospects for these kinds of cases.

The event featured a session dedicated to the impact of corporate climate litigation on businesses and banks, provoking discussion about the challenges for these fundamental economic actors, and their responses to the defining issue of our time: climate change.

Le Prospettive e l'Impatto del Contenzioso Climatico su Imprese e Banche

Recordings and Presentations

Recordings of each of the four panels that took place during the conference are available below. The slides which accompanied some of the presentations are also available. Please note that this event took place in Italian and all the conference materials are therefore in Italian.

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