Short Course: Aviation Law
Date: 17 and 24 November, 1, 8 and 15 December 2021
Time: 14.00 - 16.00 (UK time)
Venue: Online

Course Details
The course offers an overview of air transport regulation from the birth of international civil aviation with the conclusion of the Chicago Convention to date. It looks at the economic regulation of air transport, focusing on the period of regulation (characterised by restrictive bilateral air services agreements) and the period of deregulation (characterised by regional integration and liberal open skies agreements). It examines key legal challenges including State aid and distortions of competition.
It also discusses climate change, examining the legal framework to address aviation's environmental footprint. Lastly, it looks at the measures adopted by the States to address the greatest external shock in the history of international civil aviation since World War II, namely, the Covid-19 pandemic. The course concludes with an analysis of the post-pandemic challenges that a more consolidated and heavily subsidised airline industry presents for competition and consumer welfare.
By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with:
- The economic regulation of air transport: Chicago Convention; bilateral air services agreements; role of ICAO; restrictions in foreign ownership in national airlines
- The application of EU State aid law to aviation: State aid for airline restructuring; start-up aid to low-cost airlines; aid to airports; aid to address the Covid-19 crisis
- The application of competition law to airlines: cross-border mergers and international airline alliances; regulatory convergence in competition laws and practices
- Aviation's legal obligations to combat climate change: UNFFCC, Kyoto Protocol, EU Emissions Trading Scheme, Paris Agreement, ICAO Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation, EU Green Deal
- COVID-19 and aviation: The States' response to Covid-19 to support the aviation industry and the legal challenges for competition and consumer welfare in the post-Covid 19 era
Download the course programme
Course Lead
Dr. Antigoni Lykotrafiti, Lecturer in Transport, Energy and the Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London
Who is the course for?
The course is suitable for a wide range of professionals interested in aviation law, including legal practitioners, government representatives, policy makers, airline and airport managers, and academics and students of aviation and air transport.
Course Format
The virtual course format will consist of 5 sessions in which live teaching is offered via Zoom. Participants will be able to interact with the tutor and amongst themselves on screen.
Pricing and Registration
Course Discounts
Student Member Discount: 15% discount for student members of BIICL
Details of student membership
Group Discounts:
- 15% discount for groups of 3 or more attendees from NGO organisations or staff of government
- 15% discount for groups of 5 or more attendees from commercial organisations
To apply for any of the group discounts please Contact Us
Training Scholarships
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law is committed to equality and opportunity in the legal profession and to support greater engagement of under-represented groups in the legal profession.
In our efforts in this regard we are delighted to offer 3 scholarships for each of our short courses to participants from communities and backgrounds currently under-represented in the legal community. Find out more about training scholarships.