The Use of Force in Relation to Sovereignty Disputes over Land Territory

Event Details
Time: 09:30-18.00 (Registration from 09:00)
Venue: Goodenough House, Mecklenburgh Square,
London WC1N 2AB
This event will analyse and discuss the legal obligations of States in regard to disputed land territories, be it continental or island. The event will offer four panels featuring international law experts and members of BIICL's largescale research project on Territorial Disputes
In particular, the event will examine the most important primary rules regulating the threat or use of force between States under the current international law and will analyse how these rules operate specifically in the context of disputes over territory. The panels will present the findings of the BIICL research team and the implications of the research in practice.
- Panel 1 - Use of force
- Panel 2 - Self-defence
- Panel 3 - Peaceful settlement and general obligations of self-restraint
- Panel 4 - Other means of changing the territorial status quo
The event will be of interest to international law practitioners, government officials and academics.
- Ms Jill Barrett, Queen Mary University of London
- Prof Naoki Iwatsuki, Rikkyo University
- Prof Tom Ruys, Ghent University
- Prof Tadashi Mori,University of Tokyo
- Dr Federica Paddeu, University of Cambridge
- Dr Niaz A Shah, University of Hull
- Mr Tomohiro Mikanagi, Visiting Fellow, Lauterpacht Centre for International Law
- Prof Dapo Akande, University of Oxford
- Prof Yoshifumi Tanaka, University of Copenhagen
- Prof Enrico Milano, University of Verona
- Prof Nicholas Tsagourias, University of Sheffield
- Ms Patricia Jimenez Kwast, University of Oxford
- Mr Robert Volterra, Volterra Fietta
- Ms Alison Macdonald, QC, Matrix Chambers
- Judge David Anderson CMG, Former Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
- Prof Aristoteles Constantinides, University of Cyprus
- Dr Brendan Plant, University of Cambridge
This event is convened by Dr Markus Gehring Arthur Watts Senior Research Fellow in Public International Law and Dr Constantinos Yiallourides Arthur Watts Research Fellow on the International Law of Territorial Disputes.
Join in the conversation @BIICL #TerritorialDisputes
CPD Information
This event offers the equivalent of 6 CPD hours.

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