Law, Culture and Human Rights in Asia and the Middle East
Date: 14th February 2020
Time: 08:30 - 18:15 (registration from 08:15)
Event Details
The 4th Annual International Conference of the Asian Yearbook on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, jointly organised by the British Institute for International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and Coventry University, will focus on the topic of Culture and Cultural Heritage in Asia and the Middle East, addressing culture and cultural heritage in times of peace and armed conflicts in the region.
Conference Topics:
- Cultural Rights as Human Rights in Asia and the Middle East
- Challenges to Cultural Identity in Asia and the Middle East
- Minority cultural rights in Asia and the Middle East
- Islamic Law, Cultural Rights and Cultural Diversity
- Asian Perspectives on Safeguarding Cultural Heritage
- Managing Cultural Sites in Asia and the Middle East
- The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflicts in Asia and the Middle East
- Combatting Trafficking in Cultural Objects from Asia and the Middle East
- Intangible Heritage in Asia and the Middle East
- Culture and Gender-Based Violence -Law, Culture, and Human Rights
Keynote Speaker
Ms. Karima Bennoune, Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights
(video address)