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7th Investment Treaty Forum Public Conference: Procedural Aspects of Investment Treaty Arbitration

Below are selected materials from this conference, held under the auspices of the Institute's Investment Treaty Forum.

1. Transparency in Investor-To-State Arbitration

Marcos Orellana, Centre for International Environmental Law, Washington DC

2. Transparency in Investor-To-State Arbitration (PowerPoint)

Marcos Orellana, Centre for International Environmental Law, Washington DC

3. Jurisdictional Scope of Investment Arbitrations

Ana Stanic, Skadden Arps, London

4. Taking of Evidence - Disclosure in International Investment Treaty Arbitration

Sarita Woolhouse, Independent Arbitrator

5. Taking of Evidence - Disclosure in Investment Treaty Arbitration

Sarita Woolhouse, Independent Arbitrator

6. Transparency and Third Party Participation in Investor-State Dispute Settlement Procedures: Statement by the OECD Investment Committee

Katia Yannaca-Small, OECD, Paris

7. Arbitrators' Independence, Impartiality and Duty to Disclose in Investment Arbitration

Loretta Malintoppi, Eversheds, Paris

8. Applicable Law

Professor Ole Spiermann, Copenhagen University

9. Is Past Performance a Guide to Future Performance - Precedent in Treaty Arbitration

Matthew Weiniger, Herbert Smith, London

Please note: this material is for reference only and not to be cited without the author's permission. If you have difficulty accessing this content please contact the Institute.

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