6th Annual BIICL/Linklaters Tech Antitrust Roundtable
Date: 19 November 2024
Time: 14:30 - 18:00 (Registration from 14:00)
Followed by a reception
Venue: St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel, Euston Road, London, NW1 2AR
Event Details
Digital markets remain top of agenda for antitrust authorities in both the UK and the EU. In the EU, the DMA is in full swing and in the UK the DMCC received Royal Assent in the spring and will come into force imminently. In addition to enforcing those instruments, competition regulators have been closely scrutinizing potential competition risks of developing AI systems, in particular partnerships and financial investments between firms developing generative AI. While AI technologies can materially benefit citizens, boost innovation and drive economic growth, the fear is that these partnerships could steer market outcomes at the expense of citizens. Both the EU and UK authorities are scrutinising these partnerships, but using different tools, reflecting their different toolkits.
This year's roundtable will have two panels. One panel will discuss the DMA/DMCC. The second panel will look at AI partnerships and consider the impact on economic growth and innovation if such partnerships are examined under the merger regulation and/or under Article 101 TFEU/Chapter 1 of the Competition Act, as well as the scope for competition concerns in relation to AI to be addressed under new platform regulation.
Keynote Speaker
Jessica Lennard, Chief Strategy & External Affairs Officer, Competition and Markets Authority
Panel 1: DMCC/DMA
Verity Egerton-Doyle, Partner, UK Co-Head of Technology Sector & Co-Head of Games and Interactive Entertainment, Linklaters
- Ronan Flanagan, Senior Legal Director for Antitrust, CMA
- Lucia Bonova, Head of Unit for Digital Platforms, The European Commission
- Shula Teare van Hagan, Associate General Counsel, EU Policy & Compliance, DuckDuckGo
- Fatima Fiandeiro, Economic Director at Ofcom
- Kai-Uwe Kühn, Professor of economics at University of East Anglia
Panel 2: AI/Partnerships
Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, Senior Research Fellow in Competition Law and Director, Competition Law Forum, BIICL
- Claudia Berg, General Counsel, Information Commissioner's Office
- Jonny Ford, Partner, Linklaters
- Oliver Latham, Vice President, CRA
This event is open to members of the Competition Law Forum at BIICL and invited guests only. Members may reserve a place by contacting the Event Team.