Short Course: Cross-border Dispute Resolution - May 2016
Date: 16th May 2016 - 17th May 2016
Time: 09:00 - 16:00

Event Details
Venue: British Institute of International and Comparative Law, Charles Clore House, 17 Russell Square, London WC1B 5JP
Course Lead: Dr Eva Lein, Herbert Smith Freehills Senior Research Fellow in Private International Law, BIICL
This two-day programme is focused on current developments and strategies in cross-border dispute resolution.
Cross-border dispute resolution is a part of the practice of almost every commercial lawyer and knowledge in this area is essential. Led by BIICL researchers, academics and practitioners, the course is designed to give a concise introduction to key issues across a broad range of areas of dispute resolution.
Topics include: Managing risks in international litigation; cross-border tort claims; disputes concerning transactions in the banking and finance sector; cross-border competition law claims; cross-border asset freezing; tactical considerations as to the enforcement foreign judgments; arbitration in the energy sector; and recent developments in collective litigation.
Course topics
- Managing risks in international litigation
- Litigating tort claims: the impact of the Rome II and Brussels I Regulations
- Cross-border banking and finance litigation
- Litigating cross-border competition law claims
- Cross-border asset freezing
- Tactical considerations as to the enforcement foreign judgments
- Collective litigation and arbitration
- Arbitration in the energy sector
Download the Course timetable
Course speakers
- Adam Johnson, Herbert Smith Freehills
- Marie Louise Kinsler, 2 Temple Gardens
- Professor Matthias Lehmann, University of Bonn
- Dr Liza Lovdahl Gormsen, BIICL
- Dr Maxi Scherer, Queen Mary University of London and WilmerHale
- Alex Layton, 20 Essex Street
- Hayk Kupelyants, University of Cambridge
- Dr Eva Lein, BIICL.
Download the Course Flyer
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Who is the course for?
The course is ideal for those in the early and middle years of legal practice, those moving legal practice areas, anyone planning to enter a career in commercial litigation including students who are studying for a postgraduate degree which includes aspects of private international law / dispute resolution or arbitration.
Course benefits
This course is unique in that it introduces participants to a variety of issues arising in cross-border cases in a concise and engaging way. It includes the core elements of dispute resolution but also special areas such as collective litigation.
Teaching arrangements
Teaching will be seminar style with opportunities for class discussion and interaction. Practical examples and cases will be given. Reading lists, including reference to electronic materials, will be provided for each session.
All sessions will be taught in English. If you are not a native English speaker, you will need to have experience of studying in English at university level or to have achieved an appropriate score in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or an equivalent programme.
CPD accreditation
CPD hours have been applied for.
Fees and applying
The course fee is £500 (incl VAT) and covers:
- Tuition and course materials
- Refreshments (tea/coffee/water) during sessions plus sandwiches during the lunch breaks
- One evening social event including a drinks reception
- Certificate of completion (hardcopy and electronic version).
Bookings are still open. Check with the Events Team for discounts.
If you have any queries, please contact the Events team
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