16th Annual Conference on WTO Law
Date: 10th June 2016 - 11th June 2016
Time: 09:00 - 16:00
Venue: The Graduate Institute, Geneva, Maison de la paix Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, GENEVA, 1202

Event Details
Time: Day one: 08:00-18:30; Day two: 09:00-14:00
Venue: The Graduate Institute Geneva, Maison de la Paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Genève and; WTO Headquarters, Rue de Lausanne 154, 1202 Genève
The Annual WTO Conference was originally established in 2000 through a partnership between the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and the Institute of International Economic Law (IIEL) at the Georgetown University Law Center. Now in its 16th year, the Annual Conference on WTO Law is currently organised jointly by BIICL, IIEL, the Graduate Institute's Centre for Trade and Economic Integration, and the Society of International Economic Law (SIEL). In 2016, the 16th Annual Conference on WTO Law will be held in Geneva.
- Panel 1: Legal Innovation in TPP and Other "Deep" FTAs: Towards a "Common Law" of FTAs or Substantive Fragmentation on "New Issues"?
- Panel 2: Interpreting "Old" Rules in a World of New FTAs and Other Norm Developments Outside the WTO Treaty
- Panel 3: Global Tax Reforms & Disputes at the Intersection of Trade and Direct Taxation of Multinationals
- Panel 4: The WTO Appellate Body: An Example to Shun or to Follow?
- Panel 5: WTO Negotiations Post-Nairobi: What? How? When?
- Rudolf Adlung, Former Counsellor, Trade in Services Division, WTO
- Roberto Azevêdo, Director General, WTO
- Luiz Olavo Baptista, Former Member and Chairman of the Appellate Body, WTO
- Dr. Julinda Beqiraj, Associate Senior Research Fellow, Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law
- Jacques Bourgeois, Senior Advisor, Sidley Austin
- Peter Van den Bossche, Member of the Appellate Body, WTO
- Jane Bradley, Former Executive Director, Institute of International Economic Law, Georgetown Law
- Colin Brown, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Trade, European Commission
- Prof. Christopher Brummer, Professor of Law, Georgetown Law; Director, IIEL
- Facundo Calvo, LL.M. Student, University of Barcelona
- Dr. Dr. h.c. Claus-Dieter Ehlermann, Former Member and Chairman of the Appellate Body. WTO; Senior Counsel, WilmerHale
- Julien Chaisse, Professor of Law, University of HK; and Chief Legal Counsel, WTI Advisors
- Svetlana Chobanova, Ph.D. Law Candidate, University of Maastricht; Dispute Settlement Lawyer, Appellate Body Secretariat, WTO
- Thomas Cottier, Emeritus Professor, University of Bern
- William Davey, Guy Raymond Jones Chair in Law Emeritus, University of Illinois, College of Law
- Amb. Gabriel Duque, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Colombia to the WTO
- Michael Ewing-Chow, Associate Professor, National University of Singapore, Faculty of Law
- Jennifer Farrell, Assistant Professor of Law, Western University Ontario
- R. Michael Gadbaw, Distinguished Senior Fellow, Institute of International Economic Law; Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
- Itai Grinberg, Associate Professor, Georgetown Law
- Vicky Heideman, Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Rhodes University
- Jennifer Hillman, Former Member of the Appellate Body, WTO;
- Robert Howse, Lloyd C. Nelson Professor of International Law, New York University
- Sir Francis Jacobs, Professor of Law, King's College London
- Tim Keeler, Partner, Mayer Brown
- Aileen Kwa, Coordinator, Trade and Development Programme, South Centre
- Meredith Kolsky Lewis, Professor of Law, SUNY Buffalo Law School
- Abdel-Hamid Mamdouh, Director, Trade in Services Division, WTO
- Mislav Mataija, Member of the Legal Service, European Commission
- Mitsuo Matsushita, Former Member of the Appellate Body, WTO; Professor Emeritus, Tokyo University
- Gabrielle Marceau, Professor of Law, University of Geneva; President, SIEL; Counsellor, Legal Affairs Division, WTO
- Amb. Wayne McCook, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the WTO
- Brendan McGivern, Partner & Head of the WTO Practice, White & Case
- Donald McRae, Professor of Law, University of Ottawa, Common Law Section
- Ricardo Meléndez-Ortiz, Chief Executive Officer, ICTSD
- Srikar Mysore, First Secretary (Legal), Permanent Mission of India to the WTO
- Prof. Joost Pauwelyn, Professor of Law, Graduate Institute; Visiting Professor of Law, Georgetown Law
- Celso de Tarso Pereira, Minister, Mission of Brazil to the WTO
- Fernando Piérola, Senior Counsel, Advisory Centre on WTO Law
- Tatiana Lacerda Prazeres, Senior Advisor to the WTO Director-General, WTO
- Debra Steger, Professor of Law, University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law
- Marco Tulio Molina Tejeda, Deputy Permanent Representative of Guatemala, Permanent Mission of Guatemala to the WTO
- Amb. Marc Vanheukelen, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the European Union to the WTO
- Tania Voon, Professor of Law, University of Melbourne
- Jayashree Watal, Counsellor, Intellectual Property, Government Procurement & Competition Division, WTO
- Alan Yanovich, Senior Counsel, Akim Gump
- Weiwei Zhang, Ph.D. Law Candidate, Graduate Institute
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CPD Accreditation
This event has been accredited for 11 CPD hours.
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Badges/security: Important information for attendees
According to WTO security procedures, all participants must have a valid piece of ID (passport or identity card) in order to collect their badge. Badges will only be handed over upon exchange of the valid ID with which participants completed their registration.
When registering for this event you will be asked to provide us with the following information:
- Nationality (country issuing passport)
- Passport number
- Passport expiry date
- Date of birth
Badge collection/ID restitution will be possible between 7:30 and 21:00 the first day and 7:30 to 19:00 on the last two days.
Please note that strict security controls will be in place and getting into the WTO premises may take some time. Please plan the time of your arrival accordingly. To avoid delay, we request that staff and speakers arrive at least one hour before their scheduled session. Please note that participants who leave the WTO premises will be screened again upon return.
List of Hotels at CTEI Preferential Rates
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