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Revised ICSID Arbitration Rules: Key Changes (In Person Participation)

Date: 15 September 2022

Time: 17.30 - 19.00 (registration from 17.00)

Venue: DLA Piper, 160 Aldersgate St, Barbican, London EC1A 4HT

Event Details

On 1st July 2022, the new ICSID Rules came into effect. This has marked an end of a nearly six-year long process that ICSID launched to modernise, simplify, and streamline the rules while also leveraging information technology to reduce the environmental footprint of ICSID proceedings.

The key changes are focused on four key areas: procedural efficiency - including rules on a new expedited procedure; costs - including new provisions on security for costs; third-party funding; and promoting transparency and enhancing greater public access to ICSID proceedings. The new rules also provide broader access to Additional Facility arbitration for non-contracting parties, and entirely new procedural rules have been introduced for mediation and fact-finding.

The panel will bring together members of the ICSID Secretariat, leading practitioners and others to discuss key changes introduced by the new ICSID Rules and their implications on the practice of investor-State arbitration.


  • Prof. Yarik Kryvoi, British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • Kate Cervantes-Knox, DLA Piper and the University of Law
  • Martina Polasek, ICSID Secretariat
  • Guglielmo Verdirame KC, Twenty Essex
  • Dr Anthony Sinclair, Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan 

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Pricing and Registration

In-person registration is now closed but you can still participate online here.

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CPD Information

This event offers the equivalent of 1.5 CPD hours.


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