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Private Actions

Below is a selection of materials from this discussion, held under the auspices of the Institute's Competition Law Forum.

1 More Private Antitrust Enforcement Through Better Access to Damages: An Invitation for an Open Debate

Neelie Kroes, DG Competition, European Commission

2 The EU Green Paper on Private Damage Actions - An Ambitious Response to a Very Difficult Set of Practical and Philosophic Issues

Don Baker, Baker & Miller PLLC, Washington DC

3 Up and Running, or is It? Private Enforcement - The Situation in Germany and Policy Perspectives

Ulf Böge & Konrad Ost German Bundeskartellamt

4 Private Enforcement: What For? The Perspective of the Competition Authorities

Konrad Ost German Bundeskartellamt

Please note: this material is for reference only, and not to be cited without the authors' permission. If you have any difficulties accessing this material, please contact the Institute.

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