Arbitrating Competition Law Issues: A European and US Perspective
1. Arbitrating Competition Law Issues
Marc Blessing, Bär & Karrer, Zürich
2. Arbitrability or Antitrust Claims in the United States
Peter E Green, Skadden, Arps
3. Arbitration Under Commitments of the EC Merger Regulation
Dr. Johannes Lübking, DG COMP
4. The Case for Supranational Arbitration - Ideas and Prospects
Gordon Blanke, MCIArb
5. The Arbitrator and Arts. 81 and 82 EC
Prof. Hans van Houtte, FCIArb KULeuven, Belgium
Christoph Liebscher, Wolf Theiss, Vienna
Carl Nisser and Gordon Blanke, SJ Berwin LLP, London
9. Arbitrating Competition Law Issues: A European and US Perspective
William Rowley QC, McMillan Binch Mendelsohn LLP
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